Thursday, March 15, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - March 15, 2012

All my pictures today are of early spring firsts. My first
breakfast fruit smoothie with cheese and crackers.

Greetings Sweet Peas,

Hope you have had a downright 
wonderful week.

We certainly have....................
We had a wonderful, and delightful time this week with
our out of town company.  They just left yesterday around
noon.  They are so much fun, and are great house guests.
  We have laughed and shared our hearts out, and
encouraged each other in the  goodness of God. It was
 like going on a church retreat without leaving home.
So that woud be my first thankful.

Same pic - grad. map affect!  I am playing
today as I am having some down time.

I am thankful
for the lives for these dear people and the
testimony they have......he is 79 and she is 82,
and they are still happy and healthy.  He did
have a stroke a few years back and the Drs.
said he probably wouldn't make it,  but there
were many prayers going up in his behalf, and
the Lord completely healed him,  you don't even
 see any residual of any kind that would even make
 you think he ever had a stroke at all..............
miraculous for sure!!
and that is just one thing,  there are tons of other
things as well,  for one,  they lost a son years ago
in a motorcycle accident,  he was only 22 yrs old,
and the Lord brought them thru that,  and has used
them to help quite a few folks that have lost children.
Also they have 2 sons, who are Pastors as well.
Really neat men with really neat families.  
They are truly inspiring folks........
and we love them so much

Same pic - colored pencil affect!
Made myself hungry with that smoothie pic,so had
 to go make one while my pic were downloading

I am thankful
that while our company was out visiting with others,
we were able to go help Dee and Jerry move some
things and most of all see the new house. It is a gorgeous,
   tri-level home, very modern and in an incredible neighbor-
hood,  all the houses are amazing,  and the neighbors have
 been very  warm, friendly and helpful.  We are so happy
for them.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry are fairly settled in,  as we got to go
back and visit them again on Tuesday evening while our
friends were out visiting again.
Wow,  the house is looking like a home already.  They
 have done a great job, and they have had a lot of help too.
I am thankful for all of those that have given them a helping
 hand. Everyday someone has been over helping them do
 things,  Scott and Megan,  the gal she had the shower for a
 few weeks back and her fiancee,  and Jerry's brother-in-law
 to be, and his parents came to try and help,  but all the boxes
 were emptied and put away already.  The Lord has really
 blessed them in big and small ways.  Even the mortgage
 guy said you guys must have someone looking out for you,
or this closing would not have happened today,  and Dee
 said well,  there have been a lot of people praying!!
Very True!!! 

and here comes some of that wildlife I was thankful for last week. 
 This and the next 3 pics are of Sand Hill Cranes.  Guess they 
are used to people feeding them, so as soon as they see people
 they come after you!!  lol

I am thankful
that we got to enjoy our porch some this week,  am
quite happy with how it looks and it is so enjoyable
to sit out there as the weather has been beautiful.

some others got brave and came too! This was
about 7:45 in the morning.

I am thankful
for a nice long nap yesterday,  as I am simply worn out
from all the activity........but it is a good worn out!!

What no more bread???  

I am thankful
for the excitement of being able to watch and some-
times participate in our children's enjoyment of their
 "Firsts".  At our age most of our First's are behind us, 
 so it is a joy watching them, get their first good job,
 get married, and do life, and buy the first house, and
 then one day their will be a first baby etc.
Like the Bible says "children are a blessing from God".

Then we are leaving..................

# 8
I am thankful
that we will finally get to celebrate Jim's birthday
together as a family tomorrow night,  over at Dee
and Jerry's,  so we will get to see what else they
have accomplished, and have a fun time as well.

I am thankful
for a new Sunday School class that we are in,
that was started for Baby Boomers,  so far,  we
are enjoying it very much.

Heads up!  These pretty birds are called White Ibis

I am thankful
for a new devotional book that our friends
brought us,  that was written by their youngest
Pastor son.  We are really enjoying it very much.

Heads down, and eat em up!!  lol

I am thankful that our yard is greening up and
that we have had some azaleas's and roses
blooming,  and our bougainvilla looks like it
is starting to bloom now too.  Love to have
flowers blooming,  it just makes the yard
looks so colorful.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry's house warming gift came
in today,  I ordered it from Wally World on
Monday and it said 3 - 5 days from when they
shipped it which could have been anywhere from
Wed. to next Monday,  so  Yea,  the Lord answered
 our prayers and we can take it to them tomorrow night.
She really needs it....It is a steamp mop!!  I never knew
a steam mop could be used on hardwood or laminate
 floors and carpeting too.  thought it was only for tile.
So what a blessing that it can be used on all their floors.

a pretty cardinal shot I happened to catch last week.

Well,  It was an exciting week for
 this household
Hope you all have a lovely 
and exciting weekend!

Glad you stopped in................
don't forget to tell us what you
 are thankful for today!!

Love,  Hugs,and
Sweet Irish Blessings to ya!

 Happy St. Patrick's Day
Thought I would add this in case you are reading
this today!!  


  1. Wow! It's been quite a whirlwind of activity for you!

    I can tell how much you are able to do with your son and daughter-in-law. All of ours live too far away for such interaction so it sounds very strange and wonderful :)

  2. #1. That's how I feel when I go to your house for our get-togethers!
    #2. It is truly GOD's Joy that abounds in His witnesses!
    #3. My turn comes tomorrow, ha!
    #4. You really see GOD's blessings without looking for them! Others see it in them!
    #5. Isn't it exciting! I'm getting excited to get my floor done. It is a jump-start to get me to doing many other things!
    #6. I have found myself doing that often, ha!
    #7. I'm so glad there isn't great distance between you as we were.
    #8. Yeah, I can hardly wait! Yours will be right around the corner!
    #9. This is the first time in a long time that I have been able to attend S.S. I am really enjoying it too!
    #10. I have really been enjoying my "Jesus Calling" along with my other devotionals! I'm so glad I can now spend my mornings in devotional worsip!
    #11. Yes! I was so surprised to see a BIG azalea at the front corner of my property. They have been so small for so many years.
    #12. They will surely be happy!
    Love to you all,

  3. Hi Nellie! Oh, it was so nice to read all you're thankful for! Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. sounds like you had a great visit with your friends. Glad your daughter is getting settled in her new house. How exciting for them! Hubby spent Saturday getting our back porch cleaned up and put together. We've had lovely weather and I hope next weekend it's nice for my mom's party. I'm hoping some of the 50 people can spread themselves outside if it's warm enough. Love the table setting from the previous post. The yellow really looks springy! Enjoy your Monday!

  5. Nellie

    What a beautiful little cardinal. I just love them but we don't see them here in Oregon.

    Sounds like all is going well with Dee and Jerry.

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...