Sunday, July 30, 2017

Scripture Sunday - The Angel of the Lord

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here's the Verse of the day!

The angel of the Lord encamps 
around those who fear him, and
he delivers them.

Psalm 34:7 NIV

This has long been a favorite
verse of mine, and was such
a comfort to me many years
ago when my husband used
to travel and be away from
home every 6 weeks for a

I would be fine as until bedtime,
by then the kids would be sound
asleep and I would be trying to go 
to sleep and it seemed like I would
hear every creak or tiny noise, and
it would scare me.

A few times I put the radio on low
 to drown out any noise, but didn't
 think that was a good idea as I might
 need to hear a noise if someone was
tring to break in or if one of the kids
were to get sick and try to call for me
and I might not hear them.

Then, one night when I heard a noise 
that positively scared the life out of 
me......I just laid in bed and started
 quoting  "The angel of the Lord 
encamps about those who love him,
and I love him so his angels are
stationed all about my house",  so
I was quoting a verse and making
my own statement, and envisioning
his angels all at the same time.,
 and I just kept
saying it outloud to myself, over
 and over again and then the fear
 just left me!
So He truly had delivered me 
from my fear.........and from
anything that might have been
out there...........and he has done
that in many such situations.....
So it became my go to verse
anytime I feel scared......

If you have never tried it,  I would
encourage you to do there
is power in God's word!

Hugs and Blessings,

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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thankful Thursday July 27, 2017, Golf Cart Tour #8

Give thanks to the God of heaven.
 His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:26

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are looking forward to a 
good weekend!

Our's will be quiet as the kids are 
gonna be out of town, but we are
 watching one of our furry grandaughter
 dogs, Lola.  She is such a lil cutie....
and such a sweet lil thing,  so that 
will be fun for us, since we are pet 
free these days!!
Just like grandchilden...spoil them
then send them home!!  lol

Pictures today are a continuation of 
our golfcart tour in charleston, S.C.

Well, trying to get this out on time
for a
So will get on with my list..........

I am thankful

that another one of our students 
wants to teach class, as we are want-
ing to bring some of the young people 
along, as there aren't that many who
 desire to teach, so we love hearing
they want to teach.  Cause we all
have to start somewhere or some

for an almost take your breathe
 away moment of seeing a blue, 
grey, pinky peach, coral and
 orange sunset. Stunning!
God's handiwork is always

for land of lakes olive oil and sea salt 
butter.  We have been putting it on our 
bagels for awhile now,  and it makes 
them taste so good...........
and it only has 3 ingredients sweet 
cream, olive oil and sea salt........
 and you don't see only 3 ingredients
 on many items I have to say...........
I love that!!

that we made a new discovery
this week, which is, if we order from
 one of our fav restaurants, which is 
Carrabas, that if we will order take out
 off their family bundle menu, then we
 get enough food for 5 people for the
 same price we get our 2 usual meals,
 and because we got it as takeout it
 was still hot due to the way they 
package it. That is a nice
Win...Win ...for us!!


that something I have been hoping and 
praying for to happen for my Nephew
 and Neice is happening, and I am just
 so happy for them about it.

for a really nice lady that I have been 
working with in a certain situation to
 do with my Mom's home, and that she
did something very kind and special 
and totally unexpected for me, that
 just really touched my heart and
 made me cry on Tuesday morning.
They were good tears for sure!

for fresh sweet cherries that 
are in
 season now.  We have been gobbling
them up like

that a long time friend who has also been
 sick for a long time, was recently
 hospitalized and seems to be getting some
 help hopefully. She was deficient in about
 everything you can imagine, so they have
 been giving her B12 shots and intravaneous 
Vitamin bags, but she has only had 2 
treatments, so far, and it takes a lil while
 when you are so depleted.  So praying 
the Lord uses this to bring healing to her
 body in many ways. It was good to talk
to her and she already sounds better.

for a spontaneous "I love You" from
 lil darling and a "I am having so much
 fun". That is the first time she has
said either of those things without me
 saying it to her first. Such Precious
 and Special Moments for sure.

for more steps made in this long
 process of selling my Mom's house.

that I was able to get some answers
today that I needed for a homeowners
 policy for my Mom's home until it 
is sold.
So one more hurdle down........

for the fun of reclining and reading
on our loveseat/chaise lounge that we 
got a few months back for the living 
room.  Enjoyed it quite a number of
times this week, and tonight hubby
and I sat on it and watched it rain
and enjoyed the view of our house
from a different angle.......made
me love our house all over again.

Well,  there you have it...........
our week at Cozy Place.

Thanks so much for dropping by 
always nice to know you were here.

Have a truly delightful weekend!

Love, Hugs and
Last weekend of July


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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Monday, July 24, 2017

Part 3 of creating a new look by changing colors and decluttering

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how are you today???
Doing well,  I hope!

Been a good week here so far,
Gorgeous day out, hot as blue blazes
but beautiful....did get to sit outside
earlier,  but can't take it for more
than 10-15 minutes, but need that
Vitamin D......  lol

  on with Part 3 of this series..........

Last week I left off with the restyled
CD tower, and actually took a few
more shots (but just used one) so you 
could see that the contents actually
 show up better than what the last pic
 looked like.....
(cause I was standing up and I was
 blocking the light) 

Pic from last week-  see my

pic from this week.

I don't think I have mentioned
that this room has a French
 theme going on, but maybe
you have guessed that already.

Before it had a French Garden would just call
 it a "French, shabby, farmhouse
once yall see the completed
room,  maybe yall can tell me
what you think it

After the CD tower, I finally coraled
 hubby and we were able to put the
 new futon cover on by ourselves
as unbeknowst to me it was a little 
bit too big....
 It took so long to put in on because 
I kept thinking we would need our
 son to help, since the futon mattress
 is so heavy and as it was hard to get
 the old cover on other times when I
washed it and put it back on, but I
 kept forgetting to ask Scott, when he
 was here, or when he was here, hubby
 was busy working and couldn't do it.

So finally.............but then I didn't
like it!! It didn't fit right and it was
wrinkly and we had to tuck it in
and try to make it fit right and so
I tried putting all the pillows on
and still just downright didn't like
 it at all. 

Now keep in mind I bought the
cover 4-5 yrs. ago, before grey
 became the more neutral color.  
As my intention all along was
 to make this a more neutral
 colored room.  

So now what?? 

 I remembered
that I had a quilt that I used on
the living room sofa that was
now being used on my love
seat in our bedroom. You can 
see a little of it in the above pic,
it is a pink, blue and green
country looking quilt, but the
other side is solid white with
blue trim. So  put it on and it
brightened things up quite a
 bit and it also hung over at the
bottom, which made it possible
 to hide our laptop under the
 futon. See below, took this
without the lights on, so it
didn't come out all that great,
but it gives you can idea of
how this side of the room
 looks anyway.

 So add 2 new coral
colored pillows that I found
at Ross as I had decided the
accent color was gonna be
coral, then added some off
white and royal blue check
pillows I already had.

 and I was in happy land, accept
I thought it needed one more
pillow in the center, so I was
 thrilled as I remembered the 
sweet pillow the kids had given
 me for Mother's day, as it had 
some of the same colors in it 
and pics of all my fav people
 on it.....
so it was perfect!!

This shows the new changes to the
wall behind the futon as well, but
that came a bit later in the process, 
actually at the end.....  thought I had 
pic of the before wall, but haven't 
found it yet........I just changed it
up a little bit.
Have to say I am loving the colors
in here..........

and here's a before shot (below) just 
so you can remember what it looked
like before.  Also if you missed
part 2 and would like to see it,
Just click here.

Well, maybe next week, will end
 this series...we'll

Thanks for coming by.....

Hope you have a really great rest
of the week.

Love Hugs and last of
July Blessings, 

Can't believe we are a week away
 from August...... Can YOU??

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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Scripture Sunday - Love of Money

Happy Sunday  Morning
Sweet Friends

Here is the verse of the day!

 Keep your lives free from the love of money 
and be content with what you have, because
 God has said, “Never will I leave you; never 
will I forsake you.”  
Hebrews 13: 5

I think this is such an important verse,
because the bible tells us in
 1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is a root of all kinds
 of evil. Some people, eager for money, have 
wandered from the faith and pierced them-
selves with many griefs.

The Key words here are "the love of money"

It's not the money,  it is the love of money
that is the problem.  
When we allow ourselves to have a love for
 money we put ourselves in a very vulnerable
 position. Because when people love money 
sometimes they will do anything to get it, 
which can lead to all sorts of bad things.
Like being a workoholic and neglecting
ones family, being up to our eyebrows in
 credit card debt and having to worrying 
all the time about how to pay for it, or 
maybe even having to file bankruptcy or 
loosing a home or vehicle due to being
 so overextended. We have all heard about
 the get rich quick schemes that totally
 backfire, leaving the person worse off than
 they were before. We once knew of a couple
who really loved the Lord and who were
very involved in their church and then they 
came into some money, and bought a new
 home and a boat they started going to church
less and less, until they weren't going at all, 
and the next thing we heard they were having 
bad marital problems and eventually they
wound up divorced, all the while their 
church family was trying to encourage
them back on track.  These are sad
stories and I could go on and on, but
I am sure you get the point.....

The second half of that verse is important 
to our well being, and it pretty much tells
 us how  NOT to have a love for money, 
and that is to be content with
 what you have..............
We are all blessed beyond measure just 
because we live in the United States, but
so many times we can forget how blessed
we are, and just have an ungrateful heart 
or we can start looking around at what 
others have and think somehow we have 
been short changed. When we start to get 
that mindset we really need to see it as a
 red flag, and ask the Lord to forgive us
 for that faulty thinking and to cleanse
 that right out of our hearts, cause we
are treading on dangerous territory if
left unchecked.  We also need to know
and remember that money does not
buy happiness or give us a good life,
God does!  How many wealthy people
have you see or heard about that are
miserable.......not that there is anything 
wrong or evil about being wealthy, be-
cause their isn't, there were some wealthy
and Godly men in the bible.....but if we
 fail to recognize where our blessings
truly come from and appreciate them,
then that is a problem, that the Lord
will not be too happy with.....
I believe that being thankful for all that 
God has blessed us with, is indeed,
the road map to being content.  

God is good.....He will never leave
 or forsake his children!  So our
God doesn't need to be the love
 of God expects us
to do the best we can with what
we have....and that means being
  thankful for what we have and 
being a good steward of what 
He has given us........

Something to think about!!

Have a lovely Sunday,



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Friday, July 21, 2017

Thankful Thursday July 20, 2017, Golf cart tour #7

 But you, Lord,
 are a compassionate and gracious God, 
slow to anger, abounding in love 
and faithfulness.
Psalm 86:15

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you day is going well......

Mine is going, sort of dismal today,
as it has been overcast here all day 
but the sun just finally came out. 😊

We had a deluge of rain last night
with some marble size hail,  was
hoping it didn't get any bigger as
it was hitting our front windows,
and thankfully it didn't!  

Took a break and it has only been
 a few hours but now our skies are 
all looking bad and no sun again. 
 Think we are gonna have another
 deluge like last night or at least it 
looks like it.  So much for mowing
the grass probably.........which
was the plan........not too sad
about that

Pictures today are from the same
Spring golfcart tour of Charleston.
seems like I have an endless supply
of pics, didn't realize I had taken
quite this

Anyway gonna get on with the
post since I am so late!

I am thankful

for a really fun visit with our
daughter. We just so enjoy being
together......we visited, ate, and
did at home facials and pedicures 
on Friday, as she had bought some
cosmetic products at a place called
Lush,when she spent the day with
 a friend on Thursday. They have
a product called Dream Cream.
We both really love it.

for a nice dinner at a great Mexican 
restaurant with the family on Friday
night. Our first time to go there and it
 was really good food, and a nice but
 quick time together, as Scott had to
 get home to pack for a trip the next
 day.  Hubby and I are happy to know
about this new to us, restaurant as we
both love Mexican food........

Think this is the same house just
 different areas of it.....

for some awesome deals at Bath
 and Body on Friday evening after
our Mexican dinner. We have a new
store in our area and we hadn't been
there yet, so we all decided to go
check it out and they had a lot of
things 75% off,  and my daughters
 birthday is coming up next month, 
so wgot quite a haul......I have to we were both
 happy campers!

for my new Peach Bellini candle we
 got at Bath and Body at half price. 
 Put it in my newly redone office 
and it smells heavenly in here.

that Dee got here on Wed. afternoon
uneventfully other than a missed
turn, which added 30 mins. to her
trip, but she was safe....then back
 home to  S.C. safely on Saturday.

that Scott got to his destination up
 North for work on Sat., and back
 home safely on Tuesday evening.

for a rump roast with potatoes, carrots,
 and Pearl onions (that came in a jar)
 that I made for din din on Tuesday and
 had for din din Wed. nite.  It was
 yummy and really hit the
I never knew you could buy
pearl onions in a jar,  had never seen 
them before, just happened on them, 
and thought they might be good, and
 they were. Guess what brand they
are??  Aunt Nellie'
I buy their beets too, and they are

These huge Oaks just fascinate me!

for an opportunity to encourage
and pray for a distraught and dis-
couraged single Mom with 3 
children, 2 of which are 17 and 20, 
and are really taking a toll on her, 
and also starting to rub off on her 
younger child.  I have known her
 children for years and they are really
 good kids, but they are spreading their
wings as they all do....those teenage
years can really be fun....not!

for the sandhill cranes and Ibis
and my neighbors pretty white
 chickens I have been seeing in
 my yard and neighborhood this 
week. They are all fun to watch!

that my next door neighbors dogs
that sneeked out did not get our
other neighbors chickens as they
were.........chasing them!!  made
quite a commotion too!!  lol

that one of our students from our
Sunday school class is doing fairly
well after a bad accident this morning.
She had the baby with her,  but God
watched over them,  baby is fine,
Mom at home but having pain and 
stiffness in her ribs, but thankful
 from the looks of the car she 
survived at all.  Thankful for
God's protection over them both.

for all the wonderful array of food 
choices that we have and for places 
to purchase them or we can even grow
 some of them ourselves if we want.
God has given us such a large variety
 of fruits and Veggies, and has provided
 animals to give us milk, eggs and meats
 and many other things I probably haven't
 even thought of.....
We are so blessed as a nation as many
 countries do not have access to what
 we do.


Well, there you have it.....another
 week at Cozy Place......

Thanks for dropping by.....
hope you have had some things
to be thankful for this week too.

Would love for you to share 
with us.

Have a Really Lovely Weekend,

Love, Hugs, and
Cooler weather Blessings,


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Walking on Sunshine Recipes

LIfe with Lorelai


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The Dedicated House

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A Stroll thru Life 

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...