Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Nellie's Chicken Nachos

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this day find you doing well.

We had an unexpected but great day.
We wound up having lil darling as she
wasn't feeling great, but other than her
tummy hurting a couple of times did
fine. We also had a Drs. appt. for hubby 
late in the afternoon, which is about
a 50 min. drive, so met our daughter-
in-love on the way to hand off lil
darling, then proceeding on to his
appt.  which went well,  he still has
to get an echocardiogram tho. Then
we went to a Traders Joe's store,
always heard about them, but never
have been to one, so that was fun and
new adventure that we both enjoyed.
 Then since we had gift
cards that we got back in March for
our birthdays, we saved them so we
could go to "Cheesecake Factory"
for din din. It is about an hour away
from us, so we usually go there when
hubs has a Dr. appt., cause they are
close in proximity.  It was a very
nice time, and we even splurged
on Cheesecake, but we got it to go.
So as soon as I am finished with
this post, and hubby does some-
thing for work, we are gonna
have it with some fresh coffee.
um um, can hardly wait.

Last week I made nachos for dinner
and hubby liked them so much he
said you need to write that down
so you always remember every-
thing you put in them, so I said
yea, I was thinking about that too,
cause I also like to have some of
my fav recipes on my blog so my
daughter can get to them, and maybe 
if my son ever wants them,  they can 
find them, as well,  and of course, I
thought yall might like to try them
too, cause they are easy and quite

Nellie's Chicken Nachos

(Didn't think to take a picture
last week when I made them,
as I didn't know I would be doing
a post on them, but the next time I
 make them, I will take one to add
 to this post. lol)


White corn chips - (I used Tositos
but you can use any you like)

Black Beans, (rinsed and drained)
I used about 3/4 of a can, but you
can use as much or as little as you
would like.

Bumble Bee Chicken Breast with rib
 meat packed in water (rinsed and drained) 
or Rotisserie chicken.....I have used both
 and they both work well.

4 oz. of  Cheddar Cheese (Shredded)

4 oz. Colby and Monterey Jack Cheese

 Scallions (some people called the green
onions (Sliced) I put about 3 scallions
sliced up, but you can use as many or 
as lil as you like)

Black Olives (Sliced)

Sour Cream , I used light sour cream.

Guacamole,  I make my own, it's
very easy.

Fresh Tomatoes (Chopped)

Fresh Cilantro (chopped)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Use a large cookie sheet and spread
out the white corn chips throughout
the cookie sheet. Approximately half
the bag or enough that it is totally

Then  put the black beans in a 
colander and rinse them, and then
let them drain for a few minutes. Once
drained layer them onto of your chips.

Next put the chicken (if using the 
canned chicken) in a colander and
rinse and drain it as well.  Then let
drain for a few minutes and break 
the chicken into shredded chicken
and layer on top of the chips and
black beans.  If using Rotisserie
chicken,  just cut it into bite size
pcs. and layer on top of the chips
and black beans.

Next layer the chopped scallions,
then add the cheeses,  as much or
as lil as you would like....

Then add the sliced black olives
 and the chopped cilantro on top.

Put the pan in the 350 degree oven
for about 20 mins. or until the
cheese is melted well. Take out
of oven and let it sit for about 5
mins., then serve.

Top with sour cream, guacamole',
and fresh tomatoes. You can also
use salsa if you like......

My Guacamole

1 avocado


about 6 grape tomatoes
cut in small pieces

Lemon Juice

Granulated Garlic or
garlic powder. I really don't know
 how much, so maybe just put a half
tsp. and then after you stir it up if
 you need more just add according
 to your liking.

Cut avocado in half  and take
seed out,  then scoop avocado
out of shell and smash up with
a fork,  put in the chopped
grapes tomatoes and chopped
cilantro, sprinkle on the garlic
powder and a few squeezes
of lemon juice and stir it up
good, then taste test it to see
if you like the amount of
garlic and cilantro.

Happy Eating!!

Hope you enjoy it....

Now I am going to enjoy
my cheese

Thanks for dropping by,

Have a great rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and Mid July


  1. I always love me some nachos, and yours sound totally yummy!

    So where is Trader Joes for you? Do you have to go to Daytona? Altamonte? We have one here in Boise. It opened about 4 years ago. I really like to shop there.

    Sorry little girl was feeling poorly, but how nice that y'all got to keep her for the day.

    The Cheesecake Factory has a really good happy hour. All their "small plates" are $5, and just getting 2 of them is a sufficient meal for 2 people. Usually, we get the sliders and the guac and chips. There are 4 sliders, so each of us get 2. The portion of chips and guac is very generous, so just those 2 items is very filling.

    Have a lovely day,

  2. I pray Sweetie Pie is feeling better today!!

    Yea! Another recipe I know I will enjoy! I copied it and put it in my "Nellie's Great Recipe" booklet!!! I think I may use the sun dried tomatoes! They are delicious!!! So on Friday, I'll get the ingredients for your nachos instead of the pasta salad!

    Nellie, you should do a day each week for your recipes!!! (Or at least maybe one day a month, ha!) I like them because they are quick! Dump and go for the pasta salad and layer for the nachos! Ha! Love you, Susan

  3. Thank you for the recipes, Nellie, I will copy and paste them! I think my DH will enjoy them.
    I am so glad your Dh had a good report, and and you both had a nice meal to top the day off. My dh had a very important dr.'s appt last week at his vascular surgeon, he also had a great report, he just has to maintain what he is doing, and doesn't have to come back until a year. Yay!! To God be the glory!
    Thank you for your visit, and for your most encouraging comment.

  4. Hi Patti,
    Yea, I like me some nachos too, but I like them to be yummy and healthy ones...and when
    we go to taco bell and try to switch out the unhealthy stuff for the better choices the price on the nachos goes much higher, which I find ridiculous since they make it especially for
    you. They charge more for chicken than beef when beef is more expensive, and also do an
    upcharge Chicken and for black beans instead of refried beans, so by the time we change
    those things on our items it cost almost as much as getting mexican food from chilis or
    tijuana flats, and we ususally get 2 meals off those, so we have decided to stick with only
    items that we don't need to

    Traders Joes is in Winter Park and they have another one way south of that and one in
    Gainesville.......we discovered Traders joes movie theatre popcorn.....oh my is that
    delicious....we have already devoured the I see a trip to Traders
    joes in our future! lol We only looked at the foods that were not refrigerated since
    we didn't have a cooler with us, but their prices sure seem to be good.

    Good info about Cheesecake is always a hard decision as to what to get there as there menu is enormous, and we rarely go there more than once or twice a year.....but
    certainly a wonderful when we do go....

    Good to hear from you Patty, thanks for coming by and for your fun comments.

    Love and Blessings,

  5. HI Susan,
    Yes, she was better think she just must of been fighting off a stomach bug or something,
    cause she also wasn't eating much, but on Wed. she was eating and drinking more so that
    was good, and she only complained about her tummy once, but only momentarily.

    Sundried tomatoes sounds good, I love those, in fact, we got some at Traders Joe's along
    with some roasted red peppers. Let me know how your nachos taste with the other tomatoes.
    Glad you are enjoying the recipes.....I am always on the look out for recipes that sound
    good and that go together quickly.

    Hope you enjoy your nachos.

    Love ya, Nellie

  6. Hi Sue,

    Your welcome about the recipes, hope you and your hubby enjoy the nachos.

    Glad to hear your hubby got a good report as well. Such a relief isn't it. Mine doesn't
    have to go back till next year either, and yes, all praise to the Lord for He has truly
    done great things for my hubby. When they do an ekg it doesn't even show where he had a
    heart attack 13 yrs. the Lord completely healed that. Our Dr. was quite surprised
    by that and mentions it every time we go course, we have shared that with our
    Dr. as well.

    Thank you Sue for your visit and your sweet comments....always great to hear from you hon.
    Love and Blessings,

  7. My hubby loves nachos and I've never thought to add chicken to them! What a great idea! Thanks again for sharing.

  8. Hi Lois,

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a kind comment, always great to hear from you!!

    Have a lovely weekend hon,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie