Thursday, March 22, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - March 22, 2012

Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous deeds, among all peoples.
For great is the Lord and most worthy
of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.
Psalm 96:3-4

Hello Spring  Sweet Peas......

What cha' been up to??  Wow, haven't 
used that terminology since High School!! 
 At least I can still remember

Been decorating for Spring??enjoying the 
weather?? or just maybe having a dose of 
Spring Fever??  Hope not on the last one!

I just came in from off our porch, been sitting out there
reading my bible and journaling and listening to the many
birds singing, the trees rustling and watching some Sand
Hill cranes flying over making there unusual sounds, and
a swarm of birds flying every which direction like they
were in a bug eating frenzy, never seen that up close
and personal before, so very interesting!
It was truly delightful I have to say and think it is
my first thankful for the day,  sitting on the back
porch it is a good thing as Martha would say!! lol

I am thankful
for the wonderful time we all had at
Dee and Jerry's celebrating my honey's
birthday.  We left saying wee, wee,
wee all the way home!!  lol
You'll see why on my next thankful!!

I am thankful
for the Wii system the kids gave to both
of us for our birthdays,  as it has some new
exercise routines we can do,  but is also a
fun thing for all of us to do when we get
together.  So far, we have bowled together,
and hubby and I have done a 20 and 30 minute
exercise routine on the wii from the biggest
 loser show.  It's a workout I tell you, but 
one we can do............
Last night hubby and I bowled a game,
and played baseball.  I always loved base-
ball when I was a kid,  and I love going
bowling but since my pinched nerve and
neck problem virtual bowling is the only
bowling for this that has
been a hoot I have to say!!

Oh I missedspelled it,  we said wii, wii, wii,
all the way home!!  lol
Hope your laughing that was suppose to
be funny!!  lol

I am thankful 
that my Dr. told me about these breathing exercises
 I can do.  I do just a few deep breaths about every
 10 mins. over the waking day, and I am amazed, 
 my lower back pain has gone away within 2 hours
of starting it.  I am amazed!  and certainly
plan to continue.  I started doing this on Monday
and now it is Thursday and my back has been
great all week!  PTL
Will keep you posted as I see how it goes....

I am thankful
for this new salad mix I found at Publix quite by
 accident this week.  I thought I was just buying brocoli
 slaw cause that is what it looked like and when I got it
home,  it came with the dressing,  and bacon, cranberries and 
sunflower seeds. You just mix it all togehter and it is really
delicious.  The dressing has a very faint taste of orange,  but
 it is really delightful.

Just in case you are interested I saved the bag so I
 could tell you about it.

It is made by Taylor Farms,  and comes in a 
cellophane bag over in the produce dept.of Publix. 
 It is called "Garden vegetable chopped salad". 
 and like I said it looks like Brocoli slaw.  Try it,
 I think you will really like it,  and it's so easy
 and so good!!

I am thankful
for an early birthday ecard I got today from
a dear friend.  She is always so thoughtful,
and she has a March birthday as well.
Actually,  her's is before mine,  She is a
week early.............that's fine with me just
starts my celebrating early!!  lol

I am thankful
that all my Winter stuff is down,  and I am
working on putting up Spring decor now.
Not getting anywhere fast I might add. lol

I am thankful
for a nice pants outfit I found on Monday
evening and rather quickly too, and if you have been
to my blog much you know how I really do not like
 clothes shopping, stuff for my home yea, but not clothes
 shopping. Hubby must have been praying hard!!  lol
 I had gift cards leftover from Christmas that I saved for
 spring shopping, since I didn't feel I really needed anymore
 Winter things since it was so warm this year. The top is 
orange/red tunic style top. I hear orange is in this year, 
 so might just be fashionable for once,  not that I really
 care! I just want to look was very happy
with my find,, course, it wound up being partially a
birthday present too cause the cashier had an issue
with one of the gift cards and didn't speak english
very ya know how that goes.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry loved their steam mop,  and she
says their floors look great.  She has quite a bit of 
white tile, and a friend of mine had that same situation
and she had a steam mop and loved it,  so figured
it would be put to good use, for sure.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry have offered to have my birthday
celebration at their house as well.  So really looking
forward to it,  and she is really enjoying being a 
hostess,  and we are so enjoying being hosted!! lol
So we are a good match!!

I am thankful
for a lot of really neat things the Lord has been
showing me lately,  I would share some but they
are rather hard to articulate really.

I am thankful
that a younger friend of mine who just went
thru a breakup is getting some counseling 
and help, as she just seems to keep picking
the wrong type of guys.  She has a major
break thru today,  so am so happy for her.

Well,  that's my thankfuls for the week,
 and I hope you have a few of your own 
to share with us.

Thanks for stopping by, love hearing
from you.................

Love, Hugs, and 
Beautiful Spring Bouquet
 Blessings to you,


  1. Sounds wonderful - sitting outside watching/listening to the birds, etc.

    I'd love to know the connection between deep breaths and lower back pain. No wonder you're thankful to have some relief!

    How about a picture of your new orange/red tunic top?!? I'd sure like to see it.

    Well, have a super duper weekend, Nellie. We've had a busy Thursday and I have a full day tomorrow, too... ♥Rebecca

  2. I just discovered your lovely blog; I'm a new follower!

  3. #1. Does that include a 10 foot alligator crossing my back property! It is the season for "whoopie" for them. I hope he goes on his way and doesn't come back! It's the biggest I've seen!
    #2. I too enjoyed it so much! It was a very happy celebration!
    #3. The bowling was great fun! At least you don't have to "swing" a 12 pound ball, ha!
    #4. I have been finding my muscles may ache for awhile, but it goes away. Sometimes I have a problem with my bones aching longer.
    #5. I didn't realize there was a salad mix. I have been buying the brocoli mix and fixing it like coleslaw.
    #6. It's so great when friends remember your birthday. I try to send a card to the ladies in my Bible study group.
    #7. Yea, winter's gone. Spring cleaning is starting for me. I'm taking about four hours in the mornings to start room by room.
    #8. I'm still using my cards too! It's great to have them!!
    #9. I was thinking when I get the carpeting out, I'm going to have to have some bath mats laid out for Sam since he's so old and doesn't have too good of traction on the floor.
    #10. I can hardly wait! I'll need to get your directions!
    #11. That's because GOD has made it personally for you.
    #12. I know what you are talking about. My teacher friend that I have brunch with every 2nd Tuesday had many until the LORD led her to a great Christian man. The LORD has answered my prayers for her!!
    I love you all so much, Susan

  4. Breathing in deep. Sounds simple enough. How fun to have all these birthdays! It's like a month of nonstop celebration. Fantastic! Enjoy yourselves.
    hugs and blessings

  5. What a wonderfully tender & thoughtful post, Nellie! So touching to hear all that you're grateful for & appreciate.

    Thanks for telling us about that salad mix. I will look for it.

    I will also tell my older sis about your deep breathing exercises for back pain...she suffers, too. Very interesting & I'm glad it helped you so much.

    Happy Monday!

  6. I love your pictures and your fabulous attitude!! isn't life so much happier when we count our blessing?!
    happy soon to be birthday!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    enjoy the spring weather!

  7. Hi Nellie

    Marvin and I love to sit and listen to the birds. The weather is not quite there yet for us. Although every morning when I walk into work the birds are chattering. I work close to the river.

    I am happy you have a Wii. We enjoy bowling too. I do have to warn you though I threw my shoulder out playing tennis. I really get into the games. I haven't played in a while but it is great exercise.

    I love reading all your thankfuls and I am thankful for you!

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie