Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Warm Fuzzy Tuesday #6

Good Morning to you,

Hope your day is starting well, so far!

Mine is.........have a lot of get accomplished early today 
since I have to leave by 3,  going to Dee's early so we
can do my hair,  and then the rest of the family is 
coming later for my Birthday celebration.  No, today
is not the day,  it isn't until Thursday,  but Dee is in
an out of town wedding next weekend so this worked
out best of her,  and for everyone really,  just makes
my celebration last longer.  Our family is into that,
we make it a week long celebration.  Hey,  it only
happens once a year,  so we think lets make the
best of it....right!!  lol  Just adds more fun to life,
and anything we can do to add more fun to life
 works great for us..................lol
Plus I get to see most all of my fav people in one
place at the same time,  doesn't get any better
than that for me!!

Finally, my creative abilities kicked in last
Friday,  so finally finished my Spring decorating.
  The thing that was giving me trouble is that I like
 my new white livingroom,  but a lot of the things 
used in that room, I typically use in the Family room
in the spring and summer, so...............since I didn't
 want to dismantle the livingroom yet, I had to come
 up with plan B................so fortunately,  I finally did
 and am quite happy with the results.  Will probably
show you some next Tuesday.

Well,  guess I had best share what my Warm Fuzzy 
is for today

"It is having fresh flowers"

as yall know if you have been to my blog very much,
I love love love flowers, so whether they are a gift, or
 I buy them, or they come out of my yard or someone
elses , they just plain make me  happy........
 and give me the warm fuzzies.

So..........tell me what gives you
"The Warm Fuzzies"

Thanks for coming by, 
truly love hearing from you!

Have a lovely day,

Love, Hugs,and 
Warm Fuzzy blessings,


  1. Hi Nellie

    It is so exciting to spend time with your family.....and and fun with your birthday right around the corner. Your BLOG is so positive and I love that.

    We are enjoying the rain and green green grass here. No more snow although it gets cold at night.

    Blessings & Love

  2. Well, Happy Birthday Week to you, Nellie! It sounds like a full and exciting week for you.

    A warm fuzzy for me? Thumbing through decorating magazines at Barnes and Noble with no deadline or other agenda. It happens very seldom for me these days, mainly 'cause of the gas it takes to get there...

    Hope you have many, many warm fuzzy blessings come your way this week!


  3. I hope you enjoy your party tonight!!! How exciting to have all the ones you love come over and celebrate with YOU! My mom's birthday celebration was really nice. I really enjoyed myself. It was hard having to go to the funeral first but I think Arlene was happy knowing we were also celebrating my mom. And it helped to lift our spirits with something fun after such a sad week. Hope you post pictures!!!

  4. You're right! I missed last Thursday's post with all the 'stuff" going on in my world! Do you have to be standing up or sitting up to do the deep breathing? And it really has helped your back? I'm going to try! You know I suffer terribly with my back! Thanks for letting me know!

  5. Have a great time! I hope you tell us what gifts you get. I just love hearing the details!! Happy Birthday for tonight and I'm sure I'll talk to you again Thursday(the big day!).
    hugs and best wishes! ✿◕‿◕✿


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie