Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas EveTablescape - Christmas Tree's with white, gold and silver

Morning Sweet Friends,

How in the world are you??? 
 Seems like ages since 
we have touched base..........

Have to say I am very happy to announce that I am
 feeling much better and much stronger this week,  
Praise the Lord!!!
That virus seemed to like me just a lil too much,
if you know what I mean..............

So....since not too much 
has been going on around here because of that, and 
since today is still part of the Christmas Season, 
"Three King's Day"

 thought maybe it wasn't too late still to show
 you one of our Christmas Tables, and add a
little tribute to 3 Kings day,  re above pics!  lol

Had a hard time getting a good pic cause of the lighting
but the plates and napkins really do match.   lol

These plates, napkins and cups had been sitting in my
closet for years now..........I bought them at Target  for a 
Christmas Party and then for some reason that I have 
no idea of why now,  they never got used,  cause I
always thought they were adorable!   So I happened to
go in my closet and what to my wandering eyes did
 appear.......... a target bag.... full of paperware!!  lol

So since we were having so many dinners so close 
together, this lovely paperware was a perfect  and
beautiful solution.
For such a time as this!!  

 Once that was decided now I was in search of something
 to use as a centerpiece........  remembered my lil plug in 
Christmas tree that had white and gold, yea, that'll work,
but it needed to be elevated,  so pulled out the cake stand
  Also, then pulled out some Christmas bulbs that I was
 using in the centerpc for our Christmas tables.

 It just needed a touch of color,  so grabbed the blue 
vintage looking bulbs,  then was trying to decide between 
the gold mercury glass candleholder or.....

the white christmas tree embossed candle holders.

 Remembered the Gold and white Chevron paper  I used 
for Megan's birthday table,  so put that on and that made
 for an easy go with the gold....
 mercury glass candleholders, that is!  lol

The tree needed some snow to look completed
and just threw a Christmas bulb on there as well,
to bring out the silver since the plates and napkins
had both colors.  Also can you tell it is lit up,
was able to put a tea light candle under it.

Then for some reason I decided to open the napkin and
 discovered much to my delight that the whole napkin was
 printed with the Christmas trees,  so thought that could make 
a nice placemat.
So this was the original plan..................

Then when I actually did the table I did this,

but then decided on this cause I liked being able to see the
total prettiness of the napkin.

A look down the table at the centerpiece

Posterized version taken from the other
end of the table.

Dee gave me this lovely fragranced candle and it just
happened to match with the plates and napkins so well,
so we used it for our Christmas Eve dinner.

 This was the completed table for christmas 
Eve night..........

I did use my corelle ware (since it can go in 
the dishwasher) and my pretty glasses that
Dee had given me, along with my wedding
 silverware since there was just 4 of us, so
it still made for easy clean up,
 we did use all the pretty paperware for lunch
 since we just had subs and chips,  but used the
same  tablecloth and centerpiece, sans the 
candle since I didn't have it yet!

Didn't have much time for taking pictures since I
was setting the table as we they 
weren't done early like they usually are...............

 l love to show these paperware tables at times
because not everyone has a lot of dishware or 
even wants it, but think it is nice to know you 
can set a pretty table without it too...........and
 it makes for easy clean up......a great added
 benefit.  I always say if you desire to do 
something,.....  ...where there is a will....
there's a way!!

Sharing with Cindy for Amaze Me Monday
click here to visit her.

Sharing with Marty for Inspire me Tuesday
Click Here to go there

Sharing with Becky for Blissful white Wed.
Just click here
Well,  hope you have a great week ahead.

Thanks for coming by,  always love to hear
from you.

Love, Hugs, and 
New Years Blessings,



  1. I just love the gold zigzag paper! It's amazing how pretty the paper ware the companies are making now! I bet someone could have an entire shop just selling these items in their many different facets!

    You tablescape was just beautiful on Christmas Day too! I'm waiting to see more of your wintry white tablescapes!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. It's marvelous how you always pull everything together to make your party special. Your guests must love that you take so much time to make everything so pretty and welcoming. Happy New Year! I hope 2014 brings you lots of joy!

  3. I love reading about how you came out with such pretty table! That's what I love to do, find things around the house to create something special. Love the center-piece, the chevron, and of course those pretty plates and napkins!

  4. Hi Nellie,
    Love that chevron element you used...just brings it all together with a fun "pop" I know your family appreciates you always making the table special!!

  5. So pretty Nellie! I LOVE how you used paper napkins for the place mats, so pretty! Sorry I've not been over in a bit and I so appreciate your note! Hope your Christmas was full of GREAT times with your family and hoping 2014 will be a blessed year for you all!
    Thanks for sharing at Amaze Me Monday Nellie, always so nice having you!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: