Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Part 2 of creating a new look by changing colors and decluttering.....God's remedy

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you somewhere cool....
in the pool, at the beach, inside with
the A/C cranked down to the coolest
level, lol, at the mall, drinking a
 smoothie / lemonaide, or anywhere
you can cool off, if it is as hot 
where you are, as it is here!

Today I am sharing part 2 of the
 changes to our computer room/
office, from now on think I am just 
gonna start calling it our office,
 must easier and less typing.  lol
Actually it is a computer, office 
and craftroom.  So maybe I 
should call it our COC room. lol

I left off last week (Part1) with 
decluttering under the futon,
You can click here if you want
to see it.....

So just gonna pick up there...
 with the next steps as I remember

My next thought was I needed to
 order a paper tray rather than have
 all these boxes stacked up.
 (see below)


So I ordered a metal clean lined
paper tray since it had no slots or dust
 collectors on it, and being metal rather 
than plastic figured it had less chance
of breaking and they were about the
 same price as the plastic ones, and I 
could also spray paint it in the future
 if I wanted.
 When I shop for things for my home
 I always look for versatility cause as
 you know if you have been visiting
 me long, that I like to change things
 up fairly often........if I can come 
up a way to do it........lol
I will be praying about that a lot
more now.......(that's a lil secret
from Part 1)


Doesn't it look so much neater!
Love it......and I never have to
move anything to get to what 
I want...........

I also ordered a nice wire basket at
 the same time to house my scrap-
booking embellishments, since the
 basket they were in, was pretty much
 falling apart. Both items came from
Wally World aka Walmart.  lol

My other basket was only about 3"
high and you could see everything,

the new basket is 71/2" tall, so it
pretty much hides everything when
you aren't looking into it like this....
creating a much cleaner look.

The next step was to put the white skirt
 that I had purchased 4 years ago, on
my craft table.  Was a tad disappointed
with it at first, because it was pretty
wrinkled and looked more like light
 gray than white due to the thin fabric,
 but steamed the wrinkles
out.....and it looked much better
but still not thrilled with it, but
it will do for now.

and had already put my stash of 
office supplies underneath but
added a few more that came
from under the futon or top of
the table.

Now it was time to figure out a good 
place to put this cute organizer my
 daughter and Son-in-love got me
 for Mother's Day.
At the end of my craft table turned
out to be the best spot.

You can see the basket in the left
hand corner.  Also these pics make
the table look pretty short but it 
really isn't....it is 66" long.

Here it is a bit more cleaned up,
but still not completely happy
with it, but that will change.

Next I decided to take some of 
the things that were on the table
and put them in our CD tower.
They are actually souveneirs
from France when we were
there 45 + years ago and the
2 of the french plaques I had
taken off the walls by the
windows. They actually show

up better than this pic makes
it look, but I have put some
white paper as a background
 behind everything to see if 
would want to paint the back
drop, but didn't really like it.
I sort of like the drama and
the understated look better.
So just left it alone.

Think I am gonna stop here
for today,  so there will be
part 3 and probably a part
4 as well......will see next

Really do wish I had taken all 
the before and after pics cause
 you then you could really tell
 more about the transformation
of the room. But oh well.....lol

Thanks for stopping by to see me.

See you on Thursday and have
a really super duper week!

Love, Hugs and
Creative Blessings,

Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life

Saavy Southern Style

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

LIfe with Lorelai


Life and Linda

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable


  1. Hi, Nellie!
    Beautiful changes! I love your Eiffel Tower paper holder! Some time ago, I moved my computer
    to my bedroom area. I moved the elongated Tile table from the kitchen to the bedroom next to my dresser along the wall where I put my printer on it. One of the pentagon end tables fits
    right under it where I store my computer when I'm not using it. Otherwise it is in my lap as I sit in my chair that is right next to it! Occasionally I have to clean off the dresser where I tend to "temporarily" set things down, ha! Beautiful COC room! Love you all, Susan

  2. I love what you have done and, like Sister Susie, I LOVE that Eiffel Towel paper holder. I am desperately in need of dealing with my wreck of an office/studio. Your post has been inspiring. Thanks!

  3. Thanks Susan,
    Nice that you have made your own computer area in your bedroom,
    much handier I am sure......

    Thanks for stopping by.....as always....

    Love, Nellie

  4. Hi Pattie,
    NIce to hear from you hon. Thanks for coming by and for your kind comments...
    It just seems so easy to let a work area get out of hand after awhile.....
    since after all is a work area! right?? lol

    Since my redo I am keeping it neat all the time now........cause I am enjoying
    and uplifted by the new work space..........

    Have a great day,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...