Friday, July 27, 2018

Thankful Thursday July 26, 2018, Golf cart tour #6

 For great is the LORD and 
most worthy of praise; 
he is to be feared above all gods.
1 Chronicles 16:25 NIV

Morning Sweet Friends.

So how has your week been??
Hope it has been a good one.

Ours has been good....fairly quiet
 this week.  Hubby has worked a lil 
more this week than usual but only
a few hours a day, so it goes by 
pretty quickly. It has been very 
dismal, overcast and rainy, and 
 didn't rain but it was still overcast
 most of the day.  If we want sun we
have to get out there very early.
This weather really makes both
of us sleepy and lethargic. I am
in the mood to do something 
creative, so think I am gonna
work on a birthday table for
my daughter for when they
come next month, it will be
after her birthday but we will
celebrate with her then.

Pictures today....are you guessed
it from our golf cart tour of
Charleston still,  next week
will finish us

So on with my thankfuls for
 the week.

Thankful for our new shower head
in our Master Bath.  Every time I
would get in the shower I would
start sneezing and coughing and
feeling like my throat was closing.
Finally figured out we must have
mold in our shower head and hose.
We have one that you can use
as a hand held as well, so we
got a new one,  problem solved.
Not one sneeze or cough now!!

Click on one picture to enlarge
them all, for better viewing pleasure.

Thankful for our new Life Group, 
we are really enjoying it, we still
call in Sunday

Thankful for another fun Sunday. We saw 
an old student of ours, who used to come
 to our marriage classes years back, when he 
was single cause he wanted to learn to be a 
good husband for when he did get married.
He is married now with 3 children and
his wife said he is a wonderful husband.
They also have moved back to our area
and we will get to see him all the time
now.......lovely family.....and what a 
smart cookies he was and still is......

#4 and 5
Thankful for lunch out with our new 
friends again to another place we
 haven't been lately, and thankful
for seeing an old neighbor of ours 
in the restaurant again. She just 
moved back into the area.  She was
 a young single gal in her 20's when
 we last saw her, now she is married
 with 3 grown children.  Am surprised
 we even recognized each other, but I
 kept thinking she looked familiar and
 she was thinking the same so she finally 
said something and we figured it out 
from there.  She was and still is a very
 sweet young lady.

Thankful to have come across a letter 
when I was working on my closet, from 
an old friend that I haven't heard from
 in years. The letter was from when
 she was in rehab for a drug addiction.
She wrote me and I wrote her back but
 never heard from her again. I said to
hubby when I read it that I wished I
knew her Mom's phone number to
see if I could call and find out how
she is, just a few mins. later I came
across a notebook and was thumbing
thru it, and here was her address at
the rehab but also her Mom's phone
number......I personally think that was
the Lords hand,  so I called her Mom
and she is back in the area,  so plan
to call her this week.  Seems like
the Lord is bringing so many people
from the past back into our lives.

Thankful for what a wonderful role 
model that Tim Tebow is for our young
 people, and old ones too!!  lol

So sorry to hear he broke a bone
in his hand and will need surgery
next Tuesday.  Praying for this
inspirational young man.

Thankful for an old game we have,
but is like new to us, as we haven't
played it in years.  It is called Phase
10 and we have really been enjoying
playing it.  Sometimes we play half
of it,  then get some work done,
then come back to it
Makes for a fun day!

Thankful that we got some new 
 family pictures hung up in our
bedroom.  Have had them done
for about a week or so,  but just
couldn't decide if I wanted to
put them in the same place as
the ones I took down, but finally
decided to just do that for now,
as I don't have time for rearranging
the whole room right now, as you
who decorate know, you can move
 one thing and it leads to something 
else and then something else, etc.
So decided to post pone that for
a better time, as I have other fish
to fry right now ( mainly our
guest bedroom) as it is still full
of things from Winter and early
Spring, and the kids are coming
the end of the next month and we
also might have some friends
come in mid August as well,
So looking forward to both.
and gotta get our guest bed
room gussied up again.

Thankful we finished one book
 we are reading, so we can move on
 to another one we need to finish.

Thankful that I am making headways
on destroying some old records that we
 had stored, but our no longer needed.
Takes time to shred all that stuff.....
So I am over half way there!!

Thankful our lil bunny is back
this morning, as we hadn't seen
him for about a week or so and
was concerned that maybe some
thing happened to him.  Also
thankful for getting to watch 
a beautiful cardinal taking a
bath several times this week
in our birdbath.  They show up
so well, so you can really see
what they are doing,  the other
birds sort of blend into all the
background and you can hardly
see them unless you use binoculars.


Well, there you have it .....
another week at Cozy Place.

Hope you have a delightful Friday
and weekend with those you love.

Love, Hugs, and 
end of July Blessings,


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  1. Love this , Nellie, Wow! you have had a very productive week! I agree God's hand has to be in the renewing of friendships, and I pray you are able to reconnect with that young lady. God's timing is always perfect. Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Morning Sue,
    Nice to hear from you again........always nice to have you stop by hon, and guess our week was productive but sometimes if you can't see doesn't seem all that productive, yet
    I am very happy to have all this old paperwork out of here. lol

    Yea, I am hoping to reconnect with her as well, as I have known her since she was in her
    20's, and I imagine she is in her 50's now. After talking with her Mom, it sounds like lots
    of serious problems with her 3 children, and that she still might not be totally out of the woods herself. So sad as she is a very sweet and beautiful gal. Yea, think it is meant to
    be for me to call her, just taking some time to pray first for a few days before I do.

    Hope you are doing well and look forward to seeing you post soon.

    Love and blessings,

  3. #1. Great to have new replacements!
    #2. I enjoy mine every Sunday!
    #3. The LORD does take hold early in our lives!
    #4 & #5. I met three people at Publix the other day! It was so good to see them too!
    #6. The sayings true, "IT's a small world!"
    #7. I'm so thankful for many of our Christians in all areas of life, especially our Christian politicians.
    #8. I've recently been playing "my version" of solitary. I win almost every time, ha!
    #9. That's a BIG domino effect!
    #10. I have three I'm reading at one time, but only a chapter a day!
    #11. I usually do that once a year. I keep records back to 7 years.
    #12. I'm still watching (from my window) the big turtle in my pool! He disappears everytime
    I go out the door, lol!
    Love you all, Susan

  4. Hi Hon,

    We just watched a cardinal again in the bird bath. Lil darling really gets a kick out of that.
    We have had a cardinal come almost daily to take a bath, guess it is the same one..... lol

    Thanks for stopping by,
    Gotta we have lil darling today. Haven't heard back from anyone yet concerning
    the pool.

    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a hopeful Sunday and week. Hugs  and Blessings, Nellie