Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Part 4, of Lets tour my daughter's house

Happy Tuesday,  Happy Spring,
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and enjoying
some Spring - Oops, started to say 
Spring Weather.....
 but do know that some of you still have 
snow and very cold temps yet. 
So.... Sorry about that!!
Know you are probably beyond
ready for some Spring weather.

We had a nice Spring dinner out on
 the porch, but as soon as we finished 
din din we went inside, cause it was
 actually pretty chilly by 6:45 .....

Well, today is part 4 of the tour of
my Daughters home,  and it will 
be the last segment till we visit 
again..........cause this is as far as
I got with picture taking!!  lol

 I am gonna start with their Mermaid
over the entrance to their hallway.

They have a long hallway which
 ends where the new build took 
place on the house......

Here is a wall arrangement she and I did
 together last Fall on our first visit...........
She wanted to do a wall with family 
photos, and she had a great idea.....
She had these wood plaques which you
will see at the end of the hall, and had
the great idea to attach mirrors/frames
to them. We decided to paint these
 plaques white, but the others she left
 the natural color.  You will see them
coming up soon.
You can see this arrangement as
you come out of her mudd room.

Now we are in The Mudd room

Here is the other side with all the
 cabinets and storage space.............

This sign describes her lil dog, Rosie
 to a T, cause if she loves you, she wants
to lick you too death...........and for a
long while since she was the closest
 thing we had to a grandchild we were 
quite okay with that and still are.....lol
She is just our furry grandaughter now.

So Hubby and I saw this sign some-
where, can't remember where now,
 as it was a while back, think it was in 
Asheville and we could not resist
 getting it for her.... cause we both
died laughing when we saw it....
Dee used to have it hanging right 
over her  doggie bowls........

but if you look closely at the hook on
 the wall, this is now the perfect spot!!  lol
That hook was already there when they
 moved in. How funny is that!!
So cute!!

and if you would like to leave
quickly after the Tour you can go
 out the mudd room door here.

Next up
right after the mudd room....

is her adorable whale....just love 
this lil guy.......

Then next door to your left

The Guest Bath....
 She already had all the accessories
for this bathroom from their home
in Asheville, and fortunately, they 
worked perfectly with her coastal
 theme for this home too.
All the subway tile and marble is 
so pretty in here too.........

This lil sign that sits on the back
of the potty..... just cracks me up!!

Here is a shot of the opposite side 
of the bath, in the mirror

and Isn't this cute floor tile..........
it is white, but in certain light it looks 
like pastel colors...to me anyway.

Across the hall from the guest bath 
is their guest bedroom and a linen 

The lil sailboat is on down the 
hall after the guest bath and on the
 same side of the hall.

This is at the end of the hallway.

Remember the wood plaques....
well, here are the other 2 still in
their natural state with the mirrors
attached.  She painted the mirrors
as well as the frames in the other
pic earlier, forgot to say that!!  lol

Honestly, this pic doesn't do her 
wall decor justice,....but in real life 
when you look down the hall it 
makes such a dramatic impact.....
really love how it looks. Just now
thinking if I had turned the other
lights in the hall off, and just left
the ones in that area on you would
see what I am talking about.
oh well............lol

Here is the end of the Hallway
 and the end of the tour.....

 If you go right that is their office,  
and if you go left it is their Master
 Bed and Bath and big walk in closet, 
that was all built on to the home
during the renovations.

Remember you can click on any
 picture to enlarge them all for r
better viewing pleasure.

Next visit, maybe I can capture 
the other rooms..........lol


  1. Adorable! I love the exterior of the house. It's so clean and pristine. The interior decor is perfect. She did a great job. Of course coastal is my favorite! She made everything light and bright with no clutter. Awesome!
    I hope you are enjoying Spring. I've already booked my May vacation to New Orleans and Florida. Can't wait to get there. And yes the dog and cat are coming too. :) Stay happy!!!

  2. My...That is a long hallway, ha! The white walls makes everything look bigger too! They really do have a nice spacious home! Love you all, Susan

  3. Morning Caroline,
    Nice to hear from you as always. Yes, we are really enjoying Spring here, it has been so
    nice out.....very sunny for most of the week, a lil overcast yesterday. Love seeing all
    the trees, and grapevine greening up, the grass is just starting to get a lil greener.

    Oh wow, so you are going to New Orleans and Florida this year. Will you be on the beach in
    New Orleans as well? Know how you love to go to the beach.....as far as I am concerned that
    has always been one of the most relaxing vacations we have taken........nothing quite like it.
    So cute that you take your dog and cat with you.....so nice they travel well.....we still
    marvel at how are aged Molly (kitty) did so well on a few trips to Asheville, we laugh and
    say she got a few things off her bucket list........before she went to kitty heaven!! lol

    Thanks for coming by hon....and thanks for all the sweet and kind comments about my daughters home, I think she did a great job too, and am proud of her.........

    Will be by to see you soon, actually I was by and saw you are working on a new creation....just didn't have time to leave a comment then.

    Have a great Friday and Weekend.....
    Love and Blessings,

  4. Thanks Susan..........

    and yes it is a long hallway......but a pretty hallway!! lol

    Love, Nellie

  5. Hello Nellie, what a lovely home. I really enjoyed the tour. Those signs are too cute. My Mom has a dog who cannot hold his licker either...LOL Have a wonderful week sweet Nellie. Thanks for sharing at DI&DI. Blessings

  6. HI Linda,
    So nice to hear from you. Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.
    That is funny about your Mom's dog too. We thought the sign was such a hoot.........lol
    You have a great week too hon.
    and thanks for hosting D and D. It is alway a fun party.

  7. I'm just catching up with my comments from the party. Her house is so cute! I love the way she decorated! Thanks for joining the party again this week Nellie! Hope you had a nice Easter.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a lovely Sunday, Hugs and Blessings, Nellie