Thursday, June 30, 2016

Thankful Thursday June 30th, 2016, nature scenes

 Give praise to the LORD,
 proclaim his name;
 make known among the
 nations what he has done.
1 Chronicles 16:8

Happy Thursday Sweet Friends,

Bet you are all getting prepared for
the 4th of July since it is just a few
days away.

We still haven't made any plans,
am thinking about calling some
old and dear friends that we
 haven't seen for awhile, so will
see if that works out, as Scott,
 Megan and lil darling have had 
plans for a while now...........
it may just wind up just me and 
the Mister... which is fine too!!
We have been invited over to 
our neighbors house for a 4th
of July celebration but it is
on Sunday, not Monday!

 Just decided to add some nature 
pics today!! Make sure to click
on one of the pics to enlarge
them all for better viewing

Sunrise at the Beach

I am thankful

that we were able to get a quick
 estimate for rescreening our porch
 and it was less than we expected.
Which is rare, it is typically way
 more than we expect since we are 
used to doing most things ourselves.

that hubby has gotten to work at
 home all week,  and will have a 4 
day weekend as well, so that is a
nice lil break from driving and
 working for him.

Sandhill cranes, we get them
around here ocassionally

that I finally got my permanent
crown put in on Tuesday, so my 
dental sage is over for now
at least.......Whoo Hoo....
 Very happy about that!!


for a chocolate pudding dessert
I made this week.  Just graham
crackers and pudding....

This was a shot from our

that the place where we get frozen 
yogurt on Sunday's (Yomii) gives
 reward points as well, so we found 
out recently that we have racked
up $50 worth of free
 we will be getting lots of free yogurt
 for awhile.  Gotta Love that!!

for Yomii's strawberry and now
their new pineapple yogurt. Both
 are so refreshing and so delicious in
 this hot weather and best of all...... 
it cools me right off!!

These lil cuties are Ibis and we get
to see them in our yard ocassionally too.

that our friend came today (Wed.)

and rescreened our porch and it looks 
so nice.  Now we can clean the floor
 and start getting it back together 
Very excited about that!

that doing the porch is one more
thing off our to do list before

This was a goat we saw while
driving around.....thought he
was cute.......

that as I am writing this there
is a fellow fixing the next door
neighbors fence.........they are
having a big party for the 4th
so I am thinking he should be
done in the next few days!!
If you have been reading my 
blog the passed 2 weeks you
 know we have been waiting 
quite a while for this to happen!
So we are quite happy about this....

Update: He got all the new boards 
on and was hoping he would paint 
today, but didn't see him at all
 today... so hoping for tomorrow!!

Cardinal in our bird bath,  we get them
quite often............


that lil darling is doing much better
 today. She seemed to be feeling fine
 when she arrived on Wednesday,  altho
 she had gotten sick once during the night 
and was fine all morning, and didn't seem 
to be running a fever or anything but when 
she woke up from her nap, she came out 
and was sitting on my lap trying to wake 
up and just started throwing up like
crazy. Bless her sweet heart!!
  Just called again to check on her and
 Scott said she was doing fine and it has
 been over 24 hrs. and she hasn't gotten 
sick again. PTL
Talked to her for a  few minutes and 
she sounded really chipper, amazing
 how fast lil ones rebound from stuff
 like that, thank heavens,  so guess it
 was just a 24 hr. bug.
 So thrilled to hear she is over it.

Sunset at the beach

that hubby was here yesterday when
 lil one got sick.  He took care of the 
clean up while I took care of lil
 darling  nd called her Mommy...

for a sweet compliment that I got
 from 2 younger women recently,
that really blessed my heart.


Well, here's to another week at
Cozy Place.

Hope you enjoyed your visit and
 hope you will come back soon.

Hope you have a wonderful 
4th of July and Weekend,
 with those you hold dear.

Love, Hugs,
and First of July Blessings,


Sharing over at:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

My Sweet Things with Pili

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy


  1. You're little grand daughter sounds like so much fun, but sorry she was sick. Thanks for joining the party this week. Hope you have a nice weekend, even if it is just you and hubby.

  2. I always enjoy reading your Thankful Thursday posts, Nellie, I haven't been blogging to much lately, just so busy! I am on instagram once in a while! Your photos are so lovely! Aren't screened porches the best!
    Wishing you a most blessed and Happy July4th celebration.

  3. Hi Lois,
    Nice to hear from you hon............
    I have to say that being a grandparent is so much fun.....and we do have such a blast with her. A friend of mine says if I would have known it would be this much fun, I would have
    had them My sentiments exactly, but I have to say I truly enjoyed and
    had fun with my kiddos too, but now I don't have total responsiblility for raising them, and
    what a difference that makes to the fun factor...........breaks your heart to see them so
    sick, but she is such a trooper it is amazing......
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments as always and thanks for letting me share
    at foodie friday even tho I don't always share food!! lol
    Hope you and the Col. have a great 4th of July..........and thanks for what the Col and your family have done for our country..........we appreciate yall and all those in the
    service that have served us and our country.
    Blessings Abundant,
    Happy 4th of July,

  4. Hi Sue.........
    Really great to hear from you, have missed you in blogland.....
    so glad you enjoy my Thankful Posts, that is always a blessing to hear.
    Yes, screened porches are great cause they keep out all the bugs!! lol
    Am looking forward to getting it back together again, course, it want
    get used too much until we get cooler weather, but at least it will look

    Happy 4th of July to you and your hubby as well,
    Blessings Galore,

  5. Beautiful surroundings and sky, Nellie! Thanks for sharing!

    Happy 4th on Monday!


  6. Thank you Poppy..........
    Hope you have a lovely 4th of July too!

    Blessings, Nellie

  7. #1 That's great about your screening being less than you expected! I should have an estimate on my den flooring! I'm tired of not seeing it completed and not being able to use it!
    #2. How wonderful! Anytime one doesn't need to be out on the road, the safer it is! My appointment next week with Frank is in his secondary office in Lake Mary. That is surely much closer than Daytona Beach!
    #3. Yeah, Hallelujah! I've been praying for you. Thank You, LORD!
    #4. Sounds great. I got one of Publix's Apple pies. It was "cheap" in price, but great in taste!
    #5. GOD just has His surprising blessings waiting for us in things we don't expect!
    #6. I've not ever tried their products. If it's not drive through and I'm by myself, I usually don't patronize them.
    #7. And no surprise visitors like raccoons!
    #8. It's so edifying when needs get done! I hope to do so with my den.
    #9. As so I too have been waiting for my neighbor to do so!
    #10. Don't I know! I had it too and it is like a blessing of joy when it's over! I can't imagine how such a wee one feels when they are sick.
    #11. Jim's such a great grandpa and you are a grandma!
    #12. Sweet blessings (from GOD) are all around us even if it comes through others!!!
    I love all the pictures of the birds. Just this morning on the way to get my hair done, the huge retention "pond" just on Highbanks was filled with all kinds of birds; ibis, sandhill cranes, and otherzs in feeding after last night's downpour! The bugs must have floated to the surface! I love you all, Susan

  8. Hi Susan,
    Yea, we have been having quite the downpours every evening........glad we didn't get one
    tonight as we needed to mow the lawn. We just finished up, and it looks very nice.
    That is nice that Frank has an office a bit closer now. Maybe once you meet with him you
    will feel better about getting your den done.
    Yea, I am excited that Molly's DIY cat door is sealed up, so we should have no more racoon
    visitors, as cute as they are........that works for me!!
    Yes, the Lord is good to us all of the time.............
    Thanks for coming by and for all your kind comments,
    Love, Nellie

  9. I enjoyed your post, Nellie. Your photos are beautiful!

  10. Amazing images dear friend and each one so beautiful too.
    Here is a very rainy season, but the blooms look great. Bad for mowing the lawn for sure.
    Hope your little girl gets well soon so she can have fun this weekend.
    Happy 4th. of July to you and yours.

  11. Lovely Blessing for you Nellie, I enjoyed your photos and wish you a Happy 4th of July! I'm glad your granddaughter is feeling much better! That is always scary when the little ones aren't well.

  12. Thank you Lynn, so happy you could come by and glad you enjoyed yor time here.
    Happy 4th of July to you and yours,
    Blessings, Nellie

  13. Thank You nice to hear from you, and thank you for your well wishes
    for lil darling, she was much better by Thursday thankfully.....

    Hope you and yours have a lovely 4th.........we celebrated yesterday and so did our
    neighbors, so it seemed like it was yesterday..............

    Blessings, Nellie

  14. Hi Katrin,
    Thanks for much for your visit and for all your sweet comments hon. Yea, it is quite scary
    when they get sick when they are lil as they can't give you many details about what is going we are very grateful it was just a 24 hr. bug evidently.

    Wishing you and yours a great 4th celebration too!

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie