Thursday, February 24, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 24, 2011

He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me,
and he prepares the way so that I may show
the salvation of God.
Psalm 50:23

Hello Sweet Peas, 
welcome to Thankful Thursday!

Hope you have had a great day today, 
 but if not, maybe you'll be a bit cheered
 up when you leave.  Hope so anyway!!

Our day has been good..........I was very excited that we
 got to work outside again, and it was sooo beautiful out too!
We got quite a bit more accomplished, course, there is still
plenty more to do,  but ............lil by lil we will get there.

Not much going I will start with my thankfuls, 
OOPS - right after I get back from exercising!! 
Hubby just put our video on, so gotta get going. lol

Well, I am back ....  not only exercised but had dinner
 as well.  Pasta, Meatballs,and Marinara sauce.  Yum!
I cheated I didn't make the meatballs or the sauce
this time,  I used the frozen meatballs and I have to
say they are pretty good, and I love Barilla's marinara
sauce, it is mighty good too.

Hubby is getting ready to go to a meeting,  so I will
be working on a table for my sister-in-laws birthday
celebration on Sunday...... 

Well, guess I had better hush and get to my list!!

I am thankful
that my Give A Way Prize arrrived on Tuesday..........
(You can read about it here if you want,  but once you
 get there go down about 4 paragraphs after 
the 2nd heart.  - Click Here)

 I loved loved loved everything in the box.
 It was truly a pleasure kit!
  You will get to see and hear about everything as 
you read my list

I am thankful
for the lovely card you see above which is from
 Bonnie as well,  with a precious and sweet handwritten
 note.  You don't get those too often anymore!
So it was a delight!

I am thankful
hubby is still in the running for that job. No news yet,
 but am wondering if perhaps the Lord is saving it as
 a birthday present for my Guy, since his birthday is
 just around the corner!!

I am thankful
for the feel of Spring in the air,  and all the beauty
 of the green leaves and new shoots and grass coming
 up everywhere. They are just the loveliest shades of 
green, you just can not beat that new leaf green.
So breathtakingly beautiful!!

I am thankful
for the wonderful time we had with the kids on
 Sunday and Monday, and the gift of their time
to us.  A precious gift indeed!

I am thankful
that we got to see an old friend of 30 years
that we have not seen in a long time.  The
last time we saw her she was really going
thru so much with just life in general,  and just
was not herself, and even tho I tried to reach out
 to her, she just didn't seem to want to be reached
out to......
So it was so good to see her and she seems
to be back to her old self,  and that just warmed
my heart and thrilled my soul because I love
her and have missed her so!

And these are my goodies!!

I am thankful 
for this lovely book Bonnie sent me,
Called "One thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp.
  I have never heard of her before, but from the 3 
chapters we have read already,  I feel like It is 
really speaking to me and I feel like she is talking
 about the same things the Lord has been teaching 
me in the last almost 2 years since I have been
blogging and doing Thankful Thursday.
What an affirming book for me!!
Bless you Bonnie
for this sweet gift!

I am thankful
for these absolutely delightful and delectable
chocolate covered cherries! 
Now these are not those typical chocolate
covered cherries with the creme in the middle.

 These babies
are big, and delicious with real dried cherries
at the center covered in chocolate and a 
burgundy red coating of yogurt or something!

Hubby is always so happy when I offer him one!! lol

I am also thankful
 for these wonderful cheese sticks. 
 OH MY, are they the yummiest and sooo crispy!!
I love love love crispy foods, so they were perfect
as well.  The actually remind me of some hor'derves
that an old friend used to make using stella dora
bread sticks, bacon, and parmesan cheese.

I am thankful
for the beautiful birds nest on the front of the
book jacket, because it reminds me of the
time we had a nest with birdies in our shed,
and it was so sweet to go out there and see
the cute lil eggs and then later those lil babies
 chirping for their Mommy to bring them food. 
 So Adorable!!

and what is it about birds nest anyway???
they just thrill us so................
Maybe it is the Mom in us that likes to
feather and build our nest,  who knows,
all I know is a birds nest is tops in my

I am thankful
for fresh clean crisp white sheets that
make our bed feel like we have died
an gone to heaven!

I am thankful
that the hubby of one of the young couples
we were working with and praying for,
got another job in his Company.  He used
to work shift work and weekends,  and now
 he has an 8-5 daily job and weekends off.
She said it had made such a difference
in everything!!  We are so happy for them!!

I am thankful
for the great attitude my sweet hubby has
exhibited over these past 9 1/2 months of
being without a permanent job.  It is very
hard for our hubbies to be out of work,
since they feel that call from God to 
provide for the family,  but he has just
leaned on and trusted the Lord so much.
It has been a blessing to watch.

and now.....
 I  just can't.... not do

I am thankful
for how good the Lord has been to us,  and all
the ways he has been faithful to take care of
all our needs.

Well, Sweet Peas...................
What are you Thankful for Today!!

Tell us ..............
we would really love to hear about it!!

Thanks for coming by and for your warm
and wonderful comments,

Love, Hugs and
Blessings Abundant,



  1. Hi Nellie

    What a delightful and happy post with your thankfuls.
    You received wonderful gifts from Bonnie. I can see she has very good taste and a good heart too!
    I will be excited to see all about Susans birthday on Sunday. You are so good to her and I am sure she appreciates it.
    I too love personal notes that come in the mail.

    Have a great weekend my friend! and thank you for your sweet comments.

    Blessings & Love

  2. I enjoyed YOUR words of thanksgiving but am a little jealous that you've been working outdoors!

    I'm thankful for a beautiful morning at Sanctuary Farm with some women who are becoming precious friends....

    I'm thankful for our homemade slushies--1/2 can orange/pineapple/banana frozen concentrate w. icecubes & a little water blended. SO refreshing!

  3. #1. Thank you for sharing your Give Away Prize!
    #2. Personal made cards are so heart felt!
    #3. I've been praying!!!
    #4. I just love the cool mornings and great afternoons! NO MORE COLD!
    #5. No matter how young or old, family time is so enjoyable!
    #6. Isn't that great! I just got contacted on Facebook by my High school friends Ellen and Mike!
    #7. It's amazing how the LORD can speak to our hearts through all things!
    #8. I just love treats I can eat that aren't bad for my: blood pressure, cholesterol, weight...
    #9. What's great about it is you don't have to cook or bake it!!
    #10. Especially if they are just a little bit cool. That's the only thing I like about winter, my sheets are cool and I can get warm quick!
    #11. I don't know how people's bodies can tolerate shift work. I'd rather just work the "graveyard" shift all the time than to be changed from one to the other all of the time!
    #12. You know, I think that can work in reverse too! I don't know at the times I want to retire, but then I think of what I have to give up if I do retire!
    #13. Amen. I went to the chiropractor and I feel so much better. I'm still walking like Tim Conway used to on Laugh In! I go again tomorrow. At least the spasms have stopped!
    I love you all,

  4. Still praying for your husband and the job or a job:) What a wonderful prize package you fun and exciting. The book is beautiful!

  5. I always enjoy reading your TT posts, Nellie. Love your gifts, I haven't read this book but was told that it was a great read. Our weather is up and down, I am glad that yours is warm, and you can get out and work in your garden.
    Praying for good news soon with your husbands job.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  6. You have a wonderful thankful list. I can relate to so many on the list. We walked in the umemployment shoes not too long ago, I know exactly what you mean about how he feels.
    I lift him for favor for that job that he's still in the running for.

  7. You know I am thankful for all the little blessings the Lord gives Don and I that make for a peaceful life. Glad things are well with you guys.

  8. You have noreply on your email to me so I thought I'd let you know we head back to NC around the end of March. Take care.

  9. I hope your hubby does get the job on his birthday! What a great present that would be! I use that sauce also sometimes! I usually make my own, but am known to reach for a jar sauce when I'm running low! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. I'm so thankful for GOD's Faithfulness!
    HE has been so gracious to me and Tony.
    Thankful for friends like you who have lifted us up in prayer.
    Still praying for the right position for your Hubby...trusting that it will be revealed soon.

  11. Nellie thank you for your nice words and I am thrilled that you are enjoying your gift. It could not have been more suited to someone that lives by gratitude like you do everyday. Love you sweet friend. Praying Jim gets that job or the one the Lord has in store or him and that Susan has a lovely birthday. You are the best to make it so special for her. She is a sweetheart, give her a big hug from me, will ya?

    Isn't the book amazing?

  12. I did a post about the box and quoted your blog and referenced it. Hopefully some new friends will pop into your life as they come to visit! The post is up now but you may have to manually enter the url as the blog rolls have been slow lately.

    Happy Sabbath! Hugs, B


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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