Friday, March 17, 2017

Thankful Thursday March 16, 2017, Pt. 3 of golf cart home tour

Trust in him at all times, O people,
pour out your hearts to him, for
God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:8

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Oh and Happy St. Patrick's Day
I almost forgot!!  Make sure to
where some green today!!  lol

What's been happening at your 
house this week??  Doing any
Spring decorating yet?

Am hoping to be doing that soon,
as I am trying to jumpstart myself
into Spring decorating.....but it has
 been cool again all week, which has
totally taken the feel of Spring away
 but it will go from 67 to 78 degrees 
tomorrow.  So that just might be the
 impetus I

Added more fun houses from my
golf cart tour of Charleston.  I am
just so fascinated by how different
and varied the homes are there.
No cookie cutter anything in this
neighborhood for sure.....and I
love that......

Hope you enjoy......and in case you 
don't know....You can click on any
 picture to enlarge them all for better
viewing pleasure.

I am thankful

that our son-in-loves Aunt, who is
his Mom's twin sister, is doing so
much better.  She had brain surgery
this week and the tumor was benign
and she is coming along very well.
Huge answer to prayers, as many
people have been praying for her.
So we are praising the Lord for His
 goodness to her, and her family.

for some yard work that I did,
while talking to my daughter on
 the phone, thanks to my blue
tooth hands free head set.......
Just love that thing.....and it was
great to be out there in the nice
 weather, which was right before
it got cold

that Scott, Megan and lil darling
 made it to Charleston and back 
over the weekend, as they went to
 visit Dee and Jerry.  They all had
a great time as usual.

for a fun lunch at Carrabba's with
our friends that are still here from
up north. Always a joy to be with

for the cute lil gal that served us
 at Carrabbas's, she had the most
wonderful personality and it just 
added to our time there. Servers
 can sometimes make or break your
 time out.......but she made ours.....
She was adorable,  love to see
and experience that.

for "When calls the heart" series,
we are watching it for the 2nd
time and we love it just as much
as the first time around.  Such
a sweet series.

for a new Shrimp salad recipe I
can't wait to try, and if it is good
as it sounds I will share it with
yall soon.

that a lady at the place where
we were gonna buy some new
loungers for our backyard never
called me back, even tho I called
her 3 times.... so because of that
I decided to look elsewhere and 
we are getting better chairs, having
 them shipped, rather than having
hubby have to go get them, and
 getting them in 3 weeks rather
 than in 5-7 weeks, and all for 
about $110. less. Works for me!
Many times those delays we don't
understand have very good reasons.

for an idea that I feel came right from
the Lord........for something we are
endeavoring to do in the next year
or so....

for these peanut butter energy bites
I made and you don't have to cook
them.  They are delicious with a
cuppa joe.........or a glass of milk.
I made them before but somehow
misread the instructions and put
them in the fridge before I made
them into balls, so they were good
but very crumbly. I was suppose
to put them in the fridge after I
made them into balls.....they
were realllllllly good this time.
If you are interested in the recipe
Just click here or type in
Learned about them from my

that my hubby got one of his birthday
 presents on he had to wait
 a few weeks for the guy to be available
remember I told you we found a man 
to do some yard work for us.....well,
 that is because our son-in-love had 
great gift idea.....which morphed into 
having an area of our woods taken care 
of that was damaged by the hurricane
 last Fall and was still a we
 all went in on it.....and it is all done....
and it looks like a mess right now, but
 no worse than it looked before and it
 will grow back. We are happy to have
 it done, but we are a bit sad that it has
 taken away our privacy for now, as we 
love that about our back yard,  but it is 
what it is... and it had to be done, and we 
know in a few months it will look much
 differently, so it will be fun to watch the
 progress, and we are both very happy and
 thankful we didn't have to do all that work,
As we have plenty more to

for a fun night out with hubby. )The
reason my post is  We went
to the movies to see "Hidden Figures".
and for a great movie and it is a true
story, and a clean movie as well.
We highly recommend it.....

Well, that's our week at Cozy Place.

Hope you are having a good week
as well.......and maybe you will
tell us about something that you
are thankful for............

Love, Hugs and
Middle of March Blessings,
(Can't believe we are halfway
thru the month already)


Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Oh My Heartsie Girl with Karren and Friends

Saavy Southern Style with Kim


  1. Hi Nellie, as always I enjoy your thankful Thursday list. We too enjoy the series When calls the Heart! I enjoy most everything on the Hallmark channelLoved all the photos of the houses!
    I haven't blogged quite a while, my plans are to get back to blogging hopefully soon! I am on instagram, are you!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hello Sue,
    Can't tell you how tickled I was to hear from you as I have wanted to visit you many times
    but could not remember the name of your blog. Now that I know I will put it in my blog roll.
    We love the Hallmark channel as well.....such good clean shows that are heartwarming with
    such great stories.
    I went over to your blog and read what is going on. So sorry to hear you have been having
    these issues, and will sure be praying your vision gets back to normal very soon. I do hope
    you can come back to blogging, I have really missed you. No, I am not on Instagram and I
    don't even know what it is other than it is just another form of social
    Thanks so much for coming over and for your sweet comments, loved hearing from you and
    will surely be praying for you sweetie. Look forward to seeing you post again real soon.
    Love and Blessings,

  3. Hi, Nellie!
    #1. Praise Almighty GOD, I have had her in my daily prayer journal each day praying the LORD's blessing upon her! GOD does answer prayer!
    #2. I've been doing inside cleaning. After I got my closet all cleaned out last week, I got my towel stand (in the bedroom) moved backed into the closet (along with all the clothes hanging on it - back to hanging on the racks in the closet!) I had to get some more hangers! My bathroom vanity is all cleared! Looking much less cluttered!!!
    #3. Wow! That was a quick visit!
    #4. It is really enjoyable to share the table with friends. I see why it meant so much to Christ and the disciples!
    #5. I'm so glad to have great servers at Steak and Shake (where we ladies from Bible study went last Wednesday.)
    #6. I have my favorites too. I could watch them over and over!
    #7. I can hardly wait!
    #8. Patience isn't only a virtue, but a blessing too!
    #9. Now you have me curious!
    #10. Sound yummy for the tummy!
    #11. Mine too looks a little ragged, but when the Spring growth spurt starts, it will look better! I haven't had my BIG crepe myrtle cut back in years! I can hardly wait for it to sprout out! He really did a great job clearing out the wild vines and BIG bougainvillea!
    #12. Great for you two to have a wonderful time together!
    Love you all, Susan

  4. Morning Susan,
    Yea, She has had lots of prayers going up for her by many people, and we are just so happy
    to hear the good news of her recovery.

    Wow, you have really been going great guns on your cleaning and decluttering....good for you, it's such a great feeling isn't it.........I have been in a throw out mood lately too, cleaned some stuff out of my linen closet yesterday. I have been in a decluttering mood lately too. Kinda just getting rid of things lil by is nice we have "Good Will" up the some things are good but just not being used anymore.........for me it seems
    wasteful to just throw stuff out that could be useful to someone else.

    Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by and your array of

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: