Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 5, 2012

Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
psalm 34:3

A Great Good Morning to You,

Hope this finds you feeling fine!

I am doing well.....we had a fun time with the
family last night celebrating our new son-in-loves
birthday.  His fav meal is picnic fare,  hotdogs,
hamburgers, fries, and the like,  and he did want
salad for veggies,  so we all enjoyed a winter
picnic and loved it!

I am thankful

for our new son-in-love Jerry,  yesterday (4th)
was his birthday and we are all celebrating
tonight as a family,  and so looking forward
to it.  He has the same birthdate of my late
mother-in-law and my late brothers name.
Isn't that neat...........and He is just the kind 
of guy you want for your daughter!! 

Earlier this week we knew a cold front was
coming thru so had to get prepared
I am thankful
for these lovely bouquets of bougainvilla.
Since we were having a freeze and had
to bring them in,  I had to prune them back,
and happily harvested all the flowers, hence
the lovely blossoms that are brightening
up my kitchen.

I am thankful

for the cold weather,  we have been at
freezing for a few nights,  but it is nice to
be able to bundle up for a change.
Course, unlike most of you that are in
cold weather,  we will get a break over
the weekend,  until mid week next week
when we get another cold front.

(Colored pencil affect)

I am thankful

for a fun evening out with my hubby last night,
 food shopping and going to dinner at Outback.
They have updated and changed their restaurant,
so that was nice too.

I am thankful
for my sweet son, Scott,  he used his day
off last week to come over and build a potting
bench for us,  and he did a great job.... it is
so sturdy so should last a long time.  It 's nice
to have a place to put my pots and stuff again,
and it looks so much neater!! and am looking
forward to using it in the spring.

I am thankful
Dee is coming over early today to do my hair
and to get ready for Jerry's celebration. Haven't
seen her,  Jerry, Megan or Rosie since Christmas.......
so I am beginning to get withdrawal symptoms!!  lol
So will be great to see them all.

I am thankful
I can start taking my Christmas decoration down
tomorrow.  Figured I wouldn't try till after Jerry's
birthday so I didn't have that pressure or have
the house looking all stripped.  I actually like to
leave them up into the first week of January,
Then I am really ready to take them down.
Then one lady said on her blog that she didn't
 take her christmas stuff down till after 
Three Kings Day,
 which is Jan. 6th (today) thought that
 is great! Knew their was some reason I liked
 leaving them up

I am thankful
for popcorn,  it is a great wholegrain and
is so delicious,  and makes a great snack.

Posterized affect

I am thankful

for a really sweet email from a young bloggy
friend yesterday that was truly an encouragement
to me to keep on blogging............

I am thankful

for photoshop, cause it is just a wonderful
tool,  and I love playing around with it
and getting different affects for my pics,
which you can see here!!  lol
and of course, it  has a cropping tool
as well,  which many times can really
enhance your photos.

I am thankful

for my wood laminate floors, not only are they
beautiful but they are a real back saver, since
they are so easy to clean.  Way better than
the solarium flooring we used to have, altho,
I loved it, but I would throw my back out 
every time I had to clean it, then hubby started
 helping me,  which definitely made it better,  but 
still had some problems, so this is way better!
  Let's here it for laminate flooring!!  lol


 This is another flower from our yard,  I called it a Mimosa tree,
 and it has these neat lil flowers that look like powder puffs, 
 in fact,  when I was a lil girl we had one in our backyard and
 we used to pretend we were putting on powder with them.
Ours were pale pink, yellow and white.

I am thankful
for this tree because of the good memories it invokes
from my childhood,  but also, because my son grew
it from a cutting off his grandparents tree when he
was a young boy, and it reminds me of him every
time I walk in my back yard.  It is like a precurser
to what he would do when he grew up.  He has
his education and works in the agricultural field,
and at one time, worked as a Grower that provided
 all those pretty flowers you see and probably buy 
at Home Depot.  He is not presently working as a 
Grower,  but he helps Growers,  but in his spare
 time he is still growing his own plants,  and they
 are all beautiful.  Can you tell I am just a lil bit
proud of him!!  lol

 Here is a nice side shot, so you can see the powder puff affect.


I am thankful
for my new red robe Jim's gave me for Christmas.
It is one of those real soft and cozy ones, and has
certainly been pressed into service with all these 
cold days.  It is so light, it feels like you are 
wearing  almost nothing.  I just love it!! lol

I am wearing it right now as I type this last
Thankful on Friday morning.  Didn't get finished
last night like I thought I would.................

These lil raspberry looking things are what the powder
puffs look like before they open,  I cut some off to use as
 decorations on a wreath for Jerry's birthday table, figured
 they were gonna freeze anyway might as well enjoy
them a lil longer..................

Well,  Sweet Folks,
that is my blessing list for this week.  Hope you
have your own,  and will share a few with us.

Thanks so much for coming by and sharing
a comment with me.

Love, Hugs,
and Bougainvilla Blessings,

P.S.  Don't know why this is all gapped up,
tried to fix it but can't.  Every once in awhile
everything just seemed to go kafluey and
you have no idea
Have a great Day!!


  1. Amen. My daily list could go on and on with so much to be Thankful for, and I am. I give HIm all The Glory. I know the feeling of of a child with a wonderful spouse. That really goes to the top of Thankfulness.
    Santa brought me photoshop and it scares me. Haven't had any time to jump-in with all the clean up the holidays bring.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year…….

    The French Hutch

  2. #1. Jerry is truly a GOD sent blessing to us all! (As is Megan too!!!)
    #2. Yes, the freeze got my 8 foot bush :-(
    But it will come back in the spring. Only in March, I will have a lot of cutting back to do
    #3. I spend most of my time in the den which is on the north side of the house! So, I've been snug in my warm blanket while watching tv. I pray the LORD has wrapped His blanket of warmth around the feral cats on my back property!
    #4. Was that when I was sitting in your drive-way, ha!
    #5. What blessings of the heart that lasts forever!
    #6. Sad to say, I had to come as a "pumpkin head." My hair appointment wasn't until Friday!
    #7. I know of friends that wait until the 6th also.
    #8. I have found that out recently. I get the small packets that pop in 1 1/2 minutes!
    #9. I hope you blog forever! My heart sank when I read your #9! Your blog is like a lifeline to me!
    #10. I need to change to it. If I use Printshop, I have to print it out and then save it to my photo files. It won't transfer.
    #11. Yes, yes, yes! And, thank you for my Mint! It does a great job! I'm planning on extending my flooring into the living/dining area by the end of the month!
    #12. That bush was overcovered with the bougainvilla this year. I'm hoping it was saved from the freeze by the bougainvilla. Each year it freezes it takes out both of the plants, but they come back in the spring.
    #13. I'm still enjoying the slippers you gave me one Christmas! They keep my toes warm!

    What an enjoyable picnic party you gave Jerry last night! It's always such an enjoyable time to eat with family!

    Love to you all,

  3. what a great thankful list! you are very blessed!

  4. We had a very Florida day here in the 70s. I'm ready for spring! :)

  5. New Year's Greetings dear friend!
    We are looking forward to a third grandson arriving early February! Can't wait to see Katie and her sweet has been since October 28th!
    So thankful for ALL that GOD has done in our lives this past year. Sending my love~

  6. Nellie

    Happy belated birthday to your son in law. My son-in law Ricky just had his birthday yesterday.
    I also got a fluffy red robe for Christmas from Marvin. I think it is a bot cooler her but I love to snuggle up in it.
    Your flowers are beautiful and I do like the way you get in photo shop and experiement. The colored pencil effect was my favorite.

    Blessings & Love

  7. I am thankful that you are my blog friend! I just love those little puffy flowers, so unique.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: