Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Manly Father's Day Table for 2015

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy!!
Know many of you are probably enjoying
summer time fun with your kiddos. I used
to love those times............course, my
kiddos are all grown up now, but I have
very fond memories of those days.

I had another post prepared for today,
 but since I am in the process of mentally
 planning out our Father's Day dinner and
 table,  I thought some of you might be
 doing that too, and that maybe I would 
share my tablescape from last year, as it
might be a good fit for the Dad at your
 house as well.

I prepared this table for my hubby and
son who is a relatively new Dad of just
 3 yrs., course last yr. it was only 2 years.

 It was hard to come up
with something that fit both
of our guys,  but happened
to see a sign online some-
where That said some "Super
Hero's" don't wear capes,
they are just called Dad,
so got the idea to add a bit
 to it, and used a font that
look like Carpentry.

Since both our guys are handy 
thought this was fitting, and the idea
for the table was born, so made
the sign first.............made it red
and tan cause I knew these napkins
had a manly look, sort of like a flannel
shirt, so I could use those and my
 tan tablecloth.
 Hubby really liked the sign!!

Then I decided to raid the garage to
see what I could find.

Found the tool box first, but never 
thought to look inside until I was
 actually putting the centerpiece 
together, and wow, what a nice 
surprise, everything in it went so 
well.  So just took that tray out
and added it to the table.

After finding the tool box.....
 I just started gathering up the tools
 or hardware that had red, blue, or
 black and that were
clean looking...........

I purchased the needle nose pliers
 and the box cutters at walmart
 (thought that would be okay since 
we didn't have any TSA agents 
coming for dinner. lol)
and added them to my white 
ware plates to complete the theme
 and figured they would be favors
 for the guys afterwards. They were 
very inexpensive, but thought 
they made a great addition. 

Looked at 3 different stores to find
 Dad's Root beer, but to No avail, so
thought Lord what can I do??  and the 
thought came to just make my own
sign and put it on red hefty cups. So
 looked up a pic of the label for 
Dad's Root beer 
and made it like that.....

I believe the Lord loves when we
celebrate, cause over the years
he has given me so many ideas
and has just made it easy to find
things I need, at a great price 
and I remember years back when
 we were a very small church, two
 of my friends and I used to do the
 table decorations when we had
 fellowship dinners, and we would 
 all bring our decorations from home, 
and we were always able to find
 what we needed to go with it, and
 were always amazed how everything
just fit together so perfectly and 
would come out so nicely...........
We never doubted that God had
his hand in that!!

Was going to look for candy of some
 kind, and just happened to pass a 
display with packages of these small
 Kit Kat bars in Wally world, and
 thought these would be perfect, and
 as perfect as they were, they melted,
 as we started noticing some problems
 with our Air conditioning just about
 the time we sat down for din din.
So no one got to eat them but me,
that was how I discovered the
 melting. Oh well, can't have every
thing!!  lol

My Dad's Sign Says:

Since 1977 (for hubby)
and 2013 (for Scott)
Only put it on their cup, and
just used clear packaging tape,
since it just seemed fitting.
You know like Duct tape, the
handy man's secret weapon!!  lol

This is from the opposite end of 
the table, where the window is,
you can see in the next picture.

This is from the other end 
which faces the living room.

Got the blue candles at 
Wally World too,
for a buck a piece........

An Overview

With posterized affect.  Had to do at
least one affect, ya know!!


Well, hope some one out there might glean
 a few ideas to make your Father's Day a
 fun celebration.  Sometimes guy tables
can be a bit harder to come up with.....

Thanks so much for dropping by, and
if you get some ideas that are helpful
would love to know about it.

Love, Hugs and
Father's Day Preparation Blessings,

The Dedicated House


  1. Hi Nellie, your Father's Day tablescape from a few years ago is great! What a neat idea for your hubby and son. Let's hope nothing goes wrong with your A/C this year.

  2. Hi Donna,
    Nice to hear from you hon. and yes, definitely hope nothing goes wrong with the air this year since we bought a new one last year after Father's Day as that would be quite upsetting. lol
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments hon. Hope all is well with you and yours.
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. I know Brooklyn will be more to get involved with Daddy's Day this year! It would be
    cute if she wore a child's hard hat and delivered to Scott his present in a toy tool
    box, ha! Love you all, Susan

  4. Hi Susan,
    Those are some really cute ideas, unfortunately, this was last years table. I have a new
    theme for this year. Thanks for coming by, and for the cute ideas.....someone else might
    see them and decide to use them.
    Hope you are enjoying your new phone........

    Love ya, Nellie

  5. Hehehe....that is soooo cute Nellie, Hon! Fathers Day here is not until September, but I can just see myself raiding the Man Cave for a few goodies. Nice work! Glad you shared this. Mimi xxx

  6. Morning Mimi,
    Great to hear from you as always.
    Glad you liked my manly table.........I thought it was cute and fitting. So yall don't have Father's Day until September.........guess you just think everybody does the same thing at the same time. Blogging has been educational for me in that way, as well as others. I found out that Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving at a different time as well, and some people celebrate
    3 Kings Day, another Christian holiday that I never knew of anyone to celebrate.....then I
    figured that must be why I like to keep my Christmas decorations up so long......lol
    Well, thanks for your visit sweetie, and hope you have a good weekend, and hope you remember
    this idea when your Father's Day comes. This year I did a coffee theme. Well, we are off
    to get our daughter from the airport, she is just gonna be here for not quite 3 days, but
    we will take what we can get.
    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie