Tuesday, July 31, 2018

1 pd. of Spaghetti = 3 main dishes

Spaghetti With Meat Sauce

This pic compliments of https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/

Howdy Sweet Friends,

How is your week going so far??
Good I hope.....
Can you believe this is the last
day of July already.....that is just
totally amazing to me....

We are 2 months into hubby's
 retirement today and still loving it!!
So far, our week has been a good
one, a lil busier than usual, but 
that is fine...... hope yours has
been good too.

Thought I would share some-
thing that was helpful to me,
that just happened by mistake
actually....but thought it use-
ful to share with you.

A few weeks ago I decided to
make spaghetti and meat sauce
for din din.....and because I was
hungry, and tired and not really
thinking I made a whole pound
of spaghetti for just the 2 of us.

So once we had dinner and I was 
cleaning up the kitchen, I thought,
 oh wow, we really have lot of 
sketti left over....and thought what
 could I do with it, as I really do not
 like to waste food.  So I thought
I know.....I will make a Spaghetti
 pie.....as they are very easy.

So first, I rinsed all the leftover
Spaghetti in the colander with
hot water to get that starchy
gunk off that settles on it, as it
cools....then after rinsing I let
 it drain really well.  Then I got a
 glass pie pan and put half of the 
leftover sketti in it,  then thought
don't want to make 2 of these or
they will not get eaten, so was 
thinking what else can I make,
and Mac n' cheese came to mind,
and I thought perfect.

So I added our leftover meat sauce
 on top of the spaghetti in the pie pan,
then added some shredded mozzarella
 and parmesan cheese, and sprinkled
some granulated garlic and italian
 spices on top of that, and it was 
a done deal.

This pic and the one below are
compliments of lil o me!!  lol

 Then I started to make the Mac and
 cheese....once I put the spaghetti in a
 casserole dish I took a knife and fork and
 sort of cut it into pieces, then added 2
 different types of cheeses and stirred it
 up as best I could. (no milk added yet)
 Then I covered both dishes and popped
 them in the fridge to keep for the next 2
 nights for din din.

Uncooked Mac and Cheese, without
Milk added, that comes later when you
are gonna cook it.

My purpose wasn't to give you the 
recipes but the idea. I whipped these 
2 extra items together in less that 
10 mins, but had a partial dinner for
 2 more nights.  Love that!!  and
thought you might too!!

You can use whatever sauce you
make or buy and have meat sauce
or meatballs for the first meal,
then add the sauce, meat and cheeses
your family likes to the spaghetti 
pie, for the 2nd meal, (would need to 
crush up the meatballs probably)  then
 use your Normal Mac and cheese recipe
 or cheeses you like. I put the milk in
just before I cooked it, then added
more cheese to the top after it was
done cooking along with some
 panko bread crumbs on top and
let it brown a little.  I cooked the
 Spaghetti pie for about 20 mins. 
or so,  @ 350 degrees until it is
 warmed thru well and browned on 
the top if you like it that way......
Cooked the Mac and cheese at 350
 degrees for about 50 mins. then
added more cheese on top, then
put the panko on top of that. and
put it back in until it melted and
browned a little bit.  

Sorry for no after pics once it was
cooked,  totally forgot!!  But I like
mine browned on top a bit, and
it looks nice like that.

If you have a larger family you
will probably need to double or
triple the amount of spaghetti
if you want to do what I am
suggesting here.

Anyway, hope this helps someone
else time wise, and $ wise, I was quite
 happy at how my over abundance
 of spaghetti turned out.  Made for
3 quick dinners.  Quick and easy
works for this girl.

If  I left anything out or left you
 wondering about something,  please
 let me know in the comments
 sections so I can correct it or add 
info if needed.

Happy Eating!!

Thanks for coming by!

Have a Sweet last Day of July,


  1. Another great idea! I haven't made spaghetti in a long time! Yours surely looks good!!! Love you, Susan

  2. These both sound good. I have to remember the spaghetti pie for sure.

  3. Thanks, can't take credit for that picture....
    it's not mine, but mine did looks good too .lol
    Just didn't think to take a pic of it until I started
    making the other stuff..........

    Any action from Mr. Turtle yet??

    Have a great evening,
    Love, Nellie

  4. Hi Marty,
    Nice to hear from you....Hope this finds you feeling well hon.
    I learned about the spaghetti pie from my mother-in-law years ago,
    great way to use it as leftovers and not have it be the same the
    next meal......lol

    Thanks for coming by and for being so nice to leave a comment.

    Take care,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. What a great idea! I am the world's WORST at measuring out pasta of any kind and always have some leftover. I am going to remember this for next time.

  6. Hi Pattie,

    Great to hear from you hon, and hope this finds you doing well.
    I am terrible at measuring it too, and usually have some leftover,
    but not as much as this time. lol But next time, it will be done
    on purpose...lol

    Thanks for coming by and for your kind comments,

  7. Thank you Nellie for sharing the recipe! It looks delicious. Hope all is well with you!!!

  8. Hi Lois,
    Your welcome.......Thanks for coming by, nice to hear from you,
    and yes, all is well with me. Hubby semi retired the end of May,
    so we are really enjoying it. He isn't working all that much
    which is nice.

    Take care,
    Blessings, Nellie

  9. These sounds like yummy and easy recipes... but yeah with 5 of us here a lb doesn't even make it one meal. LOL. We'd definitely have to adjust amounts.

  10. Hi Again....Mother of 3

    Yea for 5 of you....you would probably want to do 3-4pds. os spaghetti... that way you could do 2-3 spaghetti pies and a large mac an cheese after the spaghetti and sauce meal..........

    So nice to meet you here in blogland and hope you come to visit again.....thanks so much
    for your fun comments. Gonna look to see if you have an email address or anyway I could
    correspond with you........

    I answered your comments here.. after I answered the ones on my Thankful Thursday post
    just in case you are wondering....

    Have a great week ahead,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie