Monday, December 12, 2011

A few inexpensive Christmas Gifts Ideas

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Well, it is pouring rain in Florida,  and we sure can use this
rain, as it has been very dry for awhile now. Dismal looking,
warm, but looks like a Winter day out there.

Hope you are well and not too cold,  since I know some
of you are experiencing very cold temps and even snow.
Hope you are enjoying the snow at least!!
Playing in it some are ya??  Hope you have had time!!
If not, makes some time...................
Would love to see your snow

I know that some of you are in the same position we were
in last year,  and for those who are new to my blog,  hubby
had been without a job since May of 2010, not complaining,
just saying,  I know how it is...............and I know some of you
have had a cut in your hours as well,  which equates to less
income of course.  Anyway just thought you might like to
see a few Christmas ideas that we did last year.

These can be great times for getting back to making your gifts.
and food gifts are usually always welcome.  At least ,  they
are for this girl and her hubby.  I really had a lot of fun doing
these to tell you the truth.

(Only things missing from pic are the focaccia bread and the gift bag)

This idea started with me seeing a 3 pk box of tortellini
at Sam's,  and I thought hey, I could give this to each of
our kids with a jar of homemade Marinara sauce, cause
both of my kids were not married yet and were working
full time,  and who doesn't like something super easy
to make after a long day!

Then I happened to go into the dollar store and found
these cute lil  bowls, I thought they would make perfect
 dipping bowls  for olive oil and spices, and thought
 we could either make our own bread in the breadmaker 
or get some wonderful focaccia bread from Sam's to go
 with it,  which is what we wound up doing.

Then I  remembered I had a few cruet bottles from dressing
from Olive Garden,  and then I happened to use some
Barilla sauce, so saved the jar,  and then I had these small
candle jars,  so I just cleaned and sterilized them all really
well,  and put my own olive oil in the cruet,  and some 
dipping spices we already had in the lil jars,  and made
labels for them.  Used a coffee filter to put over the top of
 the Barilla sauce jar, and some raffia,  and put it all in a
nice gift bag,  and it was a gift I wouldn't mind receiving
myself,  and I think they enjoyed it too.  I remember my
son in love to be, said wow, that looks like something
you would get at the store,  he meant the packaging.
But loved he thought that.....................
and Dee could really appreciate all the time I put
into it,  as her room mate is real crafty and had
been making lots of gifts,  so she could see how
time consuming it was,  which helped her to
appreciate it all the more.
Which makes a Mom's heart happy after you
have done all that labor of love! lol

You can click on any pic to make it larger, if you want a closer look.

I decide to make a gingerbread pancake
mix,  but you could make a pancake,
cookie or cookie bar mix or anything
else your lil heart desires,  then you
put it in a ziplock bag, then in a paper
bag,  and put a label on it with ribbon.

Here is a closer look at the label.
I made my labels with printmaster and then
printed them on cardstock.

You have to punch holes in the paper bags,  you fold over the top
 of the bag, then use a whole punch, to make 2 holes thru the
double layer of bag,  the thread your ribbon through it.
  I rotated this pic but don't know how it got like this!   lol  sorry!

Then last but not least there is the old standby..........

Banana nutbread or any kind of nut bread,
Wrap in foil with a bow, and throw it in a gift
bag with a nice Christmas cup or just any  pretty 
cup, and add some coffee,  they have those 
small 2 oz. or less coffees at the grocery store.
  Walmart  and Publix has the small Millstone
 brand coffee's in regular and decaf, and you can
 get flavored ones, as well,  If you are looking for
 decaf I highly recommend "Caramel Truffle"
or "Hazelnut", very nice addition.

One other idea...........................
no picture to go with it,  but if you get money 
points on your discover or visa,  you can
 always cash them in for restaurant gift cards.
We save them up..........just for that reason!

anyway, hope you might have gotten some
inspiration or ideas that might help you.

If you have any questions please be sure
to leave a comment,  so I can, hopefully, give
 you an answer.

Thanks for stopping in......................
love hearing from you,  and hope you are
having a fun time with all your preparations.

Hugs and Merry Christmas Blessings,


  1. Nice ideas, Nellie. I've been getting very "creative" here with gift-giving, too.

  2. Delicious ideas! I'd love that gingerbread pancake mix! (Hint, hint!) ha!

    I've been busy. Alice and I went after church to hear the TransSiberian Orchestra! Wow! Did they have a wonderful program. They have a violin section, 2 keyboards, 1 large drum section, bass guitar, rhythum guitar and lead guitar! It was like a little hard rock mixed with an orchestra! They had platforms that would raise above you where the guitars and one violinist would run out on as they played. I assume all of the instruments were on wireless systems. It even had fire that shot straight up as well as fireworks and a backdrop with fantastic scenes. And, what a laser light show that was insinc with the music!The 1st hour and half was on the theme of Christ's birth. The next hour was with their best hits over the years. Very enjoyable!

  3. Blessings to you Nellie for sharing these ideas. I have friends whom I need to give gifts too and you are right, it is always so difficult to know what to do that won't cost an arm and a leg. Thanks for these ideas!
    I love hearing you are getting rain; we had sunshine and warmer weather-got up to 30 degrees today but the snow is melting from last week. Sending love your way!

  4. What nice ideas!!! Love the pancake mix one, never seen anything like that as a gift! Thanks for your emails today!

  5. You're so thoughtful and creative. I love to visit and read your ideas. And, of course,see all the photos. Wish I could eat nuts, but I'll just have to have my banana bread plain.:)
    Til next time...God bless and Merry Christmas.

  6. What a darling idea. Who wouldn't love to receive that? And gingerbread pancakes sound right up my alley.

  7. Great gifts Nellie! I love banana nut bread and gingerbread. Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  8. Hi Nellie..
    this post is fantastic!!
    extremely helpful and inspirational!!
    you helped me solve two last minute gifts!!
    yes.. i remember you visiting before..
    always good reconnecting with old friends..
    gotta finish a few last minute items..
    tomorrow having lunch with daughter..
    just the two of us.. no grands allowed!
    we need "adult" time/adult conversation..
    which we seem to have so little of these busy days..
    enjoy your day!


  9. Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!

    Christmas Gift Ideas


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie