Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Manna - The Four Seasons

Happy Monday Morning to you
Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good 
weekend, full of blessings!

We had a nice weekend, Friday night we got pizza,
read some and turned in early,  cause we were just
wiped out for some reason,  but that was good cause
we knew we had a busy work day on Saturday.  
Finally, it was time to get the porch back together,
then hubby had to do some more work on the 
sprinkler system,  and then we did more yard
work,  accomplished more than we thought we
would,  so that was good.   Sunday was our fairly
usual, other than we went to a new Sunday
 school class,  since the quarter changed, and
they started a class for Baby Boomers, which
would be us!! lol  Sounds like it is gonna be neat.
We got free smoothies yesterday since both of 
us have March birthdays, and they sent us 
coupons via email,  so that made us happy!!

Just wanted to share some thoughts with you
that I had yesterday morning.............

Here in Florida we have been experiencing Spring 
weather very early this year, much to my chagrin, and
 all our plants and trees are confused. So when I woke up
 Sunday morning and was looking out the window at our 
yard that is steadily greening up, from the fertilizer hubby
 put down last week, and the slow release fertilizer Scott
 put down on Saturday, and the heavy rains from the night
 before.  I was thinking about and telling hubby how much
 I love Spring.  It is so neat that all these dead trees and grass
 just burst into life all of a sudden and are such a reminder of
 the resurrection of Jesus, and the new life that He gives......
and then I got to thinking about how I really enjoy all of the
 seasons of the year, (but spring is my all time favorite) and
 what the rest of the seasons might represent spiritually.

Winter of course, would be a reminder of  His death, but 
then I was thinking what would Autumn be.........couldn't 
think of anything at the moment,  but then I thought about 
Summer, and it came to me, that Summer would be a
 reminder of his birth, childhood and the rest of his first
 30 years of life, and Autumn would be a reminder about 
 His 3 years of  ministry before his death. ( Did you know
He was only 33 yrs.old when He died,  and that He only
 had a formal public ministry for those last 3 years, and it is
 just simply amazing all He accomplished in that time frame.
Mind boggling really..................... But, Of Course, after
 all, He is God,  so why should I be so surprised!)  lol

  I am constantly awed by
how the Lord leaves constant reminders of himself,
all over creation, if we just look and watch for them.

Hope you will be looking and watching for His finger
prints where ever you go this Spring.

Where have you seen
 His fingerprints lately???

Wonderous Pre-Spring Blessings,


  1. A really nice post! I love seeing the Lord's fingerprints on my LIFE. When I look back over the years He has always been there. Sounds like a great weekend. Olivia is home, after a 2 hour delay, but she's home and it's really nice. I'm feeling much better, thank GOD! It has been an awful week but I'm thankful that I was sick last week and not this week with Olivia home. My mom is having a heart procedure done tomorrow in preparation for heart surgery to replace her aorta valve sometime after Easter. Olivia and I will be at the hospital all day tomorrow as she has this procedure done and another test. God is good. Enjoy your Monday!

  2. What a beautiful post! We had a busy weekend with our little grands here, this morning I've spent mopping sticky floors and wiping away fingerprints! As for spring...we have had temperatures near 70 last week and it will be 60 tomorrow, BUT last night we had 4 inches of snow! It is the most we have had all winter...we couldn't believe it!

  3. I just love the bright days in the late afternoons with the longer days! The LORD's fingerprints show in the sky with the longer days and deep blue skies!
    Love you,

  4. Love spring too. But because it means my favorite season is just around the corner. SUMMER!
    I do see/feel God's fingerprint. I have this unbelievably positive feeling that my home is just about to come to us. I have been in this rental for a year preparing for this home. Maybe I'm nuts! But he is all about the miracles. I'll stay in this good mental place no matter what.
    I'm glad you got your smoothies! I know how much you love them.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...