Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Easy Tip for ladies who have natural nails

(Compliments of google images)

Morning Sweet Folks,
How are you this fine Wednesday
 Morning???  Finer that froghair, I hope!
 (as my hubby always says) lol
After 42 years together, you sort of rub off on one
 another,  do I hear an Amen to that!! lol

We are finer than froghair,  cause it is Mr.
 Froghair's birthday today! lol  He is working at
home,  as usual on Wed., and once he gets
off.... we are going out to eat and to a movie
I think,  at least that is the plan for now!!

We are just getting ready for our company
tomorrow,  and anticipating seeing them and
 Dee and Jerry's new house on Friday night.
  We are gonna go help them move some of the
 breakable things,  they have some movers
that are gonna do the hard stuff. Then
once they are all moved in Dee wants to
have a lil birthday celebration for her dad.
So we are looking forward to that too!

A few Sunday's ago I was on my way to church 
and doing my nails in the car as hubby drove,
and thought I really need to share this lil tip
with my blog friends, since it has been such
a help to me.  So here it is.....................

Christmas before last my daughter gave me this neat
lil pen from the Body shop at the mall,  and what a neat
 gift indeed,  I loved it,  and used it all up,  so hubby got
 me a new one this year.  They are only $10.00 and well
 worth every penny.  The pen has almond oil in it, with
a brush to apply it and then a cuticle tip to push your
cuticles back with.  It is so handy, and so easy to
keep your nails and cuticles looking great.

The cuticle tool just pops right off,  then you can
use the brush to put on the oil,  then pop it back
on and work on your cuticles.

close up of the brush

close up of the cuticle pusher 

I keep the new one in the car,  and the old one in
the house as it is out of oil,  and I have lil bottles
of oil at home,  so I just brush it on then use the
cuticle tool .  It keeps my nails looking quite nice.

I love to look nice..........but I don't like to spend
a lot of time doing it,  so thought there are probably
some ladies out there just like me who would like
knowing about this quick and easy lil nailcare

You could also keep it in your purse or desk or
anywhere since it is just the size of a pen.
Best lil invention I have seen in a long time.

Thanks Dee for introducing me to this great idea!
Aren't grown up kids soooo smart and full of
great it!!!  and them!!

I was gonna have hubby take a picture of my
hands for the header pic and I forgot,  so  rather
than go thru all it would take to do it, just decided
to quickly find a pic............mine don't look quite as
 good as hers,  cause looks like she has a french
 manicure, but I am happy with them!!   lol  
and think you will be too,  if you feel to try it!

Well, Have a Great Day!!

Thanks for dropping by
always a delight 
to hear from

Love, Hugs,
and Pretty Nail Blessings,


  1. Happy Birthday to your hubby. Love the great tool for our nails. I will look for one. Hugs, Marty

  2. Great idea! Thanks for sharing this nifty little tool, Nellie!

  3. Happy Birthday Nellie, I love this and had to click on the photo so I could get the name of it. I will look at our Body shops here to see if I can find it. Since we've lived in Co. my nails have definitely taken a hit from the dry air. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day!
    Hugs, Noreen

  4. What a wonderful tip! Thanks for sharing with us. Please give Jim a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUG from the Erricos!
    Sending our love~ Jess

  5. Thanks for this useful tip. I do a lot of gardening which is rough on nails so can use this idea.

  6. So, they got the roof replaced? I know how excited they must be!

    My nails have gotten to be really thick. They shape well, but ache once they get over the ends of my finger tips. So, that's when I usually clip them back. Dr. Oz says the little white marks in your fingernails indicate that your kidney function is lacking in protein.

    Happy Birthday to Jimmy!
    Yours is coming at the end of the month! This is really the time of the year for birthdays in our family! Love to you all, Susan.

  7. Love ya Gal! I'm sure you made Jimmy's birthday really special! You have a way of honoring people in the loveliest ways!! {I should know!!}

    Great nail tip! Just have to get mine grown out nicely!!

  8. Happy Birthday to your hubby! What movie did you all see? Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate! You know how we love movies. That nail pen is really neat! I love having my nails looking pretty and it's such a luxury for us right now to spend the money on my nails.

  9. You should have let us believe those were your nails. LOL! It's sounds like a very easy product.
    Happy Birthday to your husband! You're next right?
    hugs and happy Birthday wishes to your husband,

  10. I thought those were you nails! I have never seen this pen before. I will have to get one. My hands and nails get so dry from the constant washing at work. I need something to soften my cuticles.


  11. Nellie

    I had to laugh at finer than froghair. I love it. I have not ever heard anyone say that.

    What a neat nail pen. I still chew my nails. Icky I now it is such a bad habit.

    Thanks for sharing

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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