Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Table Top Tuesday - Sofa Table and what happened Friday!!

Hello Sweet Peas,
Hope your day is going well,
so far.

It is looking rather gloomy again today but was
suppose to be sunny and 63 degrees,  and we
had plans to go over to the beach to check out
a chapel where our daughter wants to get married.

Just checked and it is gonna be partly cloudy, poo...
 but 63 degrees,  but guess we will go anyway, cause
 the cooler weather will be nice, and we need to get
things rolling.  We are gonna go and take lots of 
pics so she can see it,  since she can't be taking 
off constantly,  and it will give us a nice outing.

This table is in my family room,  I am sure if you have 
visited me long........you have seen it before,  and gets
a new facelift every season!!

I have to say these are my all time favorite
plates,  I found them at Target many years
back,  the pattern was by Waverly,  you know,
 the fabric people.  I fell in love with them,
and kept waiting for them to go on sale so
I could use them to decorate my walls,
and finally......but I was only able to
get 3 plates,  but I just love them!!
I will have to do a tablecape with
them sometime.

And my reminder from Becky over at 
Holiday in the sun,  to count it all JOY!!
Love it!!   and I love this pear too,  it
is wooden,  and another great Target

Threw a few books and some fruit into the
mix with my red gingham to tie things 
together.  Put a posterized affect on this
picture since it was a lil blurry and was
too lazy to redo it!!  lol

Now I will tell you about the interesting thing that happened
to us last Friday!!
if you are new to my blog, and really aren't interested
just go right on down to the next picture.

Hubby and I were both doing our bible reading and prayer,
but separately,  and unbeknownst to both of us we were
praying about the exact same thing.

What are we to do about our daughter's upcoming wedding?
Now she and Jerry know the position we are in,  and don't
expect any help, and are working to save money to pay for it,
 but naturally as parents,  we want to be able to at least help
 some, just because we love them and want to bless them.

We are really doing our best to trust the Lord in this, 
because He knew we were gonna be in this position,  and
most of all..........we are trying not to just take things into
our own hands....cause we think that could get us into
real trouble.

Anyway,  after we were praying we got to talking about
 all this and that we were praying about how could we
help or what could we do,  then we came to check our
 email......just about 15-20 mins. later,  and hubby had
 gotten an email from his old boss with a job post from
 a christian ministry who needed a software engineer, 
 so he sent off his resume,  then was rereading the blurb
 they had posted for the job and one of the things they
 were asking for was exactly what he has been working
 on towards his business!! Hmmm!!

Later, his old boss emailed again and asked him to send
them a cover letter and resume and they would get it
to the person who gave them the job post,  it is a friend
 of a friend sort of thing,  real networking........and 
they said they would write an endorsement letter,
which they did and sent it off by fax.........
by the end of the day on Friday we found out they
had sent it to the person,  and that person had
walked it over to the IT manager that does the

So yesterday,  he got a call and they had a phone
interview,  and they are suppose to call back to
set up an interview for this week hopefully.

So we will see what the Lord is up to........
This could be a test because if the Lord really
want him to have a business this may not be
what we are suppose to do,  but the fact, it
came on the heels of our prayers about the
wedding and they are asking for a person
that has that same experience sure makes
us think this might be his job!!

So please pray that we will clearly hear
the Lord and His direction,  cause we know
His ways are higher than our ways.
He knows the future,  we don't!!

We are trying not to be too excited,  but
I have a hard time containing that!!  lol

So..........I will keep you posted,  and thanks
for being eager to hear our good news!

Now on with Table Top Tuesday!!  lol

Oh, these white walls,  I am so looking forward to
 painting them a nice butter cream yellow..........
one of these days!!

These weren't the greatest pics but decided
to throw them in anyway.  Think it is always
nice to have something sitting under a table 
like this so it doesn't look so bare,  and in
this case it is hidden the plug in thingie!!  lol

Put a posterized affect on this one,
just for grins!!

Thanks for stopping in
 Sweet Peas!!

Hope you enjoyed your visit today,
and come by anytime,  love hearing
 from you!

Be sure to go over to Martys
 @ a stroll thru life
to see all the other creative
 table tops, as well.

Love, Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Hey Nellie,Praying that it is the Lord's will..I am so happy to meet you thru A stroll thru Life on Table Top Tuesday, I am new follower...hope you will have time to visit Lazy on Loblolly...love this table top, while reading and lookin', I could feel the joy and love...

  2. Just remember to breathe and be still when you all make your decision. That would be wonderful for you all. Loved your tabletop Tuesday entry.

  3. Well, that does seem like very wonderful timing. I know things will work out however they are supposed to. I'll keep you both in my prayers.

    I love your table. The plate is beautiful and I really love that pear.

    I was so thankful for your mention of Women's Day. I actually got mine in the mail yesterday and hadn't even looked at it. I still haven't had a chance to read it, hopefully later today. I might not have noticed for several days if you hadn't told me. Thanks!

  4. What a nice arrangement, Nellie! You certainly have knack with vignettes...

    Rejoicing with you over the potential job - knowing that whether or not it materializes, God was assuring you of His interest in what concerns you. He will continue His faithfulness and provide for a beautiful wedding for your daughter. Living within one's means brings security and peace. It is a lesson to teach and learn over and over in our lifetimes.

    May His beauty continue to rest on your heart and in your home.

  5. Beautiful vignette. I love that you layered everyting with the checked table topper. Gorgeous. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  6. Hi Nellie!
    Love your table and how you have it decorated...really looks nice! Praying for you and your hubby...please keep us posted!

  7. I frequently say that God works in mysterious ways and it sounds like that is what is happening for you as you try to prepare for your daughter's wedding. That is awesome that a job opportunity may suddenly drop in your husband's lap.

    Thank you stopping by the other day. I am glad I happen to check this post. Love all the reds on your table too. Looks great!

    Hugs, Linnea

  8. I have been praying too!! I won't stop until the LORD answers your prayers! I'm praising Him now for what He has instore for you!

    The dinner went really nicely with Frank, his wife, and 33 other clients of his. We received neat birthday gifts. We wrote something about ourselves on a card and put it in a bag. Others then had to guess who it was ( mine was: I enjoy ungrading my Nissan truck and taking it to car shows!) No one, but Frank knew who it was (since he knows my truck.) Everyone was really surprised to see it was a lady! LOL!

    Love those pictures of Table Top Tuesday. You'll have a surprise for your birthday from me that you will really like on one of your tables, but you can't have it until your birthday which everyone knows is MARCH 29th!

    I love you all so much,

  9. That looks so pretty Nellie...
    always wishing you every happiness


  10. Nellie

    How exciting...I am praying that all works out the way you want it too. God is so wonderful. Putting trust in his is the only to do.
    I like your tablescape and especially the plates. I am drawn to exactly the same pretty flower plates. I am looking for JOY sign. In fact today I just got done posting about the word Joy. That little lamp is so perfect there. Great job.....

    Have a great day my friend!
    Blessings & Love

  11. Nellie, Your Waverly plates are so beautiful! I am glad you are trusting God to lead. I appreciate the testimony you share! May the Lord bless you and hubby with the right opportunity.
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  12. Hi Nellie,
    I have been catching up here.
    I just love those plates! So pretty! Happy 3 Day, many blessings!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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