Friday, June 17, 2016

Thankful Thursday June 16, 2016, Flowers from the past................

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing well..............

Can you believe we are over half way
thru June already.....oh my my, where
does the time go...............

Well, if you read my post on Tuesday
you already know how most of my
week has gone. I am still having back
issues but they are somewhat better.
This has certainly not been a good
week for Orlando to say the least,
not only the mass shooting but then
losing a 2 yr. old to a gator attack.
My heart just breaks for all these
parents involved in all these
situations.  I can't even begin to
imagine their pain..........

Am so happy that I got a lot of
my prepping for Father's Day 
done early.  What a blessing
that turned out to be. I was able 
to pace myself to get most of
 it done,  but only have to make
a salad, bread and dessert yet,
and hang a sign over the table.
 I am sure my sweet daughter 
will help me with when she
 gets here Saturday.

I am thankful

for my sweet hubby and how well
he has taken care of me this week,
and for all the killer back massages
that have helped so much. What a
guy..........don't know what I would
do without him..........

that our sweet kitty Molly is no
longer suffering physically or
emotionally.  Couldn't have been
much fun to not be able to see
or hear, or to find her food bowl,
but we feel she is peacefully 
in kitty heaven.

that our lil darling seemed to
not take it too badly, as she
 loved Molly and Molly loved
 her as well...........lil darling
 was always so sweet and gentle
 with Molly, and Molly would 
rub up against her, cause she
 trusted her, and they would put
 their heads together. Such a
sweet sight............

for the outpouring of love on
 the Orlando area after the horrific
events last weekend. People from
all over community, the country
 and world have responded with
 such care and compassion.
  Such a great thing to see.......
at a time like this.

for the reminder of how blessed
we are to have policemen, and
Dr. and Nurses, and hospitals,
 Nursing Homes, and emergency
 care givers and responders and so
 many servants to the public........
I remember years
ago when my late Mother-in-
law had a life threatening stroke
and was paralyzed all down the
right side and couldn't even talk. 
 We and the family were all thrown
 into a very scary situation that we
had never experienced before and
 where we had no idea what to do, 
makes me thankful all over again
 for all those that did know due to
their wonderful training and care,
 and came to our rescue.
If you are a Public servant of any
kind.....we humbly thank you!!
and May God Bless You in 
amazing Ways.

for God's perfect timing.  I think
Molly's demise happened when
it did because I could no longer
take care of her with my back
the way it fact,  I think
that may have been what helped
to cause it,  as I was bending over
so many times through out the 
day either taking her out,  or
 giving her food and water, or
 petting her.  God is good!

that Hillsdale College is offering
a free course on the Constitution.
I decided to take it, and I am about
to do my 2nd is pretty
much lectures and then you take
a test.  I got 9 out of 10 on my
first hopefully off to
a good start!
Thought this was a good thing
to do cause how can we defend
something if we don't know that
much about it................

that we are suppose to get our
new bed tomorrow now.  I am
cautiously optimistic,  and so
hoping it works out this time.

Note: It arrived but we haven't
opened it yet...........

that our daughter has a big heart
and did a really sweet thing for a
 new friend and her hubby, as a 
house warming gift, which was
 no small thing. So proud of her,
and they were thrilled.

that we have a new opportunity
to mentor a newlywed couple
from our class. They are just the
 cutest and most precious couple,
 so we are really looking forward 
to this, as they are both so sweet
spirited and have such teachable
hearts.  Those kind of folks are
such a joy to work with.........

for  Simply mixed berry Juice,
we just tried it this week and
don't know how long it has
been out, but is it wonderful
too.  It has strawberry, blue-
berry and raspberry juice, I
think it is...........definitely
worth a try................ 

that there is a God in Heaven,
and that He is still seated on His
throne in Heaven, yet 2000 yrs.
ago He sent His ONLY son, Jesus
 into this world, to die for my sin 
and your sin, so that we might
 have a relationship with Him.
 I am so grateful that He knows 
everything, from beginning to
 end and nothing takes Him by
These are wonderful things to
know in the day and age in 
which we live.  They bring
great peace to my heart!

Thought I would includes
 these verses just in case some-
one might wonder how I know
this... and would like to read
 it for themselves

( Genesis 1:1, Hebrews 4:16,
John chapter 1, John 3:16, 
 Proverbs 15:3, Psalm 139
verses 1-4. These verses are all
 from the New Int'l Version)


Well, there you have our crazy
 week at Cozy Place.

Thank You for coming by...............

Always nice to know folks visit.

Have a Lovely Weekend, and don't

forget to spoil all those Great Dads
 out there!

Love, Hugs and

Father's Day Celebration


Sharing over at:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends


  1. #1. Praise the LORD for Jim and his love for you!
    #2. I know how you miss her. I really miss Max (macaw) even though I gave him to a responsible person to care and enjoy him. Jerry (African Gray) and Cuddles (Cockatiel) has much more attention from me now!
    #3. Molly was such a trusting kitty to let you pick her up and hold her. My two are just now letting me love all over them, though they don't want to be picked up. (For those reading, Cody and Katy were feral 4 week old abandoned kittens when I found them on my back patio."
    #4. I also have been praying for those who made it out to step back and look at their lives realizing the LORD blessed them to survive. The alligator attack here, a mountain lion attack on a young child in Colorado shows how much more children need to be supervised today since the population growth of man is moving into the territorial wilderness of wildlife. The scraping off of the woodlands, replacing it with asphalt and concrete is depleting the wildlife's resources for food. I have in the past several years had alligators in my back acreage (the main reason I don't let my dogs in the back!) Praise GOD, the snake I caught in my house wasn't poisoness!
    #5. Amen, and healthcare providers in rehab too!
    #6. GOD has everything in control. I've taken Proverbs 3:5-6 as my verse this year, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all you do and He will make your paths straight." GOD is so good, all the time!
    #7. It does remind me of the Pharisees and Sadducee's. If today's lawmakers keep adding to and changing what was once against the law in the past, GOD's judgment is going to step in!
    #8. A good restful bed does make a difference!
    #9. She learned it from her mom and dad being so giving!
    #10. They will be blessed by GOD as so you will be too!
    #11. I wished I still had the old Tupperware Popsicle molds! I would make my own juice pops
    #12. I would like to add one, Ephesians 1:4-5, "For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons (and daughters) through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will" I cannot thank our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD enough for allowing me to be one of His chosen to spend now and forevermore with Him in eternity!!! Praise GOD Almighty you, Jim, our family and so many friends are saved to His Kingdom too!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. From #1-12, each evidences of the faithfulness and sovereignty of our Lord.
    It's always encouraging to read your "gratitudes", Nellie.
    Hope the rest of your weekend is peaceful and satisfying.

  3. I'm so sorry your little cat has passed. I hope you will welcome a new cat in your life. You are such a good person. You give them such a good home. So many cats don't get a chance.
    Hope you get better and better. Back issues sure can bring you to tears. Have a sweet week filled with wonderful blessings and gifts from above.
    big hugs♥,

  4. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for your encouraging comments to us.
    Just so you know if you go online and look under tupperware, think you can find a distributor
    in your area and might be able to find one of those popsicle molds.

    See you later today,
    Love, Nellie

  5. Hi Rebecca,
    Hope your hubby is having a good Father's Day, mine is now napping, and the family will
    be over this afternoon. Our daughter is here too, so that makes it nice that everyone is
    here, accept our Sweet Son-in-love and grand dog Rosie......

    Yes, the Lord has surely been faithful to us and we can surely trust his sovereign rule
    over our lives and our world. Thank you for coming by and for you encouraging comments.

    So far, Today has been a good and peaceful day, and satisfying as well, and should just
    get better as the day goes by..............

    Hope you and yours have a lovely day and week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  6. Hi Caroline,
    So nice to hear from you hon. Thanks ever so much for your condolences on Molly, we are
    getting used to the fact she is not with us anymore, but when I walked in the door from
    church I thought I should go check on Molly only to realize she is no longer with us, but
    we are fine with that really as we believe the Lord has her in kitty heaven or where ever
    he see fit to put her..........

    My back is considerably better so I did get to go to church this morning, so was happy
    about that........but it is not over yet, but hoping it will be 100% again soon. Thank
    you for stoppin by and for all your sweet well wishes for me.

    Hope your Dad is having a great Father's Day............I am sure you are a treasure to
    Hugs and Blessings, Nellie

  7. Thank you, Nellie, for directing me to the internet for Popsicle molds! I surely enjoyed our Father's Day get together! What a fun time with our sweetie pie too!
    I love you all, Susan

  8. Your welcome Susan,
    Glad you enjoyed yourself, we sure did!! Think lil darling loved playing tissue paper ball
    with you........she was sure a giggling!!

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie