Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how are you today???
Enjoying nice weather maybe??
I hope so, know you are all soooo
ready for Spring.

I have to say we feel like we are experiencing
 Spring, course, it's not officially Spring, and we
 will probably get a few more cool snaps,
but it sure feels luscious for now!!

Our Friday was uneventful and restful, and we
didn't do much, played some cards, and watched
an old movie from the 80's called "The four
Seasons", it was a pg movie and suppose to
be romantic comedy...........I quite frankly.....
would call it a drama with a few funny parts
and lots of bad language,  so I would not 
recommend it really, wasn't the worst but
far from the best for sure!

Saturday was a fun time!  Our church had an
outreach dinner and we were a host and 
hostess for our table.  We sat with a sweet
single Mom and her 4 children and 2 grand-
children.  The Mom attends our church but
we had never met her,  and none of her
children come and think she was hoping
this would encourage them to attend as
well,  so hope that happens!!

They were all sweeties,  and we had a
great time talking with them all.  The food
was also great and like we were dining
at a restaurant only we didn't get to pick
our food.........but the food was really delish,
stuffed chicken, real mashed potatoes,
and green bean casserole with strawberry
shortcake for dessert.  The kitchen committee
served each table with food, drinks and
desserts.  It was great!  

They also did a great job of decorating,
they used bundles of balloons down each
 side of the room,  and on the tables they had 
glass  bowls with gumballs and candles,
and the families name on each table with
some ribbons and such.  wished I had
taken my camera, cause it was quite 
cute,  and then the kids all got to take
balloons and gumballs home.  Now they
were pretty thrilled about that!!  lol

Sunday, we went to church but I wound up
having to come home cause I was having
stomach issues,  so that was a bummer,
but I came home and rested and was feeling
 better.  Scott and Megan were already suppose
 to come over for dinner, and I was bummed  we
 might have to cancell, but fortunately,  I was feeling
 good by then and they were still able to come, and
we really had such a good time with them.
We so enjoy being together as a family,  but it
is nice when we get them one on one, cause
you really can visit and talk more.
That probably doesn't sound too fabulous a 
weekend to some,  but for me.... it was fabulous!

Dee came over last evening for dinner, and
to get Rosie,  we have had her almost a week,
so we were sorry to see her go,  but Molly
is in hog heaven,  so happy,  and has taken
up residence back inside the house.  She
doesn't want in when the dogs are here. so
 thankfully, it has not been to cold at night.
Had a nice dinner, but quick visit with Dee,
she had something to do,  but always good
to see her no matter how long.

and our biggest news......................
Jim sent an email about the job opportunity
yesterday, and heard back from them right
 away, and he is still in the running.........
So that was good news.

They said they had just been tied up with
some unexpected things that came up,
and haven't been able to get back to 
interviews and stuff.

So we are still waiting......................
                                    but waiting is good!!

Better than a NO, I have to say!!  lol

Also,  Dee and Jerry went to see the place
they want to get married and were very
impressed and they are in process of working 
out details.  Looks like the Wedding will be
 in October now!

So life is going along,  can't believe we will
be moving into March next week.

Where is the time going???

My Sister-in-law and hubbies birthday's 
are the next 2 Mondays,  so we will
be having some family celebrations
again soon!!  Looking forward to that!!

OH yea, Forgot to tell you I got my Give
Away prize today,  and was thrilled,
I will show you some pics on Thankful

So thanks for dropping by and for all
your precious and encouraging comments,
they make my day!!

So have a  Great Tuesday!!

and by the way,  are you hungry yet???  lol

Blessings, Love and Hugs,


  1. You're sure filling your "waiting" time with good things! Friends, family & food :)

  2. your weekend sounds great to me- except for the hours your tummy was fussy.
    I am hoping and praying this is the job your dh has been waiting for. I believe in Miracles and I know one is coming for Ya'll..


  3. Hi sweetie friend, Loved hearing about your church dinner and I know that the lady and her kids were so blessed by being with you.
    O.k. so no fair showing desserts that I can't have-it's o.k. though cause I got some chocolate bars at the health food store-we have this treat for our dessert.
    Have a delightful evening; I'll be praying your man gets the job.
    Hugs to you.

  4. Oh! does that strawberry shortcake look good!! I enjoyed reading of your weekend, And I will be praying that your husband gets this job.
    Please pray for my daughter, as she needs a job!!

  5. Sounds like you all have been keeping busy. I'm glad hubby is still in the running for the job. Will keep you all in my prayers.

  6. I sure have missed you (and I really should get around to emailing you!!)

    Whenever you talk about your wonderful church, I get a pang of homesickness, since it used to be my church too. Of all the churches I've ever been in, that is by far the best (no, not perfect). But it's where we grew the most, where we experienced the amazing body of Christ really do what they're supposed to be doing. How I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to move back to Florida and be a part of that church again. Won't you pray me there?!!

    Oh, I hope and pray hubs gets the job!!!

    And, you must have weddings on your mind even in your dreams these days. How totally exciting.

    Love you, sweet friend,

  7. Hi Nellie

    My mouth is watering for strawberries. We have already had some really good ones.

    I am happy to hear that your husband is still in the running for the job. I will continue to pray for him.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your children. They are such a blessing.

    Thanks for all the nice comments.

    We are in a Winter storm warning that is supposed to hit tonight so we will see how much snow we get.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...