Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Best household tips #8

All floral pictures are compliments of

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a good weekend
 and Monday..........
Wow, here we are in our last week
of June already......amazing....
sure hope you are making the most
 of your summer with your kiddos, 
as the time always just goes way
to quickly..........
As a Mom of Adult children I
can tell you I really miss those
lazy laid back days of summer
with my kiddos.........but at least
I get to have Weds. with our lil
darling, so get to experience it
a lil bit................

Today is Monday so have been
reading, working on this post for
 tomorrow, talking with my daughter
 for awhile, started cleaning out my 
pantry, just decided to do a shelf at
 a time, had a friend from church 
come to give us an estimate to
have our porch rescreened, and
hopefully if he can, he will start
on Wed., then I made a chocolate
 pudding dessert, and now I am in
 the process of making din din, and
 took some pics while I was at it for 
a future blog post.  I almost never
 think of that at the time, and later
wish I had!!  lol  It was also nice
that hubby got to work at home
today as well.......So been a good
and productive day!

Thought of some more House-
hold tips that might be helpful
to someone....I hope!

Is your comforter just too hot
for the temps in which you live??

We live in Florida and I have found
found that using a typical comforter
just does not work for us, as it is just
too hot for Spring, Summer and Fall.
So I discovered years ago quite by 
accident, all cotton quilt coverlets,
and what a difference they make....  
Make sure to check the label as to
what they are made of because some
have cotton on the outside but use
polyester inside, which will make
them hot..........just like a comforter.
Also, these are not the typical quilts
 like your grammy made that have
 a country look, altho, if cotton and
thinner than most quilts they could
be used, but these are beautiful
prints. Many have a coastal look
 but you can find some that don't,
 I had one for our old bed that I 
bought at Home Goods years back.
Here is to give you an idea of
what they look like.  This one
came with a throw and a sham.

It is like a jacobean print on one
side and

stripe on the other side, I did use
this side when I refreshed our
Master bedroom with a coastal

Since we got the new bed, I
found a new quilt on sale at
Bed, Bath and Beyond.  

This is the side I am presently
using................ This is actually
the side view, the stripes run
 across the bed from one side to 
the other.....not top to bottom.

This is the flip side

As you can see they don't all look
coastal, but this one could be used
with a coastal theme as well.

Happen to need new outside
lights for your house?

Don't know about you but we
get a lot of bugs and spiders in
our outside lights. Our other lights
were totally enclosed, and you had
to take them apart to clean out all
the bug/spider debri they had in
them, consequently, they looked
 like a mess most of the time.
Then we discover outdoor lights 
 that are open at the bottom, and
they are perfect!!
All we have to do now is stick a
 lambs wool duster or any kind of
 duster with a handle up inside where 
the light bulb is, and clean them out 
in less than a minute. Funny thing
 is the bugs and spiders don't seem
 to like them as well either!!  lol
  So we..........
highly recommend them!

Concerned about your children's
safety and protection?

  Then pray with and for your children
 daily..... Pray for their protection, their
 teachers and their friends, and for any-
thing and everything they or you have 
concerns about.  After all, the only true
 protection any of us have, comes from
 God alone. Of course, as parents we
 are to do the very best we can to protect
 our children, that is why God gave them
 parents, and praying is part of that, but
 ultimately it is in the Lord's hands.
  It is also a great way to teach your 
children the importance of prayer and
 how to pray for themselves as well......
and you get the added benefit of seeing
 the Lord answer those prayers which is
 a great joy and lesson for them and us! 
 and of course, don't forget
 to thank the Lord for his answers.

Came across this verse while reading
this morning and it just seemed to
fit this tip, so thought I would come
back and add it.

"I will lie down and sleep in peace,
for you alone, O Lord,
make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8

Need to clean your wood cutting

Bleach will do the job especially
if you have stains, and will definitely
disinfect it. If you would like a more
green approach, you can also use salt 
and lemon.  Wet your board and  then
sprinkle with salt, then cut a lemon in 
half and scrub using the lemon halves,
 gives it a clean fresh scent, and it will
also disinfect it without the harsh
chemical smells...............

For a fresh smelling garbage

Once you clean the cutting board with
 lemons throw them in the garbage
 disposal to freshen it up a bit.  Do that 
anytime you are disposing of lemons, 
limes or oranges.  You can also use
baking soda...........

You can also throw in some ice cubes
with the citrus and it will help sharpen
 the disposal blades.

Need to prevent scratches on table
tops or walls??
Keep lil stick on felt pads or rubber
 bumpers on hand.  You can get 
them at any hardware store.  They
work great on trays, ceramics that
might not be smooth on the bottom
 or pictures and things for the wall,
 and they just quickly stick right on!

This is a series I have been doing
for a while so if you missed 
Tips #7, and would like to see
it....just click here!

Happy you could visit today,  and 
hope you find a tip or two that might
work for you!

Have a Great Day!

Love, Hugs, and
Last of June Blessings,

Sharing over at:

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Saavy Southern Style with Kim

Life an Linda with Linda and friends

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

My Sweet Things with Pili

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy


  1. #43. I have a sheet under my comforter. I usually use my sheet with my feet under the laid back comforter. If I get cold, i just pull up the comforter.
    #44. I wonder if you can spray a repellent that would keep them out?
    #45. Wonderful lesson for the children too. I spend about an hour in Bible study and an hour in prayer for my family, friends, church, CHM, my needs, my accts. protection, t.v. news reports from the day before, people I see on t.v. or in the community...Many times the LORD will bring to my mind "special" prayers that comes to my mind when I'm reading my Bible.
    #46. I'll try the lemon and salt! I bet it smells great too. The salt will act like sand in the facial scrubs you can buy, ha!
    #47. I had mine removed because of the rusting out and leaking under the sink!
    #48. I should have had that when I had my cat's window seat. The metal scratched the wall.
    Great ideas, Nellie!!! I love you all, Susan

  2. Morning Susan,
    That is what we used to do, only thing is when I would pull up the comforter, I would get
    too hot, so I was constantly putting the covers on and taking them off, not great for a rest-
    ful nights sleep.........lol

    We tried spraying around the lights, but unless you remember to keep spraying all the time
    it doesn't really work, and you can't really spray inside the lights as they are enclosed.

    Glad you liked the ideas...........have a great day!
    Love, Nellie

  3. Dear Nellie...you are so adorable I just want to jump on a plane and come and give you a big hug. Din din, indeed...lol! You always make me smile. Thanks for the great household tips. I'll be using that one with the lemon for sure! Hope you're having a great week Sweetness. Love, Mimi xxx

  4. Nellie dear, you have some awesome tips. I will use the lemon to clean my cutting boards. yes, those pesky spiders and such are a mess outside. You are so sweet to share these tips with our readers. Blessings to you. Stay cool. xo

  5. Hi Nellie, First visit to your blog & I enjoyed it! Thanks for the tips! Blessings, Janet

  6. Morning Mimi,
    Great to hear from you..........You always brighten my day with your sweet visits hon....
    I will accept that as a virtual hug.........lol

    That din din....comes from a very old cat food commercial.......the cats name was Morris
    and they used to say din din Morris when they put his food out, so sometimes I say to my hubby, din din Morris! He thinks it is funny too............

    Glad you liked the tips! and thanks for coming by. Hope you are having a good week too
    hon........Do yall celebrate your country's birthday??? If so, when??
    I started to wish you Happy 4th of July but then realized you really wouldn't be celebrating this one............lol

    Anyway, have a great weekend.....
    Love, hugs and Blessings,

  7. I also live in Florida. Whether I am buying clothes or bedding, I've got to have cotton.It can contain a little polyester, but I need breathable cotton. I have two white chenille bedspreads for both bedrooms. One is too heavy for summer but the other is used year round. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Hi Linda,
    Thank You Hon............
    Always so nice to hear from you, and I always appreciate your sweet comments.
    Hope you enjoy using the lemon on the cutting boards. It definitely smells much
    better than clorox. lol
    Hope you have a Lovely 4th of July celebration...........

    Blessings Abundant,

  9. Hi Jan,
    Welcome.....so nice to have first time visitors and happy that you enjoyed your time here.
    Hope you have a special weekend,
    Happy 4th of July and hope you will visit again soon hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  10. Hi Carol,
    Nice to meet another Floridian........I live near the Orlando area. So nice of you to drop by and hope it will become a habit........

    I hear you about the cotton, I am the same.....the temps are hot enough, but then I tend
    to have my own tropical heatwaves.......if you get my drift...lol
    So it is cotton or linen for me. Getting harder and harder to find tho, I have to say.

    Ah...good old chenille bedspreads, my Mom used to have a few, and they were so pretty.
    One had a huge basket of flowers in the center of it. That probably makes a great summer
    cover I bet.....
    Thanks so much for coming by and for your warm comments.
    Hope you are yours have a lovely 4th of July,
    Blessings, Nellie

  11. Great tips! I always throw lemons and limes in my disposal to keep it fresh. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  12. Morning Jann,
    Thanks glad you liked them, and already employ one. I love the fragrance of lemon and lime.
    Thanks for hosting SYC as well.

    Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July,


  13. Great tips!! Thank you for sharing with us at #HomeMattersParty. We would love to have you again this week.

  14. Thanks Sahana,
    Thanks for coming by for a visit and for hosting at Homematters, and also for allowing me to participate.......I will see you again next week............

    Have a Happy 4th of July!!


  15. These are great tips! When I had a garbage disposal i loved throwing lemons in it for a fresh smell. I also like your advice to pray for your kids. Thanks for sharing all these tips!

  16. Thanks Keri,
    So nice to have you visit and thanks for your warm comments, they are certainly appreciated.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend, and that you will visit again soon,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie