Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Warm Fuzzy Tuesday

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope your day has been a good one.

Been a good day here, productive, and I enjoy
 those kind of days. Warm too, 82 degrees,
can you imagine, too warm for this girl this
time of year,  but at least, we do get a 
break from the cold.

Well, I got inspired this morning because
I visited someones blog,  (want tell you
who's till Thursday) she was showing her
organized pantry and she had some really
great ideas,  so when I left there I got
busy on mine.  Will tell you all about it
on Thursday..................

Well, better tell ya My Warm Fuzzy
for today................

It is surprising someone with a call, 
visit, or gift especially when you know
it really helped encourage them or 
made them feel loved or special,
and you know you were used by God 
to bring good things to someone else's life.
A great warm fuzzy,  have to say.......lol

So......what is your warm fuzzy for
the day?????

Have a Wonderful Evening,

Thanks for stopping by,  and be sure to
tell us your Warm Fuzzy.

Warm Fuzzy Hugs,

and Janet if you happened to miss my
new Winter look, since you wanted to see it
and if someone else wants to take a peek
that is fine too!!  lol


  1. Warm fuzzy for me is going through my box of old photos and cards. I love rereading lettes people have written me..


  2. I have a big box of romantic letters my hubby used to write me before we got married, they where sent to Astoria, Queens, NY where I am from, but I am from Ecuadorian heritage. We kater got married in Las Vegas as I lived in LA in 74 to 75, when we got married, this Feb, 25th, it'll be 37 hppy years. I have letters from dad when he used to live in NY and me here, etc. I keep them as a treasure and also post cards and C'mas cards from way back. Thank you for reminding me of this. Thanks for your lovely visit Nellie. Have a nice evening.

  3. I have to agree with you, helping out someone is a warm fuzzy. I love the random act of kindness. It's particularly goose bump good! LOL!

  4. Warm fuzzy is getting texts throughout the day from my newly licensed teenage driver telling her mama she's safe!

  5. What a gorgeous, gorgeous blog you have! I've followed you! I love the idea of warm fuzzies! Mine today is feeling our baby kick inside me!! Yay!!

    And now you've got me wanting to sort out *my* kitchen cupboards - it's like a virus!! We'll all be doing it soon!


  6. Hey Nellie, thanks for ur wonderful comment on my blog...nice to meet you...beautiful blog you have...following you:)

  7. Can't wait to see your pantry!! Just curling up under my blankets right now is my warm fuzzy! I'm pretty sick today and came home from the doctor awhile ago. Enjoy your Wednesday!

  8. My warm fuzzy is going through the cards my family and friends have given me for the diiferent ocassions we have shared in our lives.

  9. Nellie

    Love the warm and fuzzy...82 degrees is quite warm. It has been in the 50's here and that is warm enough for me.
    I can't wait to see your pantry. I need some ideas too. Organization yes I need that too. LOL

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: