Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thankful Thursday June 9, 2016, Yellow chrysanthemum pics

The grass withers and the flowers fall,
    but the word of our God endures

Isaiah 40:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week,

and that you are enjoying summer
even tho, it has not officially arrived
 yet, it sure feels like summer here!

 Our week has been good, a bit
more activity than usual but that 
is a good thing as well. Hubby
has worked home all week so
that has been nice,  and today
think I am gonna be working
on their Father's Day table and
 deciding exactly how I want to
 do it..............I have several
 ideas/color themes, so have to
 decide which one to go with....

So hope you have a fun time 

I am thankful

that we got some news about
some possible changes in the
ministry with which we are in-
volved, but it want take place 
until Jan. 2017, so it gives us
 time to pray and hope that it 
changes, or at least to solve
the problem it will create.

for a nice clean home and a
freshly mowed lawn.  Just
always looks so nice.......

that I saw a gal at church that
I realized I hadn't seen in awhile
and she happened to just sit a
few rows behind me, and I saw
her as I left the service and she
looked a lil peaked,  so makes
me think she must have been
sick, and gives me the op-
portunity to let her know she
was missed. cause I think that
is very important in a large
church. It would be terrible
to think you have been miss-
ing and no ones even noticed,
which leads to the thought
no one cares.............

for "Simply Lemonade with
 blueberry", it is one delicious
drink, and one of their newest 
ones that came out the end of
the summer last year.  Have to
say, all of their lemonade drinks 
are great. It is in the dairy case 
where they have the Orange 
Juice in most stores, just in
case you never tried it.  We
usually keep it for special
ocassions, as it is a real treat.

and very very happy.....
about the Lord's healing grace,
and Dr. Chen's great work. went 
back to him, my endodontist Tues.,
and he says my gum has almost 
completely healed, and my other 
dentist can go ahead and do the 
permanent crown.  Finally!

that the Lord helped us find
hubby's wallet,  just before I
 left for the endodontist I asked
hubby if he had any cash and he
said he did, to check his wallet,
but his wallet wasn't where it
normally is, so we looked all
over and could not find it any
where.  So we prayed and 
asked the Lord to help us find
it, and after I got back we were
having a conversation about it
and realized where we thought
he had it last, but realized that
 place for actaully before the
last place he had his wallet, so
 we realized he had his wallet
 on Sunday, so the thought came
to me for him to check his suit
pants..........and he did and
 there it was!!
Such a relief!!  I can not tell
you how many times the Lord
has helped us find things like

with posterized affect

that I think I have a nice plan for 
Father's Day now, ideas for dinner,
the table and gifts. 

that I was able to find some things
for Father's day gifts once I got
out of the dental office.  So pretty
much should be done with having
to shop for anything else.

the tropical storm over Florida is
gone.  Wow, we got some very
heavy rain and some scary shake
 the whole house thunder, and had
 a big huge branch and some smaller
 ones, break off our maple tree in
 the front yard. Thankfully, it did
no damage to anything.......

that our really sweet next door with
a fence that is in bad disrepair told
 my hubby today that she has been 
looking for someone to fix the fence
 as it already needed painting badly, 
but part of it actually fell over, but
 she is not having any luck finding
 anyone that can come out anytime 
soon to repair it, so she is now think-
ing of having a new vinyl fence put
 up.....which would really make more
 sense as this wood fence is always in
need of repair, cause the fence gets
 wet from the sprinklers and the boards
 warp and fall off and the black paint 
fades so much from the sun and water.
We have nailed some boards back on
 and spray painted some of it once, 
while the house was empty and up for
 sale, and it looked some better for 
awhile. So we are ecstatic to hear this
 news and sooo....hoping it happens 
very soon, as it has looked like a mess 
for quite awhile now....... and now
that our woods have been cleared
it looks even worse cause you see
more of it...............

for the cuteness of lil Hedge Hogs,
they are so tiny and adorable and look
like they would be fun to play with...
 and I thought perhaps, that might be
 our next pet once our kitty Molly goes,
since Hedge Hogs live in a cage, so we
 could just pick it up and go without 
much trouble, but as adorable as they
 are, I read up on them and they carry
diseases.  So guess we are just gonna 
be a petless household once our Molly
 goes...we will just enjoy the grand
 dogs, as we no longer want the
 limitations of  having a pet.
Lil darling and I were looking at pics
of Hedge Hogs on Wed. and she was
 so cute, she would see one, and say 
"How sweet", this child really keeps
us in stitches with the things she

With colored pencil affect

Last but not least, that Dee is gonna 
be able to be here for Father's Day.
  She is making a real quick trip down
 as she has a dental appt. the Monday
after...........but at least we get to see

her for a lil bit..........and am sure
my hubby will be delighted.


So pleased you could come by
today and hope this post might
have made you think about 
your own sweet blessings.

Have a really Wonderful
Friday and Weekend!

Love, Hugs and
Sunny Blessings to you,

Sharing over at"

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn


  1. #1. I will add it to my prayer list.
    #2. Yes! My yard looks great (front and back) since Steve and Christine mowed it with their new mowers! Fresh cut grass smells good too!
    #3. By the time I take the camera, tripod, and bags put away and closed up, most people have left. I have to stay awhile if there's info I need to give Chris about the taping.
    #4. They are good, but I'm still partial to Simply Fruit's Orange, Mango drink!
    #5. Great! The LORD is good as well as His timing is perfect!
    #6. That can really get your heart to pounding! I did that one time when I went to the Dollar store. I went into my purse and my wallet wasn't there! I thought it may have fallen out in the truck seat! When I went to check, it wasn't there! I drove back home and went to the bedroom and found it on the bed! It must have rolled out when I has place my "purse" on the bed to put on my shoes! I was very careful in driving home, ha! I didn't want to be stopped and not have my driver's license. I need to sew zippers into my handbags!
    #7. Great! You always have such neat ideas!
    #8. There seems to be celebration every month. Let's see: Jan.-New Years, Feb.-Valentine's, Mar.-birthdays, April-Easter, May-Mother's day, June-Father's day, July 4-celebration, August-birthday, Sept.-open, October-All Saints day, Nov-thanksgiving, Dec.-Christmas!
    #9. Praise the LORD it was only a tropical storm and not a hurricane! It sounded like one sometimes when the wind was blowing the rain like crazy against the bay windows! I almost feared it would blow the windows out!
    #10. I'm hoping that's what Linda (next door) is having put up. I hope she is having her overgrowth removed, first.
    #11. Animals aren't as hard to care for when they are in small cages. Hamsters and guinea pigs make great hands on pets, but their life spans are only a couple of years :-(
    #12. A great Father's day gift!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Darling Nellie, so much good news from you. And hedgehogs to boot! My daughter pins hedgehog and sloth pictures relentlessly on Pinterest, and of course we have neither here. We do however have possums, koalas, kangaroos, wombats and Quokkas, so plenty of cuteness to go around. I'm glad you can finally get your dental work completed. Yay! Love, Mimi xxx

  3. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments as always, I have to make this short as I
    am trying not to sit long to keep from irritating my back right now.
    Hope you are having a better week than I

    Love ya, Nellie

  4. HI Mimi,
    Always great to hear from you hon. That is funny that your daughter loves hedgehogs too.
    They are so darling, and love how they roll up in a ball.....Wow yall have lots of wild
    life cuteness, Koalas are adorable too. Never her of a Quokkas before......
    Thanks so much for stopping in and your warm comments hon, and thanks again for featuring
    me at 5 star frou frou.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie