Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine's Day
Sweet Peas

Hope you have a Sweet
and Romantic day!

I know that today I was suppose to continue
with an Adversity post,  but just doesn't seem
like the right day to talk about adversity,
seems more like a day to talk about love!
Don't you agree!!
So look for it next Monday, okay!!

Thought you might like to take a peek
at last years post since it talks about the
Best Love in the World.
Don't worry it is short!! Now I know
you don't think that is possible, but
really, it is!!  lol

Hope your weekend was a good one!

Ours was very good,  a little different that usual,
 but, that's good too!!
Our Friday started off with Jim's job interview,
and it seemed to go well,  and he feels it would
be a great working envirionment much like his
prior job, and he would be the only software
engineer again, and that is nice, cause he does 
everything himself,  and doesn't need to wait on
 others to do their part of the whatever before he
can continue, which is how it normally is in most
companies.  You get your projects completed
much faster when it is just one person doing it.

we did find out that they pay more for our health
 bennies than his prior Company, don"t know what
 they are exactly, but also found out one of their
perks is you get your Birthday off with pay!
Never seen that before!! 

We are suppose to hear something from them
 this week,  so we are still waiting!!  lol
We are so used to this anymore, I have to say
 it is not nearly as hard as it used to be, so.....
 guess that means we have gained some
 patience!!  lol
Now there's a good thing!!

Then on Friday afternoon I was just going
thru my blog roll and visiting some of you
gals, and all the sudden I came on one and
 saw Nellie, at Nellies cozy place, and I thought
 What.....and of course, quickly went there to
 see what was up!!

I found that I was the winner of a give a way,
 that I didn't even know she was having, or else 
I forgot,  that is entirely possible!!  lol
Anyway, she said such sweet things, that it made
 me cry,  good tears of course,  because I was 
so encouraged and truly, joyfully surprised and 
Blessed.  Click Here, if you would like to see
her announcement.

 I have no idea what she is mailing me as
 she wanted it to be a surprise until it arrives, 
which I am thinking might be by the end of the
 week, since it is coming from California.
So needless to say that made my Day!!
certainly gives me something fun to look
 forward to this week
And when it arrives I will be sure to take
pictures so you can see!!

Meanwhile you should go over and check
out her lovely blog.  She is such a sweetie 
and we have been blog friends for over a year
and a half now, and we keep finding out more
 and more things we have in common all the time.

Bonnie is just a delightful lady,  and just finished
 doing some wonderful post for Valentines day all
 last week,  about marriage, and unconditional
 love....they were really great, so know you will
 enjoy them.  She too, is all about home and family,
has 3 adult married children with lot of adorable
 grandchildren,. and also takes us to great places
 with them, when  they travel. She has a great blog
and know you will enjoy it.
Bonnies blog is called one designing woman.

Saturday morning was our usual nice leisurely
time and  breakfast, then in mid afternoon Jim
went with a friend to the races,  and I stayed
home and worked on his Valentine,  and found
Valentine ecards to send to our adult kids,
then a dear friend came over and spent the
evening with me.  It was great to see her
as always.  So Jim and I both thad a fun time.

Sunday we went to church and the worship
music was so fun and uplifting,  I felt like
we were at a Gaither Homecoming!
Do you know this song........

Some glad morning when this life is o'er,
I'll fly away;
To a home on God's celestial shore,
I'll fly away (I'll fly away).

I'll fly away, Oh Glory
I'll fly away; (in the morning)
When I die, Hallelujah, by and by,
I'll fly away (I'll fly away).

When the shadows of this life have gone,
I'll fly away;
Like a bird from prison bars has flown,
I'll fly away (I'll fly away)


Just a few more weary days and then,
I'll fly away;
To a land where joy shall never end,
I'll fly away (I'll fly away) 

Now imagine about 800 people singing
that and clapping.  Made your heart
want to jump for joy!!

Then we have the pleasure of seeing
2 young people that we have known
for about 30 years dedicate their new
baby boy.  They are a precious young
couple, and we just love them so much.
the dedication was so sweet, and
the Mom had a lil tear trickles down
her cheek, and wiped me out, don't
know what it is with me lately but
everything sweet someone says or
I see in a movie, or someone does or
that I read just makes me weep lately.

It was also special because half of the
 folks there were from our original church
 family from way back when we first started
 going there and before we became such
 a large church, and some don't attend our
 church anymore, but that bond of love and
 friendship is still there, and it was just
 so great
to see them all.

So it was just such a blessed Day!!

and oh yea,  I got these for Valentine's Day,

I'll show you better pics on my Thankful Thursday Post

Well, Sweet Peas.........
thanks for coming by and
 truly hope you have such a
Delightful and  Wonderful 
Valentine's Day!!


  1. Looks like you had a lovely weekend and you know my prayers are with for the job and everything else. Happy Valentine's Day.

  2. I love reading your posts. I always feel as if we are just chatting over a cup of tea. I'll keep my fingers crossed about the job. I can't imagine a church with 800 people in it! That is so much bigger than any we have ever attended. I do love that song.

    Pretty tulips:) Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Hi Nellie

    Congrats on your surprise winning. I can't wait to see what you got. I went over and looked at Bonnies Blog and I am going to go back to visit again.

    It sounds like everything is positive with the interview. I am praying for that your hubby gets the job.

    Very pretty flowers.!

    Have a great week!
    Blessings & Love

  4. Happy Sweethearts Day!! Hope you and your sweetie had a grand day:) And congrats on winning...and a surprise package to boot! What fun:) Praying you hear soon about Jim's job -

    God bless, friend

  5. Hi Nellie, Happy Valentine's day! I am dead dog tired after the dinner party we had here tonight but just wanted to tell you I have my fingers crossed for Jim and the new company and that I mailed your package today. It will be there by the 22nd they said. I was going to send it priority mail but it was an arm and a leg so I just sent it regular mail. Hope that is OK.

    Gotta run I am asleep at the keyboard.

    Love, B


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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