Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thankful Thursday June 23, 2016, Quick and easy 4th of July Table

 God is our refuge and strength,
 an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 149:1

Greetings Sweet Peas.......

Hope you are having a wonderful

first week of Summer.....

It has really been beautiful here the last
 few days, albeit, hot as blue blazes,
 but the evenings have been a bit cooler
 and breezier than the daytime temps

Since the 4th of July is just around
the corner, thought I would share a 
previous 4th of July table from years
 back. Since it falls in the summer I tend
 to be more layed back with my enter-
taining, so I typically use paper goods,
 but that doesn't mean you can't still 
have a nice table to enjoy.  Just threw
this together with paper goods and
things I already had........always fun
to just shop your house.........
you just never know what you might
 come up

Well, on with Thankful Thursday..........

I am thankful......

that my back was good enough
that I could go to church this
passed Sunday, as I was in too
much pain to go the week before.
Wearing high heels seemed to
make it feel better, so had no
problems at all while I was
at church.

that we had a great time with Dee
(our daughter) last weekend.  
It was so good to see her as I had
 been missing her and was definitely
ready for a visit.... it was a short
but sweet visit.

that Dee made it home safe and sound,
We thought we might have to go back
and get her from the airport, as they 
wouldn't let them board the plane
 because of a mechanical problem, and
 the plane had already been delayed and
 hr. and a half.
Of Course, we would have loved that,
but knew that Jerry and Rosie would
be quite disappointed, so was glad
that didn't happen.

#4 and #5
that my dental appt. went well in 
every back was no 
worse for the wear even tho I was in
 the dental chair for over 2 hrs. 
  Then I wound up only needing a
 filling rather than a crown on 
another tooth, and my root canal
situation has completely healed and
they did the final impressions, so 
should have my final crown inserted
next week,  so my dental saga will be
 over for quite a while I am hoping.   

that when the lights went off at
the dental office about 30 mins.
before I left,  that all the hard
stuff was done....and that they
did have lights on one side of
the office so they could finish
up impressions and other odds
and ends. Then the lights went
 completely off just the moment 
we decided on the color for my
 crown, which was the last thing
they had to do........... 
 Talk about perfect
Cause I would have had to go
back just for very
happy about that!!

for a fun time looking around
in Michaels and Joann 's crafts
yesterday.  It has been awhile
 since I really had time to browse
around in these stores, so I really
enjoyed myself, and picked up
a few fun things for lil darling
and some flowers for my porch,
if my back ever lets me get out
there to clean it and redo it. lol
I am hoping for this weekend.

for dinner out at Red Lobster
with hubby after my afternoon
at the dentist........we haven't 
been there in quite a long time
and it was really delish, and a
nice way to celebrate all the
events that happened at the

that lil darling has been such a
jewel knowing that Grammy's
back has been hurting, she has
been so helpful and was con-
tent to play on our bed, as she
is used to Grammy getting on
the floor with her a lot.

that we recently discovered a new Roku
channel called Feeln.  It is a paid chanel, 
but pretty inexpensive.  They have a bunch
 of Hallmark Hall of Fame movies.  
Have never seen a Hallmark movie
 I didn't like......

and very excited that I may be
able to stay with my present
dentist because a friend that
hubby works with called and
said that Aetna has bought out
our Dental Ins. Company. I 
have been praying that hubbies
Co. would switch to and Ins.
 my dental office uses...........
So am thinking this might just
be my answer................
Whoo-Hoo if it


that my jack of all trades brilliant
hubby may have found a way to 
fix our damaged bed. That would
be awesome, and if anyone can
do it he can............
 I will let you know what happens!!

Thanks so much for visiting,
would love to hear from you.


Have a great Friday and weekend
with your loved ones..........

Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs, and

End of June Blessings,


Sharing over at:

Mccall Manor with Holly and Friends

Between Naps on the Porch with Susan

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Rooted in Thyme with Stan and Jody

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Saavy Southern Style with Kim


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. #1. I am thankful too that you are feeling much better! Paper place settings are mad sp beautiful. When I was a kid, I don't remember all the pretty paper goods.
    #2. Yes, it was so good to see her again! I am so happy she can come. I missed seeing Jerry.
    #3. I'm glad she finally did get home safely! I'm sure Jerry was too!
    #4 & #5. Thank the LORD your dental visit went well, especially sitting for 2 hour, wow! I'll pray you won't need anymore visits other than cleanings!!!
    #6. Thank the LORD!
    #7. Weekends are good (especially since Jim is there to help too, ha!)
    #8. I hope the numbness had worn off!
    #9. She is just growing up so quickly. She understands many things for a 3 year old!
    #10. I have been so happy to be on digital antennae! I watch the same channels as I did on
    Bright House, but for free. I'm so glad I don't have them anymore!
    #11. Another prayer on my list for the LORD to bless!
    #12. Oh, I thought the company had come and gotten it! I hope Jim can fix it. They may not take it back if they see where someone tried to work on it.
    I love you all, Susan

  3. Hi Susan,
    Thank You, I am happy to be out of pain.........still have to be careful but so hoping to
    be back to normal by next week.

    You know I don't think they did have pretty paper goods like they have today when I was
    a kid either. Course, I might just not have been looking for them, so never noticed.

    I sure appreciate all your prayers for me during the dental sage.......

    They just told us to dispose of the bed however we wanted.........we were shocked but guess
    if it is damaged then they have to pay shipping to get it back, so whats the point really,
    just to throw it in the trash.......

    Well, have a good day hon,

    Love, Nellie

  4. Hi, Nellie!
    It is so joyful when the LORD blesses us to be out of pain! Be careful not to strain your neck or back. I find I have to watch more now that I'm "older!"

    I'm so glad our LORD answers our prayers. I have realized he blesses those who pray for other too!

    It's a shame the bed has to be thrown out. If it were a full size, I would take it. Queen size is too big for me and the room (with my doggies' beds.) I love you all. Susan

  5. Hi again Dear Nellie! This is all such GOOD news! Yay on the bed and the dentist! Yay on such a sweet July 4th table! Yay to Lil Darlin. Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou-Frou this week. Love, Mimi xxx

  6. Morning Mimi,
    How nice to wake up to hearing from you...........
    Thanks for being happy for all the good things that have happened for us this week.
    Also thanks for hosting 5 star frou frou and for allowing me to share there.
    Thanks for coming by..... always good to have you visit hon.
    Hope all is well with you.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie