Friday, February 28, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 27, 2014

Praise the Lord, O my soul.
O Lord my God, you are very great;
you are clothed with splendor and
Psalm 104:1

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are ya??  
Been a great week??
Hope so...............

It has been a great week here,  a bit
tiring, but great just the same. Now you
know why I am late again..... So will 
just get on with it and you will
see why...............

I am thankful.......

for my sister-in-law Susan and for 
what a sweet sister she is...........
for the way she loves her family, she 
would give us the shirt off her back
 if we needed it.

and here is the birthday girl,  for once,
 I remembered to take a picture!  lol
Happy Birthday Susan

that we are able to celebrate her
 birthday with the whole family again 
this year. It was a great evening, 
we all enjoyed it so much.

Remember my azalea topiary
that was full of blooms a few
weeks ago, this is it now....

that Dee and Jerry flew in safely
yesterday and that we got to have a
great family evening.  They went to
visit with his family, and We will get
to see them again on Saturday.

for all the stuff I got done on Monday,
cause I really pushed myself a lot, as I
 knew it was gonna be a very busy week, 
and I only had a day and a half to get 
the house ready and errands and other
things done. But I did it.......and
that is such a good feeling............
Then I had time to watch Brooklyn on 
Tues.afternoon as well as on Wed.  So 
those are just fun days where I don't plan
 on getting anything done, cause she is
top priority.

for a home that is clean from top to
bottom all at the same time...
 just love that!

that we will be celebrating the babies
first birthday on Saturday over at 
Scott and Megans.  So should be
another fun day.  Just can't believe
this child is already almost a 
year old................shocking!!

I just took this on Tuesday, she is
walking everywhere now, no more
crawling for her.........

for a much needed new Calaphon
dutch oven I got this week. I got a
 7 qt. one from Bed bath and beyond
 for the same price I would have gotten 
5 qt. one at Wally world, thanks to
 those great 20% off coupons.

Our front door, starting to look like Spring around here...........


for a good news story that I heard 
on Tuesday,  a bus driver was attacked
by 3 men and was shot in several places
one being in the heart,  but he had a
message devotional book in his pocket
and it saved his life, cause it caught
the bullets,  coincidence.........I think
not,  definitely divine intervention!!

Azaleas with  posterized affect

for a scripture verse I feel the Lord
gave me to send to a friend as an
encouragement,  and they wrote back
 and thanked me because they said 
they really needed the encouragement
 that day! So mission accomplished,
  Always a blessing to
encourage someone...........

I was able to finish a last minute
gift for the baby that I got an 
inspiration for when I did her card.
Maybe I will show you next week.

That the Lord found me the perfect
frame for it at Michaels today, and
 I was very pleased with the results.

With posterized affect
for a neat video i happened to see on
 yahoo news yesterday that made
me cry I thought it was so wonderful.
It is about a group of bikers against
child abuse, and the things they do
to help and protect children.
Totally amazing............

well, worth a watch if you want to
be encouraged about the world we
live in today................
May God richly bless these folks.

Or just click here

with paint daubs affect

Well, sweet Peas... that is it for this week.

Hope you have a Fabulous Friday
and a Nice First day of March.....

Can you believe that??? Tomorrow
is the 1st day of March......whoa....
time is just Marching on!   lol

Thanks for your visit,  and please
stop and say hello......

With cutout affect
Love, Hugs and 
March Blessings,


Spring really is coming.........

(wanted to say that for my Northern
friends,  God bless you all, with those
temps. you keep getting, I am sure you
are beginning to wonder!  lol)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Part 4 - of our 41st Anniversary Trip

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy and 
not buried under

I am well and happy but just a lil bit tired 
as it has been a busy week already and will 
continue....a lot going on this week, so have
 been busy getting prepared. My daughter
DeeAnna and her Hubby Jerry will be coming 
in on Thurs.,then we will celebrate my Sister
-in-law Susan's birthday dinner with the whole 
family here at our house, then on Sat. we will 
be celebrating Brooklyn's First Birthday with 
party at Scott and Megan's, and then some
 other small things going on in between, and 
it is our week to teach Sunday School, but 
don't hear me complaining.... just saying, 
cause we love it all, and it is all good...........

Had not planned to post today at all,  but
remembered I had these pics already up-
or downloaded, whichever it is!!  lol
So figured today would be a good day to
do this post,  and get this series finished.

These pics are actually from a trip we
took 2 years ago,  and I started with one
post and never did the others, I accidentally
came across the pics in January, so decided
I wanted to record it for us, and know yall
enjoy things like this too,  so figured you
wouldn't mind.....................
There are 3 others posts before this one,
so I will include them at the end,  just
in case you would like to see them.

Brooklyn just went down for a nappy

so will try to get this finished and
  and maybe lay down for a few 
minutes myself.

These are all pictures from the Wyndham
 hotel at Bonnet Creek, in Orlando, Florida
 at that time it was a brand new hotel, 
 just opened 6 weeks,  and was

This was another one of their cool
 chandeliers.  The hotel is full of

This was one of their restaurants,  
a cafteria style if I remember correctly. 
 Just liked the cut work behind 
the seating area.

A lil seating area near that cafeteria above.

more cool mirrors - whoever
decorated this place really liked
mirrors (there are quite a few
in the other posts)

A shot of hubby sitting on this neat 
seating, not sure what you call it.

You can see more ot the area with
 this shot.

This was on the way down the hall
to our room.........I really enjoyed
the unique carpeting they had different!

Just a light on the wall, the lower
 part in 
the sign of the icthus............

a close up of the carpeting.

Now some outside shots
 in the daytime. Their beautiful
pool area................

All these bldgs. you see in the back-
ground are condos, some you can rent.
We have friends that stayed there,
and they are gorgeous and they have
these huge pool areas and things
for families to do.  It is near Disney
World and it is Called " Bonnet Creek
 Resort" in case anyone is looking 
for a neat place in Florida.  We were
gonna try to rent one for the weekend,
 but there were none available at the time, 
so they told us about the new hotel, 
so  needless to say, we were thrilled........

There is a walk way that goes all the way around
 this whole complex of condos and the hotel.
Quite a nice lil walk.

Most of these last pics were taken off
our balcony.

and they think it is just Ducky!!  lol
and so do we..............a very enjoyable place.

Well, there you have it, and I am happy
this series of posts are finally done.
Here are the links to the others if you
are so inclined...........

For Post #1 - click here

For Post #2 - click here

For Post #3 - Click here

Sharing over at the Style Sisters,
Just click here.

Glad you came by today......
and hope you stop and say hello.

Joyful Blessings,

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday - February 20, 2014

You are my God, and I will give you thanks;
you are my God, and I will exalt you.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a very
good week!~  Are you seeing
any signs of Spring around
you these days???

I have............and I have had a good
week as you will read........much better
than last week physically, for sure!

Decided to try a new format today,
so hope you like it better!
So here goes................

I am thankful........

for a really fun Valentine's Weekend

that my stye is almost gone.

that Dee is over halfway done with her
real estate course.  It is pretty grueling.

for a conversation with my hubby that
had the potential for conflict,  but didn't
go there,  praise God! we are learning
from this Peacemakers class we are
teaching.  Think the teachers always
learn more than their students.

for all the signs and promises of spring
I saw in my backyard this week.

Clear blue skies with no clouds in sight.

Cool balmy breezes

Warm temps in the 70-80's which allow
me to bask in the sunshine

bush full of white azaleas

tender leaves on a tree that was completely
barren a few weeks ago

orange monarch butterfly flitting about

Birds singing in the trees...........

A phone call from a young friend that I had
lost touch with........

for some much needed cutting and trimming
we were able to do in the backyard on Tues.
afternoon,  more to go,  but at least we got
a start.

for the new pics Scott and Megan just had
done for Brooklyn's first birthday,  they are all
 so adorable.  

that we have been assigned a larger class
room for this Sundays class,  a relief as we
may have another new couple come.

for a sweet and thoughtful surprise from
hubby on Tuesday.  He had a Dr. appt.
and on the way back he picked up one
of my treats that I rarely get....from our
local bakery.
Everything Bagels and cream cheese
with fresh chives....Yummo!

for the laughter that our lil grand daughter
brings to us everytime we see her.
She just really cracks us up!!

Love her lil understated but pleased smile as Grampy
swings her..............those smiles are getting bigger every
 time she gets in that swing....................she really loves it!!

 for our good health Insurance.

Thanks so much for coming by,  always glad
when you come,  and hope you will let me
know by your comment that you were here.

Have a blessed Friday and Weekend,

Hugs,  Nellie

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pink and White Valentines Tablescape

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good day today!

  I am hearing it is a bit warmer at least
 in some places,  hope you are in 
those places...........

I am having a good day so far, watching our lil darling,
she is sleeping right now.  Went down a bit earlier
today as she has been very sleep this morning.  Love
when she first gets up and she has gotten her nap out.
She is just so happy and cute.............

Monday I was in the mood for playing...... cause I
haven't had much time for that lately and you know 
how I like to see how many different things I can
 come up with using the same pieces from a tablescape. 
 So I did another Valentine's table with the leftovers
 things from our Valentine's day and from the day after 
when Scott and Megan were over.  Got the table done
 partially for them,  but didn't get to finish as we were
 busy with our lil gal, so decided to finish it and then use
 it for din din with hubby again, worked out nicely. 
 I love pink............
 so made it an all pink and white table.

Started out with this but just reconfigured it a little bit.

Liked the vignette but didn't like all the
 red with the pink,  so decided to 
change that......

Notice the pale pink hydrangeas....
like it so much better and I am
feeling like spring just looking

With a colored pencil affect

A lil bit closer look.....
using my everyday corelle ware dishes.

The napkin are pink nubby washclothes

pretty pink hyrangeas - be still my heart.....
even if they are

From the left side of the table

 lil foam hearts I got several years ago

with lil plastic pink hearts,  I just love em' 
can you

a look down the table from the right side.
Used my pretty fluted victorian looking 
clear glasses Dee gave me

With a posterized affect

A look from overhead,  I did have the candles and
hearts down the middle of the table with the napkins
and silverware on for Scott and Megan.

I put some irridescent gift bag grass in
the candle holders to give them some 
color. Am sure you noticed this is a pretty
low centerpiece, much lower than usual
but I try not to use tall things for a center
piece since you can't see over them and
 because it impedes conversation.

Love this silverware..............
it is vintage and so pretty...
My sweet SIL gave it to me, it belonged to
another family member years ago and was
passed down to my late Mother -in-law......
It also reminds me of some pieces my own
Mom had..............

The lil square dishes are for dip for shrimp
and the lil bread plates for shrimp tails...accept
it turned out there weren't any.........great!!

Oh and a just by the way tip.........
if you have a
Publix supermarket near you...did you know that
they will steam your shrimp right at the store for
nothing??  It only takes a few minutes.  Love that
since I don't have to smell up my house cooking
them,  and they taste delicious!

With Paint daubs affect

Don't the hearts look like mercury glass??
Thought they looked so pretty in this pic.

Hope you enjoyed all the
 pink pink...........wink wink!!

Thanks for dropping by and for
 your sweet comments.........
they are always appreciated
and answered.

I am sharing over at Ivey and Elephants with 
Patti and Paula,  so just click here!

I am sharing over at TimeWashed with Becky,
so click here to visit with her!

Have a Blessed Week,

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie