Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - Casual Winter Table

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends, is your week going so far???
Fine I hope.

Our's is going well,  had a nice visit with our
daughter last night,  she came over after work
and had dinner with us.  They think they may
have found a nice place to have the wedding
and reception all in the same place.  They 
are suppose to go see it on Saturday,  so
we will see!!  Sounds like I am saying that
a lot lately!!  lol

We finally ate some of our veggie lasagna
last night, and it was so delicious,  and
nutritious as well.  

Decided to do Tablescape Thursday too,
this week cause I had some leftover photos
from last Winter that I thought you might
enjoy!!  Have Fun!!

These tablescapes were actually done last year at this time,
but I never got to post them, so thought I would do it now!!

These were done on a cold, gloomy and rainy day, and I
was bored so I decided to play a bit.
This is our table in the kitchen.

This was some crazy photoshop affect, but can't remember
which one now!!  lol  thought it was a bit interesting, tho!!

Just in case you are wondering or can't tell,  all the egg cups
are holding candles.

I love this little tray....I usually keep it on the counter
with olive oil and vinegar on it, just like in the 2nd picture
at the top.

Do you recognize the red candleholder???
Remember yesterdays pics, It is on my mantle!
See why I like dual purpose items.

The one egg cup on the back of the table actually has
an egg in it!!  Faux one,  of course!!  lol

I think this affect is called shrink wrap or something like that!!
Funny, huh!!

I think this one might be the stained glass affect.

Thanks for dropping by,
Hope you enjoyed your visit!!

Don't forget to go over and visit Susan
at between naps on the porch to see
all the creative tablescapers.
Click Here!

Have a Wild and Wonderful Wednesday!!

Love, Hugs and Blessings,


  1. I sure like the red checks, Nellie, and how you have incorporated multi-purposed items in your table settings.

  2. Loving the red checks. It's a pattern that will never be anything but pretty to me. I especially like it with the white.

    I would like that table in my kitchen!

  3. Love the red checked cloths with the white dishes. Very pretty. Thought that one effect looked like the haunted rooster and egg

  4. I have always loved your red and white checkered table clothe. I really like the red crazy photoshop picture! Did you notice how the table clothe stayed the same!! I just know you had a great Valentine's Day!
    I love you all very much!

  5. Hi sweetie, Love the whole table scape-especially the red flowers in the back along with the white dishes.
    Hugs tonight.

  6. I love the red and white, and the crisp, clean uncluttered feel it presents. The little white tray is something that I is so cute on the table with the could have so many different uses.

  7. Those red checks are so happy. I too love your white tray. Great idea to use the egg cups as votives.. thanks for dropping by with your kind comments.

  8. Having a great week here! Glad it seems you are as well....any news from the interview??

  9. I love the white dishes! Really looks pretty with the red checkered tablecloth!

  10. Roosters always look great with red/white checks! I do like the white tray, very pretty.

  11. Red and white check is such a great go-to pattern...I love your tablecloth. Your tablescape is so pretty. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...