Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Part 1 -Scenes from Inside of Holyland Experience -Orlando, Florida

Hello Sweet Friends,
 Happy New Year to you all!!

Know I am a few days late with that,  but better late than
never I always say!!   Hope you had a good New Years
Celebration.  Ours was quiet and not been very exciting by
some people stands,  but it was restful, relaxing ,rejuvenating
and a lil bit productive!  lol
We had breakfast on the porch, because the weather was glorious,
 then we read some in a Beth Moore book, talked a long while,
 played some cards, and organized hubbies dresser drawers
and closet, and got rid of some things he never wears, and
added new clothing he received as Christmas gifts, then had
 lunch, then hubby had a lil work to do for his old company, 
 so we sat on the porch again while he was working as I read
 my new Better Homes and Gardens, and prevention
 magazines, while drinking ice tea, then had to move inside as it
 was getting too cool. By then it was getting to be dinner time 
so I threw in some potatoes in to bake, then exercised, and
 since we bought steamed shrimp and fruit salad the night
 before, once the potatoes were done we had a lovely
dinner and a glass of sparkling cider.  Then we watched
a really lovely Christmas movie called "The Golden 
Christmas" while waiting for the ball to drop, then we kissed
 and wished each other  a Happy New Year.......then call our
kids to do the same,  got DeeAnna but not Scott. Finished
our movie,  then went to bed!

We are wild people,  I have to

Well,  thought I would show you more pictures today
of the inside of Holyland experience.........................

 This header picture and the one above are of the Temple in Jerusalem.

For those who didn't see last weeks pictures.  We visited the
Holyland experience last Wednesday,  and if you would like to
see pics of the decorations outside click here.  It is part of my
Thankful Thursday post,  just so that doesn't throw you off.

 this is part of the town of Jerusalem,  sorry it is a bit blurry,
the other didn't come out very well either, so it was the best.

These next 3 pictures were inside the wax museum, and  this was
their rendition of the Last Supper,  and yes it was as colorful 
and flashy,  as they look!

These next 6 pictures were in the wax museum
as well,
Love the expression on the camels face!!  lol

Jesus being tempted in the Garden by the enemy.

Roman Guard's gambling for his clothes.

The ladies at the garden tomb.
They had a depiction of his crucifixion,  but couldn't get a good
picture of it............................

Now this horse........... not sure why it was there.
It looks red but it is all white with all these silver
embellishments all over it!!  Beats me!!

His Ascension

Just some outdoor scenes that looked nice.

This is a replica of a boat Jesus preached from.........

This is a replica of Noahs ark
All the rest of the pictures are from the Kiddie area,
I think this was my favorite area...........does that mean I am
just a kid at

These are all shots just showing what it might have looked
like inside the ark,  of course, there were no windows
on the Ark..........................

These are just scenes from biblical times.

Thought they were pretty neat! and authentic looking!

These next 3 pics are sort of like a rendition of It's
a small world at Disney,  but they are singing " This
little light of mine",  I think??  I forgot once I got home.
It is a children's song anyway!  Very cute!

This is Jonah in the Belly of the Whale

and he had a friendly octopus in there  too!  lol

Nice manger scene,  and this is just one of them,
there are more to come,  but not till next week!

Same scene just encompassing more of the characters.

Here is my Samson!!  lol
It was such a bright day,  it sort of washed
him out!!  I had a pic of him sitting on a camel
stool,  they had there but he had his eyes closed
in both shots unfortunately.

Well,  that is only part of the pictures
 I still have about as many left as I have
 here,  so will probably conclude it next

Hope you enjoyed the journey!

Glad you stopped in.................

See ya tomorrow for 
Thankful Thursday,

Love, Hugs, 
and New Years Blessings to you all,



  1. I am so glad you had such a great time. Terrific photos too..

  2. THere is so much to see! Can you get it done in one visit? The tabernacle reminds me of the outdoor setting of Jerusalem when I visited there back in 1998. They had a replica of the City of Jerusalem as it was in Christ's time. It was about 50 foot square.

    Jim look like he was doing a pretty good job as Samson...only where was his long hair, ha!

    Love to you all,

  3. Wonderful pictures! I'm so glad you had such a sweet New Year. The Christmas Eve shopping went so well and with no stress at all. Everybody is now thinking this should be the new thing to do.
    Well happy New Year! Have a wonderful 2012 full of goodness!

  4. Looks like a great place to visit! A group of our youth from church were in Orlando a few years ago for the Fine Arts competition and they went on a tour also! So nice to see more pictures! We managed to stay up past midnight as well! I was pretty shocked. Then we spent New Years Day in our pjs, well Olivia had to work and then Michael had a party to attend in the afternoon, but I stayed in mine!! And cooked a really good meal. It was probably one of the best we've had in ages. No rushing anywhere. Need to do that more often! Glad you had a nice quiet time also.

  5. We almost crossed paths in Orlando. We left to come home on the 27th! We got to enjoy the entire time with those wonderful 80 degree temperatures. That was the warmest Christmas in the 5 we have been there. I think we got out just in time for your cold wave and it actually is really nice here this week-in the 50's in Illinois in January!

    We drive past the Holyland Experience all the time when in Orlando. I have always wondered what was inside. I went back and looked at your other post too. Very interesting. We think that the crowds in Orlando were the worst we've seen, my daughter said the same thing. Traffic was so hard to get around in, but we still had a good time and it looks as if you did too! Happy New Year!

  6. What a neat place to visit! I did not know this existed. Your pictures made me feel like I was right there with you!


    PS. On New Year's Eve I was in bed by 10. I was too tired to stay awake until midnight. Not a very exciting New Year's Eve for us although we did get together with family earlier in the day.

  7. Hi Nellie this looks like it was a very neat place. After seeing the rest of the photos I linked back here to see these. We are not a very exciting crowd I guess. I was asleep by 10 I think also. I like the idea of New Year's Eve but I am usually just so done with all the holiday stuff by then. Just plain too tuckered out to love it. Your day sounded perfect to me.

    Hugs, B

  8. Remembering the Christmas time that we went together to the Holy Land Experience...I used a was chilly and delightful... and we ended the evening at Outback! Fun memories. The Happiest of new years to you and yours~ ((HUGS))


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...