Sunday, January 31, 2016

Why we feel Ben Carson would make a Great President

2016 Committee

Hello Sweet Friends............

Hope you have had a good weekend.

This is a rather unusual post for me,
but I just feel in my gut I need to 
write it..................tomorrow is the
voting in Iowa,  as I am sure you
all know that and will be watching
 the results, cause we sure will be.

 We totally feel
that Ben Carson is truly a man of
integrity, wisdom and humbleness,
and we are definitely rooting for
him to win.  I know he is not a man
that comes across as being very
charismatic, but he certainly 
displays christian character, and
as Jesus said, by their fruits you 
shall know them as
 Matthew 7:16 says.

If you live in Iowa and you are
on the fence still trying to decide
who to vote for I would encourage
 you to listen to this video interview
 Ben Carson had with Neal Cavuto 
of Fox News.

Just click on the title and it
will take you to his site link

It will take a minute or 2 for
them to get to the interview
so please wait to see it.

We believe Ben Carson is the
right choice for the White House

He loves God and will seek 
direction from Him.

He loves this country

He believes and will fight for the
  the Constitution and our 
constitutional rights.

He supports our ally Israel.

He will do all he can to protect
 our nation from ISIS, and he
isn't afraid to name the enemy.

He will build up our military 

He is not in favor of Gun Control.

He believes truth trumps political
correctness and thinks political 
correctness stifles everyone from
 speaking the truth.

He is courageous and not afraid
to speak the truth ......

He is calm under pressure.

He is a thinker and most thinkers are
 not great orators but they are usually 
very intelligent and wise, and keep
 a cool head on their shoulders, and
are not impulsive and do something
they regret later because of it........
We believe that describes Ben Carson.

He has made life and death decisions
 on a daily basis for most of his medical 
career, and he is for preserving life
 not taking life.

He is a humble man and not afraid
to admit he doesn't know something,
but also is open to getting the help or
information he needs to make a good
decision from those that have more
information  and experience than 
he has...............

He doesn't tear others down as we
have seen during all the debates.

He has great moral character, and if 
our country ever needed someone 
with great moral character
 it is now!

The News Media has tried their best
 to make him look bad due to their 
anti christian bias but none of the 
things they have come up with have
 had any substance to it.

So please please check him out.

Like I said this is not a typical post
for me, but I feel so strongly that
this might forever be our last chance
to get the right person in the White

Thanks for coming by  ............

Love, Hugs and



Sharing at:

Dwellings with Cindy

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

2016 Committee

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thankful Thursday January 28, 2016, Winter Sofa Table

Now, our God, we give you thanks
and praise your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13

Greetings Sweet Friends.

So how has your week been??
Hope it has been a good one.

Mine has been good,  just very busy......
We have an unexpected house guest, 
watched lil darling twice already and 
will be watching her again Friday night, 
then had a friend visit today, and finally,
finally, got my house all put together 
again..........Whoo Hoo!  So happy 
that is all done.............

I am pretty whipped so just gonna
jump in the shower, get in my jamies 
and watch the Republican debates.......
and hope I can stay awake
My back has been a mess this week,
it's better, but not a 100% yet,  but
have been sleeping well, so that is
very good.

Thought I would show you some pics
 from my family room....the sofa table!  
I have more of a minamalist look during
the Winter time, it just seems fitting......
I changed  what typically is our red and 
blue family room, into our white family
 room, and we are really enjoying it.
Nice new look.......................

so on with my thankful post........

I am thankful

that I got to go back to church
this Sunday, after missing 2
Sundays from being sick, it was
 like I hadn't been in a month, so
it was so good to be there.........

I was feeling so good on sunday,
 and since I had not been out of the
house other than my yard for over 
2 weeks, I just didn't want to go
 home, so we ran to Target to pick
 up a few things we needed, then
 we went to lunch at Cracker Barrel
 and looked around in the gift shop,
then we saw Ashley furniture was
having a big sale and it is a brand
new store to our area, and we had
not been in there yet, (well, actually
I have but just for a few mins. when
Dee was here, as she was trying to 
show me some furniture they had
 picked last summer) and we have
been looking at sofa's online, so we
 decided to go have a look to see what
 they had, and didn't really see anything
(I sort of have my heart set on a slip-
covered sofa this time around, but they 
are hard to find especially with out down
 feathers in the pillows, and I am allergic
 to that), so we wound up looking at beds,
cause we really need a new bed, and we
 would love one of those where it lifts the
 head of the bed.  Anyway, we got a lil
 more educated about them anyway, so
 will probably go back soon to see if we
 can find one we like.............they have
an area where you can lay down on
them, but I had a dress
thought it best to go back when I am
wearing long pants..............

Do any of you have one of those
beds,  and if so can you tell me 
about it???

Anyway, I said all that to say this!
It was a gloriously beautiful sunny
 and cool day out, and it was absolutely 
wonderful to be out enjoying the day!
  Just like a  gift from someone you
 love that warms your heart..................

Now that I think about it, it really was
 a  gift from some one I

that I have my family room finished,
and these are some of the pictures of
it. Still working on the dining room 
and the living room...........

that hubby is able to work at home
Tues. and Wed. this week, as we are
watching lil darling both days. He is
mostly working but it just comes in
handy having him here at times if I
do need him to help out for a few
minutes or so.

that hopefully Miss Becky from over
at TimeWashed and I are hopefully
gonna get together on Thursday and
just hang looking 
forward to that!

for a lovely afternoon with my sweet
friend just went by too
quickly..........but thankful for the
time we had tho............

for leftovers...........since we got pizza 
and salad on Tuesday night, which we
normally do on Wed. night after playing
all day with lil darling and since we had
her on Wed. was nice that we
 still had some leftovers from Sunday
 and Monday, so nice not to have to go
 out as it has been rainy all day.

So tonight,....... leftovers.........
they were a good thing! lol

With cutout affect


 for the books that I have had available
 to me to read and learn about how to
 clean and keep a neat and tidy home,
 as I did not learn those thing in my
 home of origin, but everything I know
 I  pretty much learned from all sorts
 of different books, so there is so much 
good information to help us with these 
needed life skills, if we want to learn, 
and I am living proof...........

to finally have my house back
together.......all rooms.........
and containers put away too!!  lol

for an opportunity to help a sweet
young lady by housing her for a
a week.............

that Becky brought over some new
to her,  Organic Decaf coffee from 
whole foods, and boy, was it good.
  Will be buying some soon.............

hubby brought din din home from
Outback tonight.  It was yummy,
as always.

for a good response from that letter
I wrote last week.  It came today and
I really wasn't sure I wanted to open
it........... but I did.......God is good!


Well, here's to another week at
Cozy Place.

Happy you could come for a visit.

Hope you have a lovely Friday
and weekend with Your family/
friends or furry friends.

Love, Hugs, and
last week of January 


Can you believe Feb. 1st is Monday 

Sharing over at:

My FlagStaff Home with Jennifer

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine recipes with Lois and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Tray of bliss with Mimi

Dwellings with Cindy

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Thankful Thursday January 21, 2016, our Winter Mantle

Ascribe to the Lord the honor
due his name;
 worship the LORD in the
 splendor of his holiness.
Psalm 29:2  NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

If I was a betting woman I would be
betting that a lot of you are blanketed
 with snow by now.  It sounds like quite
the Winter Storm is coming in, so know
 we here in Florida are praying it passes 
you by, without any serious issues.

It has been a good week here......Cold
 for us in Florida, but we are loving it. 
Not a lot going on really, some soup
making and, just in the process of
 getting my house redecorated and 
back to normal............
 Trying out some new ideas in the 
family room, not sure if it will stay
 or not.....but left you with some pics
 of the new look on our mantle. 
 The lighter colored ones were taken
 in the daytime, the darker ones, you
guessed it, at

and  now on with Thankful List........

I am thankful

for a wonderful new soup recipe
I found on Pattie's blog,  it is her
Mom's Cauliflower soup recipe,
and it is quite delicious, I made
it on Tuesday and hubby and I
both loved it.  Pattie has a great
blog,  and if you want the soup
recipe, Just click here or type

to have all my christmas things packed
 and tucked away finally, till next year, 
so I can get our home back to normal again.

that my sweet neighbor gave me more
fruit was just as good as
the last um....

with posterized affect

for the enjoyment of reading....I am
currently reading a book by Ann
Romney called "In it Together", and
really enjoying it, easy reading and
very interesting, it is about her battle
with Multiple Sclerosis.

That I finished decorating my mantle
for Winter and we both love how it
came out.........hence, the pics you
see here..........

This quote came from the movie "The Help".  I loved it and was telling
my daughter about it and she saw the sign in one of my fav Asheville
stores and got it for me for Christmas last year.

for our new  A/C and heating unit we
replaced back in the summer.  The heat 
works better than the old one and takes
 the chill off the house very quickly, and
 also what they told us about our A/C
 bills has been true. They are about $100
 less than they used to be.  Quite nice!!

With cutout affect

for comfy cozy flannel P.J.'s to lounge
around in during the cold weather. Just
love them..........and have a hard time
making myself get out of them some-
times.  lol


for my trusty Lumix point and shoot
camera....cause where would my
 blogging be without it !!

for being able to do a blog, and for
my hubby and friend Becky from
over at TimeWashed encouraging
 and helping me with it. I also think
 having a reason to take so many pics
 all the time has helped improve my
 photography skills some too. I am
still enjoying it as well.........

too, for all of you dear ladies and
occasionally gentlemen, who read 
my blog on a regular basis or just
 drop by every now and again. You
are so appreciated, and I have so
enjoyed getting to know quite a few
of you, and enjoy your blogs as well.
and it isn't  much fun to have a blog
if no one is following or reading. lol

with posterized/equalized affect

that I finally got a letter done, that
 needed to be written, but that I really
 did not want to deal with, and I also
 needed to get some information about, 
before I wrote it, and have to say I did 
lil procrastinating as well, lol
 but, the good news is I finally got that 
done today (Thursday) and off the 
letter went. 
Can not begin to tell you how happy
I am to have that off my plate!!
Singing the Halleleujah chorus!!

that Dee and Jerry are having a lot of fun
in and with the snow in Asheville.  She
made her first snow
and they will be happily snowed in 
together for the weekend.

Well, there you have it.......
 another week at Cozy Place.

Thanks a bunch for coming by......
always love knowing you were here.


How do you like our Winter Mantle??

Enjoy the Winter and the Snow,
if you are getting

Warm Hugs and
Blessings Galore,


Sharing over at:

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Designthusiasm with Lori and Friends

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

StoneGable with Yvonne and Friends

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

StarFish Cottage with Kristy and Friends

Great Make ahead Dish for Valentine's Day (Party Chicken with rice pilaf)

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

How are ya?  Staying Warm??

It has been in the 50 and 60's here all 
week, in the day time and dipping into
the high 30's at night.  Cold weather for
 Florida..... but I love it......and I am 
sure this doesn't sound very cold to 
a lot of you.......but it works for us.  lol

Just finished making a new soup recipe
and can hardly wait to try it, will let
you know on Thursday how we liked it.
It sure looks and smells wonderful!

Since my house is still not together.........
but I did get everything down and packed
up, so all we have to do is move it to
the garage tonight!  yeah, Finally!!

So I had this recipe in my draft folder
as I was gonna share it over the Christ-
mas holidays but never got too, actually
it is a repost......... but I think it is such
 a great dish that it bares repeating and
 that someone might like to make for 
their honey or honey's (your children,
 of course) lol  for Valentine's Day.  I
 made it once for a Valentine's luncheon
 for our Pastors wives and they loved it.

I know, I know I am a little early,
but wanted to post something!!  lol
and it will be here before we know
it..........Also, threw in a few past 
Valentine's day pictures.............

You really can make it anytime or
for any occasion,  but I keep it just
for special holidays, like Christmas,
Thanksgiving or Easter......because
I love that it can all be prepared 
ahead of time then just popped in
the oven the day of...........

So without further adieu..............

Party Chicken with Rice Pilaf
8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
(I use the Tyson flash frozen ones)
8 strips of bacon
(I use 4 strips and cut them in half - less fat)
1-  jar of dried beef (by Armour Star)
( I usually boil it in some water for about
10 mins. so it loses some of it's saltiness,
and pretty much I don't even use it most
of the time,  and family never knows the
difference, but it is part of the recipe.
1 10 oz. can of cream of Mushroom soup
(I use the Campbell's healthy request soup)
1-16oz. carton Sour cream
(I use the light sour cream - Less fat)
Put dried beef in the bottom of a baking dish,
then wrap Chicken with bacon (1 strip to each
pc. of chicken) and lay it on top of the dried beef.
In separate bowl combine mushroom soup and
the sour cream and mix it up, then spread it on
top of the bacon wrapped chicken.
Bake for total of 3 hrs. uncovered at 275 degrees.

This dish makes it's own gravy and then you
can put in on the rice pilaf, if you like......

Rice Pilaf
1 cup Uncle Bens converted rice
(I use 1/2 cup and 1/2 brown rice - good mix)
1 can beef broth
( I use the swanson fat free broth, low salt
 for the broth and consomme now)
1 can of beef consomme
1 med chopped onion
(sometimes I used scallions)
Use a corningware type casserole dish.
Put the rice in,  then add the onion and
the broth and consomme.
*After the chicken has cooked for one hour,
add the rice pilaf to the oven and let
the chicken and the rice pilaf cook for
 2 more hrs. @ 275 degrees.

I also use this great make ahead salad
 recipe called "24 Hour Salad" 
I shared not too long ago.

Well, If this dinner doesn't work for
Valentine's Day, there is always Easter 
or Mother's Day or any other
 Special occasion.

Happy you could visit today, so
Thanks for coming by..........

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...