Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thankful Thursday - January 19, 2012

 Be joyful always;  pray continually;  give thanks in all
 circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sweet Peas,

Here is hoping you have had a good week.......
but if not,  here's hoping you might gain 
some encouragement to carry on.

The Lord tells us to praise him in all things, 
 and guess what, He means it.  Now with
that being said..........what if we don't feel
like it???  It matters not,  He never said
we had to feel like it,  He just said do it,
and you know what,  everytime I obey
that command,  and yes,  it is a command
from scripture,  I feel way better,  it is
truly a supernatural path to Joy!

To tell you the truth I haven't had a great week, 
me and hubby have felt like we had a touch of
  the stomach flu,  then finally that went away, 
and I had a misunderstanding with someone
 that felt heartbreaking, and right now I am very
 tired because I only slept about an hour last
night (think it was some sinus meds I took,
 sometimes they make me hyper) but I have
 learned and gladly have kept this discipline of 
writing a list of Thankfuls every Thursday
for the last 2 yrs. and 8 months, and you 
know what??? It has revolutionized my life.
It is like it has trained me to see the good,
and not so much of the bad.  I would 
highly recommend it to you too, with this
crazy world of negativity we live in.

Definitely not meaning to come across
as super spiritual or as a nag,  but just
eager to pass along something the Lord
has taught me that has greatly improved
my life and the life of others that practice
it as well.......................

So with that said,  
I am thankful
for the absolutely gorgeous day we had today.
Perfectly clear blue skies, with a cool morning
in the 60's leading up to an afternoon temp
of 73 degrees.  Delightful,  and a great day to
 be out of the house.

I am thankful
that the heart breaking misunderstanding got
 straightened out yesterday.  Can not tell you
what a relief that was!!


I am thankful
that we are feeling better,  since we had
that potential stomach virus earlier this
week.  Yeah!!

I am thankful
that after a nap this afternoon and a good meal
 I am feeling not quite as tired, and think I should
 sleep well tonight......hopefully!

No sinus meds today!!  lol

I am thankful
that my house is back to normal,  but with
a little bit of a different look.  Will probably
show you some pics next week.
Really enjoying that!

I am thankful
for bible studies,  because you just learn
so much more than with mere reading.
Today was my bible study and I am thankful
I didn't fall asleep on the table, lol,  I was
plenty alert earlier in the day surprisingly.

I am thankful
for grocery stores,  cause what in the world would we do
without them.  I'd hate to think I would have to depend on
my skills to grow food,  course, at least I do have a lil
edge since my son is a grower,  but still imagine having 
to grow or get all your own food somehow.  Course,
I know they used to do it in the old days,  just think we
would be sorely unprepared!  lol

I am thankful
for nuts of all kinds: my favs are pecans, cashews, pistachios,
macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, and almonds.  They are such
a great addition to our diet,  and so heart healthy because
they have such good oils, and they make everything taste
delightfully good.  We eat them daily, cause they are
part of a heart healthy diet.

I am thankful
that a sweet lady I told you about before that was
 in a rehab hospital is home and doing very well,  and
 just about ready to go from a walker to a cane. 
 So happy to here that good news and happy for her
that she is home.

I am thankful
that the other gentleman they we went to see
at the same time is now home and doing amazingly
well also.  So glad to hear he is home too,
They are both just the sweetest christians, and
 Great to see the Lord answers to prayers in
their behalf.............

I am thankful
we are gonna get to have Rosie on Sunday for the
day or maybe even a few days,  it has been awhile
and we have missed our lil grandaughter dog!!  lol

..............and here she is...............

I am thankful
for a delicious new decaf coffee I found a few months
back by Millstone coffee Co. called "CaramelTruffle".
I have only been able to find the sample sizes but
today I happened on a full size bag.   Can't wait
to have some in the morning.

I am thankful
that a dear older saint from our church had her
prayers answered by the Lord, and got her 
promotion to heaven.  She has been thru a lot
and was weary and ready to go.  I just had the
sweet thought a few minutes ago,  that maybe
Jim's Mom and my dad might have been part
of her welcoming party,  as she knew them
both.  Jim's mom from our church,  and my
dad from Key West,  where they both used
to live for years.

Well,  gonna go to bed now,  did our exercise
and finished my last two Thankfuls,  and
I am off to dream land!!  lol

Joyful Blessings,

P.S. We did something to try and fix the problem
with my comments,  so hope it is working for you
now,  if not, please go to my sidebar,  and send
me an email.  thanks!

Have a great weekend!!


  1. What a wonderful tradition you have to start your thanking for all you have on Thursdays, I'm inspired, maybe I should check a day for me...and there's sooo much to be thankful! Hope your better, now hubby is sick in bed with a bad caugh. I'm so glad the missunderstanding was resolved, it's horroble when that happens! Your sweet doggie is so cute! Thanks for dropping by and for your kind comments, I'm so glad that led me to visit your beautiful blog too. Hugs,

  2. Yahooooooooooooo! Thank you, Jesus!I can now post! My spirit is lifted up! It is in a different format. I need to change mine now so that I can read my comments!
    You have revolutionized my life too with your "Thankful Thursdays!" Praise GOD for you! You have been such an inspiration in my life and the LORD surely let me know that when I couldn't post on your blog!
    #1. If only the whole year could be as today! I guess in the heat of the summer, it gives us something to look forward to when these beautiful days come to us.
    #2. I thank you, Jesus for Nellie's heart being restored!
    #3. Thank you, Jesus for your healing on Jim and Nellie!
    #4. I don't get as much sinus as I do with my eyes becoming dry, itchy, then watery with tears after I have been rubbing them so bad!
    #5. I'm so anxious to get my carpet out and the laminate flooring down!
    #6. Yes! Amen! Hallelujah! I have never been aboe to attend when working. Now it is what I look forward to every week! The fellowship with the ladies in the WORD of GOD means so much!
    #7. Aren't you glad you don't have to grow your own, canning, freezing, etc! I have been learning about not getting foods with glutens (wheat, corn, oat) in it due to it can cause headaches, joint problems and even some liver damage in some people.
    #8. Dr. Oz's speacialists say you should eat about 1/2 cup of pistashios a day, 1 cup of kale, & persimmons a day because of the excellent nutrients is gives against disease (cancers in parti- cular)
    #9. She looks so good. She comes to the Bible study on Wednesday.
    #10. The LORD knows what we each need. Let's remember to pray for Jim B. as he has lost Cleo to her illness. Praise the LORD she is with Him now!
    #11. She surely enjoys being with you! Sometimes it is as though she doesn't want to leave!
    #12. I'll have to try it! I surely enjoy getting the beans and using my Magic Bullet to grind them for fresh coffee, wow! Oh, that's another thing Dr. Oz said was good for you. 1 or 2 cups a day.
    #13. Isn't it great what the LORD has instore for those who love Him!
    I love you all so very much,
    (Okay, LORD! I pray this will post.)

  3. Hi Nellie

    Your comment form is working for me and so is Susans. I am thankful for that.

    I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I have not yet had the flu and hope it stays away.

    I am excited to see pictures of your house.

    I enjoy reading your thankfuls. Thank you for sharing them.

    Blessings & Love

  4. Nellie, You are so positive and so full of gratitude. Reading your blog is inspiring! We enjoyed Christmas with our daughter; her hsb was unable to come due to work. God is good, and life is good. Take care!
    Hugs, Beth


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

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