Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thankful Thursday July 27, 2017, Golf Cart Tour #8

Give thanks to the God of heaven.
 His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:26

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are looking forward to a 
good weekend!

Our's will be quiet as the kids are 
gonna be out of town, but we are
 watching one of our furry grandaughter
 dogs, Lola.  She is such a lil cutie....
and such a sweet lil thing,  so that 
will be fun for us, since we are pet 
free these days!!
Just like grandchilden...spoil them
then send them home!!  lol

Pictures today are a continuation of 
our golfcart tour in charleston, S.C.

Well, trying to get this out on time
for a
So will get on with my list..........

I am thankful

that another one of our students 
wants to teach class, as we are want-
ing to bring some of the young people 
along, as there aren't that many who
 desire to teach, so we love hearing
they want to teach.  Cause we all
have to start somewhere or some

for an almost take your breathe
 away moment of seeing a blue, 
grey, pinky peach, coral and
 orange sunset. Stunning!
God's handiwork is always

for land of lakes olive oil and sea salt 
butter.  We have been putting it on our 
bagels for awhile now,  and it makes 
them taste so good...........
and it only has 3 ingredients sweet 
cream, olive oil and sea salt........
 and you don't see only 3 ingredients
 on many items I have to say...........
I love that!!

that we made a new discovery
this week, which is, if we order from
 one of our fav restaurants, which is 
Carrabas, that if we will order take out
 off their family bundle menu, then we
 get enough food for 5 people for the
 same price we get our 2 usual meals,
 and because we got it as takeout it
 was still hot due to the way they 
package it. That is a nice
Win...Win ...for us!!


that something I have been hoping and 
praying for to happen for my Nephew
 and Neice is happening, and I am just
 so happy for them about it.

for a really nice lady that I have been 
working with in a certain situation to
 do with my Mom's home, and that she
did something very kind and special 
and totally unexpected for me, that
 just really touched my heart and
 made me cry on Tuesday morning.
They were good tears for sure!

for fresh sweet cherries that 
are in
 season now.  We have been gobbling
them up like

that a long time friend who has also been
 sick for a long time, was recently
 hospitalized and seems to be getting some
 help hopefully. She was deficient in about
 everything you can imagine, so they have
 been giving her B12 shots and intravaneous 
Vitamin bags, but she has only had 2 
treatments, so far, and it takes a lil while
 when you are so depleted.  So praying 
the Lord uses this to bring healing to her
 body in many ways. It was good to talk
to her and she already sounds better.

for a spontaneous "I love You" from
 lil darling and a "I am having so much
 fun". That is the first time she has
said either of those things without me
 saying it to her first. Such Precious
 and Special Moments for sure.

for more steps made in this long
 process of selling my Mom's house.

that I was able to get some answers
today that I needed for a homeowners
 policy for my Mom's home until it 
is sold.
So one more hurdle down........

for the fun of reclining and reading
on our loveseat/chaise lounge that we 
got a few months back for the living 
room.  Enjoyed it quite a number of
times this week, and tonight hubby
and I sat on it and watched it rain
and enjoyed the view of our house
from a different angle.......made
me love our house all over again.

Well,  there you have it...........
our week at Cozy Place.

Thanks so much for dropping by 
always nice to know you were here.

Have a truly delightful weekend!

Love, Hugs and
Last weekend of July


Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish Cottage

Life and Linda

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life

Oh My Heartsie Girl


  1. #1. The LORD is surely working in the hearts of you and your class! Praise the LORD!
    #2. Wasn't that gorgeous!! It's amazing what light can do through the raindrops inside clouds!
    #3. I'll have to purchase that next time around! I have been melting cheese on my toast.
    #4. WOW! That is a great deal! You can have quite a few leftovers if not used for guests too!
    #5. Yeah! And I know what it is too!
    #6. Our GOD is so good. His Love shows to us through others!
    #7. The grapes are great too. However, I put mine back today. It had a small bag listed for $1.99, when she rang it up it was almost 5.00! When I questioned, she said that was the price PER POUND! So, I didn't get it. I'll stick with my bananas!
    #8. I'll pray for her too. I make sure that what I eat has good vitamins/minerals in it. I don't eat "junk" anymore. Maybe an occasional cookie (little one!)
    #9. And, so many more to come as she gets older, especially when she starts writing in a few years!
    #10. The LORD is working His will. I thank Him for answering prayers.
    #11. Yea! Hallelujah to the LORD!
    #12. Oh, the comforts and joy of home, I can't thank the LORD enough for these blessings!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Wow, I too am blessed and have so much to be thankful for:
    #1 that I have a personal relationship with Jesus
    #2 family - they're the best
    #3 grands - two adorable grands
    #4 beautiful gardens
    #5 friends
    #6 ...

  3. Morning Susan,
    Thanks for coming by encouraging comments.

    Did you see the SKY LAST night! It was gorgeous and very similar to last Sunday nights
    sky...........guess due to all the rain....

    Yea, I have done that before too, where you buy it and then realize oh, it was by the pound
    and that was in tiny print.....and you are thinking that is the real Gotta
    be on your toes every minute it seems.....

    Yea, there truly is no place like home.........imagine if we feel like that about our
    homes much more at home we are gonna feel in heaven since that is
    real our home.........

    Have a good week hon,
    Love, Nellie

  4. Hi Joanna,
    NIce to meet you here in blogland.....
    and thanks for coming by and sharing your blessings with us.....I love when folks do that,
    as we all have so much to be thankful for........

    Great list and those are my top 5 as well, #4 would be our backyard rather than gardens. lol

    Thanks again for stopping by and hope you come again soon....I will be over to see your blog as well.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie