Friday, July 20, 2018

Thankful Thursday July 19, 2018, late spring golf cart tour #5

In him our hearts rejoice,
 for we trust in his holy name.
Psalm 33:21 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good

Ours has been good and a bit busier
than usual, which was fine.  I will
let the post do the talking today.

Pictures today are from Charleston
S.C. again, from our golf cart tour.

So on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful for an evening out on 
Friday,  we tried to go shopping
but I all of a sudden I started
 feeling not so great, but at least
did get a picture frame I went
after, and we did get to go to 
dinner at Red Lobster and was
able to enjoy that and it was
 nice to get out of the house
 for awhile.  Think I was just
overtired from not sleeping
well the night before.

Thankful to see an old neighbor
 of our friends that we just went to 
visit last week at our church this
 Sunday morning.  I just saw her
a few weeks ago in Publix and
she never said she was coming
to our church, so it was quite
a nice surprise.  


Side and back

Thankful to hear that the young
couples class that we taught for
41/2 years, has stepped up and
are doing a life group together
on Thursday evening. We were
very happy to hear that as they
are the church of the future.

#4 and 5
Thankful for a fun time out
to lunch with some new friends
after church and it was really nice
 that wwent to a buffet restaurant
 that is about 30 mins away in another
town that we haven't been to in years,
 in fact, it has a new name and new
 owners, but it was really good, and 
we love that it is like a little country 
inn....very quaint with a lovely
atmosphere and delicious food
and great fellowship with our new
Thankful also that when we were
walking thru the restaurant to leave,
 we saw a lovely older couple that
used to go to our church for years but 
moved away, but they were in the
 area visiting their grandson.  It was 
definitely a divine connection cause 
not only did we know them, and get
a kick out of seeing them, it turned
 out that those sweet folks used to be 
best friends with our new friends 
 parents back then, so they were
thrilled to see them. Love these
fun surprises like that!

Thankful for a new bath and body
fragrance in my guest bath, it is
called Lemoncello and it is just
 such a wonderful clean lemon
 fragrance.  I love having a nice
fragrance when you walk into
a bathroom especially.

Thankful hubby got a good 
report at the Dr. so far.  He still
has to do an echocardiogram,
but we are expecting it to be
good as well.  Thankful that
the Dr. cut back on his Blood
pressure meds, as his BP has
gone down since he retired.

Thankful for a fun night out on
Tuesday after the Drs. visit to cheese-
cake factory and their yummy cheese-
 cake that we brought home.  Mine was
 Caramel salted pretzel, and it was really
 scrumptious but rich, so you can't eat
to much at one sitting, so finally 
finished it off today after lunch.
  Um Um....

Thankful for my hubbies hilarious
sense of humor.  I am seeing that
more and more since he retired and
 when we watch lil darling. He is
really getting even more into his role 
as a Grampy, and it is fun to watch.
 Dr. asked if we were
working out and we said No, we
have been having fun...... but then
yesterday I told hubby we should 
make a video of our days with lil 
darling and send it to him, and he
will see we don't need a work out
She keeps us on the move all the
 time........playing games, like hide 
and seek with her barbie dolls, and
 my hubby has some very creative 
hiding places that crack us up,
then there is one called " 4 corners"
 and a new game "The floor is lava" 
or something like that, oh and finger
rockets....we are just having too
 much fun over here......and by the
end of the day we just want to drop
on the sofa and do nothing, cause
we are worn out.....but it is a good

Thankful for a new food discovery.
Trader Joe's movie theatre popcorn.
It is really delicious and only $2
a bag.  Only problem is the store
is an hour away so not sure how
often we will get to buy it, but it
will surely be a treat when we do.
Just now realized my daughter is
coming in August and they have 
store near them. Will have to get
 her to bring me some. Sounds
 like a good plan to me.  lol

Thankful for a sweet and precious
 card and letter from our friends
 in Gainesville today.  They are
both sweeties and we have missed
them every since they moved away
 about 25 years ago.

Thankful for a lot of little projects
that we got done this week that
have been nagging at us. Such a
good feeling when they are done.

Well, that is our week at Cozy Place.

Glad you could stop by.......

If you missed Tour #4 and would
like to see it, Just click here.

Have a lovely Friday and Weekend
with the Special people in your life.

Love, Hugs, and
Sweet Summer Blessings,


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  1. #1. Tiredness and the humidity can surely make us feel worn out!
    #2.Praise the LORD! I will pray she continues to come and become revived in the LORD!
    #3. Another praise for the LORD!
    #4 & #5. The saying, "It;s a small world" surely applies! It's great to have new friends - another joy of retirement!
    #6. I love the fragrances that are light. I still love the lavender fragrance!
    #7. Praise the LORD! Another blessing of retirement! Hooray!
    #8. Such yummy for the tummy!
    #9. That reminds me how the kindergartners were with me when I was teaching, but I had 18 instead of one, lol! I think now, "How did I ever do it!" Ha! I know with Sweetie Pie, she always likes our "Boom poppa Boom" game! I surely get my exercise, lol! Those rockets ARE FUN!
    #10. Funny you mention popcorn, I've been eating popcorn a couple of times a week lately!
    #11. 25 years! Where does the time go!!! I can't believe it is already the 20th of July!
    #12. Isn't it a great feeling (until they have to be done again, ha!)
    Love you all, Susan

  2. As always enjoyed your TT list, Nellie, I too enjoy the movie theater popcorn from Trader Joes, and try and stock up when we shop.
    I was smiling at all the meetings that God arranged for you all. I will be praying for continued good reports for your DH! Isn't it wonderful to see the fruits of your labor from the the class you all taught! Aren't grandchildren one of God's greatest gifts to us?

    Thank you for sharing.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....