Thursday, July 12, 2018

Thankful Thursday July 12, 2018, late Spring golf care tour #4

 For what you have done I will always
 praise you in the presence of your
 faithful people. And I will hope in
 your name, for your name is good.
Psalm 52:9 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good one.

Our's has....we had a trip with rest and
 fun, and time to act like kids on Wed. 
with lil darling, with some work thrown
 in, on my closet again and on the yard as
well.  Hubby worked remotely at his old
job for a couple of hours on Mon. and
Wed. trying to help train the person
who took his place. Talked to my Sweet
daughter for awhile and  Made some of 
my homemade nachos for dinner last
night, and I had forgotten how easy and
Yummy they were.  Maybe I will share
the recipe soon.

Pictures are from Charleston on our
golf cart tour compliments of my

So on with my Thankfuls......

#1 and 2

Thankful that we finally got to go see our
friends in Gainesville. He was feeling 
better towards the end of the week so we
arrrived there about 5 or so on Friday and
 came back on Sunday about the same
time.  We had a gabfest the whole time
as it has been awhile since we have seen
each other for any length of time, so we
had lots of catching up to do.  Very
Thankful for these dear friends of 37
years.....we have been thru lots of good
and bad times together, and they are
truly friends who stick closer than a
brother as the Proverbs 18:24 says.

This hydrangeas bloom was on my
friends huge bush that was full of
blooms, unfortunately they were
mostly fading....but she picked one
and brought it in and it was double
the size of this one, gorgeous, so
wish I could have seen it when it
was in it's glory as it must have
looked amazing! Hydrangeas are
one of my favorite flowers.

Thankful that Bill (our friend I was
 talking about in #1  is recovering well
from his hip replacement surgery, 
although he still has a ways to go yet.

Thankful for stopping for Mexican
food at our fav Mexican Restaurant
on the way home on Sunday.  It
was delicious as always.

Thankful once again for the freedom
that retirement is affording us.

Thankful for a good news story we
heard on Tuesday about firemen
saving the life of a man here in 
Florida who had a heart attack and
 then they finished his lawn after-
wards.  The man had been laying
 new sod, so they took care of that
too.........Kudos to those wonder-
ful caring firemen.

Thankful for the new Supreme
court choice.  Sounds like this 
man is a very good pick...........
from everything we have heard
from those we feel we can trust.

Thankful that both of theTropical
 storms have stayed out at sea.
One is completely gone now.

Thankful for a day without rain
so we could mow our grass.

So Thankful to hear all those boys
and their soccer coach were rescued
in Thailand.  Thank the Lord for
Navy Seals..........and praying for
the family of the one Thai seal that
died in the rescue.  

Thankful that a lady that is a waitress
at a Wisconsin restaurant had a permit
to carry a concealed weapon, and had
her gun with her, was able to run off 
customer that was in a rage and punched
 another waitress and was coming after
 her as well.  The ending of this story
might not have been so good had it
not been for her having her gun. 
Sad but true....

Thankful that we were able to get
out and do some trimming, cutting 
and grapevine pulling in our back
 yard to shape things up a bit since
 we had no rain again today which
is Thursday.

Well, another week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for coming by today, and I hope
you have a lovely Friday and weekend.

Love, Hugs and 
Sweet Summer Blessings,


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  1. #1 & #2. I'm so thankful they are doing better. Closer than a "sister" is how I feel about my friend, Sylvia. We have monthly brunches and catch up on all that's going on in our lives. It definitely is a "gab fest" too! Ha! We've been friends for 33 years! With all the rain, my crepe myrtles are gorgeous!
    #3. Oh, my! Hip replacement is so much more severe than the hip fracture surgery I had! I will surely keep him in my prayers.
    #4. I love their food if it isn't the "HOT" flavors! I get into coughing spells with the HOT!
    #5. Yes indeedy do! Isn't it great!!!
    #6. Oh wow! What a great heart in doing all that work! Reminds me of the verse, "Love thy neighbor!"
    #7. YES! I have been in prayer for the President and his choice of this new judge.
    #8. Amen! More answers to our prayers!
    #9. Yes! But I now need the rain so it will wash down all the cut grass let on top of the lawn, ha!
    #10. I thank the LORD for our rescue teams, military, police, firemen, and other organizations that do such jobs that came be so dangerous.
    #11. The importance of responsible people is so needed in our country today!
    #12. Vines are the main problem with having so much rain! Steve is scheduled to do the same with the fence line between my house and Linda's! Have a great weekend! Love you, Susan

  2. Morning Susan,
    Talked with Vicki last night and Bill is doing really well. He preached yesterday morning and
    evening and today might be his last day of theraphy as the therapist has no more exercises
    for him to do cause he is way ahead of schedule he is doing so well. She said he has been
    walking up and down the street with his walker and will probably be able to walk on his own
    this week maybe....

    So nice you have Sylvia as a friend to get together with.......always a fun catching up.

    Amen to responsible people and I would add level headed, unreactive and decent ones too.

    Thanks for coming by and for your comments,

    Love ya, Nellie

  3. What a lovely way to say thanks. Enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing it at #HomeMattersParty

  4. Hi Donna,
    Thank you so much for stopping by and for leaving your sweet comments.
    They are very appreciated, and thank you for helping to host the Home Matters Party.

    Hope you have a good week ahead,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie