Thursday, May 19, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 19, 2011

Compliments of Mary Dover Publishing Co.
Isn't this such a lovely graphic,  I used it to make reserved signs
 for the reception tables for the Bride and Grooms family.

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2

Good Evening Sweet Peas,

Well, here it is Thursday again.....
how has your Thursday been????
Great, I hope!!

Our week has been quiet and restful, upsetting and hard,
yet exciting and hopeful......
Actually part of this list was from last week,  I did a lot of it
 early but then just never had time to finish, and when I did have
time blogspot was down for some reason.  So since this post
 is really a sacrifice of praise,  it is really good to have
some things to get started with!!  lol

I am thankful
some of our oldest and dearest friends that live out of town,
 are going to be able to attend the wedding. He took a bad fall
 on his bike recently and we weren't sure if they were gonna make it!
So we are overjoyed they came,  it was so great to see them,
and it really added to our already great celebration.

I am thankful
that the wedding went off without a hitch, and that it truly
was about a perfect day as could be this side of heaven.
In case you missed it and want to read about it
Click Here
Sorry there are no wedding pics of Scott and Megan
yet,  I explain why in that post!!

I am thankful
for responsible, sweet, loving, moral, hardworking, 
children that are making good decisions about life.
What a blessing that is!!

I am thankful
for the gift of prayer and gratitude for which the Lord
 has used to sustain us emotionally and spiritually,
during this 1 year of  unemployment.
(As of May 15th)

I am incredibly thankful
for God's great grace in the way He has provided
for us,  in every way, truthfully.  Hubby and I were
 talking today and saying It is mind boggling to think of
 how so many dear folks have lost their homes due to
 the same type of situation we have, so we are
 tremendously grateful and aware of how blessed we
 are, cause that could be us too, and we praise
His Name for all.... He has done for us!!

(Compliments of Mary Dover Publishing)

I am thankful
for over 2 years of blogging,  and all the lovely
blogging ladies I have met.  You have befriended
me, encouraged me,  taught me, inspired me,
and prayed for me.
What a blessing you are to my life!!

I just realized last week when I was talking to Becky
over at Junk to Joy, that I missed my blogaversary
date....... it was May 4th.
and I have to say blogging has been such a refreshing
and fun experience for me !!

I am thankful
for the lovely video Scott and Megan had made
for us parents as a thank you.  I am sure you
have probably seen them at Weddings where
they have pics set to music of both bride and
groom in their growing up years.
They played it for us at the rehearsal dinner,
and it was really sweet.  One of Megan's
aunts did it,  and did a great job!!
A very nice surprise.

I am thankful
to have gotten a sneak peek at my hubby in his
Tux today!  Oh My,  does he look handsome.
Be still my heart!!
He is saying a prayer at the reception!

Day of the wedding he looked even better than the
sneak  peek, he really looked so handsome, and I am,
 only too sorry I never remembered to take a picture of him.
Just no time before we left, and once I got there
and got caught up in it all I never thought of it, plus
he had the camera, so am hoping the photographer
 got good shots!!

He did a really great job on the prayer too, by the way!!

I am thankful
for beautiful sapphire and rhinestone earrings that belonged to
 my late mother-in-law, because we  thought they looked the best
with my dress for the Wedding,  they really are gorgeous, and
it was like a part of Mom was there too!

Compliments of Better Homes and Gardens Magazine

and photoshop posterized affect

I am thankful that my neck has been doing very well lately.
What a blessing that is,  sleeping better, able to exercise
 with 1 pd. weights now,  and do most of the stuff I
 normally would.  yeah!!

I am thankful
that our phone has been ringing off the hook this week with
 phone interviews from new and older Companies hubby has
 heard from already.
It is like the Lord has really opened the flood gates all of a
 sudden.  So much so, it is actually getting funny, and  hard to
 keep them straight.
 He seems to be in hot demand.
A great feeling for him, I am sure!

I am thankful
for all the new things hubby is learning as he prepares for these
 phone and regular interviews. He is having to study up on many
 things before either type of interview, so in that process,
he has learned several new things that he can apply to the
 business he is working towards, as well.
and yes, he is still working towards that cause we are just
not clear yet what direction the Lord is taking us!
 The Lord never wastes anything!!

I am thankful
for the upsetting and hard thing we are dealing with this
week because He tells us to give thanks in all things.
I have lived long enough to learn the Lord has something
 good in this too, and we are looking forward to seeing
 it very soon!! lol

Well,  you have a great rest of the week!

Thanks for visiting with me, 
 love those comments.

Love, Hugs,  and  Blessings Galore,


  1. These were wonderful, and I love the comment that you made "God never wastes anything".

    Bingo. You summed up the whole of Romans 8:28 in that statement.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. God is so good! I am encouraged to read how the Lord is continuing to use the wonderful wedding to continue to bring moments of thankfulness :)

  4. #1. I am so thankful too that they were able to be at Scott and Megan's wedding. I haven't seen them in so long!
    #2. Whoops! I'm sorry! I didn't realize until I already done my blog!!
    #3. The reason why, is you followed the LORD's WORD in raising them in the admonition of the LORD. They are now adults and are without excuse to follow the same Heavenly Path!
    #4. I have prayed evey day for you and Jim.
    #5. I praise and thank our LORD every day for His Love for us!
    #6. You made me have to go back and see how long I have been blogging! You got me started on January 2, 2010!
    #7. I will have to see it the next time I visit!!!
    #8. I don't know what is it about tuxedos!! Men look so handsome in them, but not as good as when it is YOUR own husband!
    #9. ....I couldn't hold back my tears when you shared about mom. I'm sure our family in Heaven knows what is going own with us here on earth. The Bible speaks about a "cloud of witnesses." Hebrews 12:1
    #10. I find the same thing happens to my lower back when I sit too long at my computer. I wonder if it is because of being in one position for so long (?)
    #11. When the LORD answers prayer, He does it in abundance!!!!
    #12. May our LORD fill Jim's mind to overflowing capacity for what he needs for his job!
    #13. LORD, I pray you now lead Your direction in the lives of Your children, Jim and Nellie and those in their lives to be for Your Glorious outcome and richest blessings on them all! Amen
    I love you all so much,

  5. Wow, we need some time to catch up, huh? Still no baby here! Sittin' on pins and needles just a waiting!! So glad the wedding went off without a hitch! I somehow knew it would!!

    I know blogging has been a blessing to you, but I think that you have incredibly blessed so many, including moi, with your loving, caring, encouraging, positive ways!! You are a blessing!!

    Love and hugs! Talk to you soon! Sorry I couldn't connect with you the other day!

  6. Hi Nellie

    I always love to come and read you list of thankfuls. I have really had to use my patience while I am waiting for God to reveal all the plans he has for me. It sounds like you have good patience. Our Lord is so good and I am happy to walk on this journey with you.
    You and Jim are in my prayers and I am hoping he will get a job soon.
    Thank you for keeping me inspired and encouraged!

    Blessings & Hugs

  7. Oh Nellie, just love your thankful heart! What a precious soul you are and I so enjoy your post! Hope your weekend was wonderful and that your week is lovely!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...