Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thankful Thursday March 9, 2017, Part 2 Golf cart tour of Charleston

 Unless the LORD builds the house,
 the builders labor in vain. 
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
 the guards stand watch in vain.
Psalm 127:1  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

What cha' been up to lately??

Hope it has been more than 

Not much going on here,
have been exceptionally drained
the last few days, and think it is 
the good ol' oak pollen as the trees
have just started shedding this happens to me every year. 
 My mind really wants to get the
 Spring things out but my body is
 not in agreement unfortunately!
I always tend to forget about this
wonderful phenomenen each year,
that knocks my socks

But it has really been a good 
week tho, in spite of it,  just not
a lot accomplished since my 
last post.........oh well, there is
always next week.........

Posting some more pictures 
from Charleston while on our
golf cart tour....hope you enjoy!
So on with it.....

I am thankful

that I did not have to throw out a
big pot of Beef Stroganoff that I
was making for hubbies birthday
celebration. When I got the sour
cream (one of the ingredients) out
of the fridge I accidentally dropped
it, and just thought it split the side
of the container, as there was a lil
bit on the floor, but when I put it
in the pot and was scraping it out
with a spatula I saw there was a
whole the side of a postage stamp
in the very bottom.  So I dug thru
the sour cream in the pan and there
was nothing, so then I mixed it all
in and kept trying to find it but 0,
so then I thought of my gosh, that
plastic will melt into the food, so
told hubby and he came and helped
me and we took it out by big spoon-
fuls and checked a lil at a time and
we did the whole pot and we found
nothing.  So I thought maybe it went
under the fridge, so I got down on
my hand and knees to look as I said
a lil prayer, and I happened to look
right at a small pile of sour cream
under the kitchen table across from
the fridge, and on top was the small
square of plastic.......What a relief!!
and quick answer to prayer....and
the Stroganoff was yummy!!  lol

for a great time with Scott, Megan
 Brooklyn and Susan for Hubby and
 lil darlings birthday celebration on

for a wonderful salad that we haven't 
had in quite awhile, made it for hubbies
birthday, and will definitely be having
it again soon.  It was from BH&G 
magazine some years back. Delish!!
Click here to learn more.

for some confetti poppers I just
happened on in Michael's crafts
and got for lil darling and hubby
to do on Sunday.  Who would
think these lil things would turn
out to be so much fun. Once I 
got home with them, I was think-
ing I should have gotten more as
 I just know lil one is gonna want 
to do it more than once. Well, 
fortunately, it turns out that you 
can refill them and do it again......
well we did them over and over and 
over again, and had confetti all over
 the living room and us, but we all
 had such a fun time with them.......
big mess, took hubby a 20-30 mins.
to vacuum it up
 but so worth all the fun!!  lol
We will probably be finding confetti
for quite a while,  just like the snow
we put on the Christmas tree....

that hubby and lil darling seemed
to enjoy their celebration so much.
Always a nice feeling after you put
so much time, energy and work 
into it all...............

that hubby's social security card
was finally approved once again,
For some reason because of an
error in who ever put it in the
computer, I guess.  They had my
hubby down as a non-citizen, he
went thru this when he signed up
for medicare and we thought it
was all straightened out,  but he
had lost his SS card years back,
and decided to get another one
since I had to go there to sign
up for medicare,  and so they
told him that day he would get
it in the mail in within 2 weeks,
only to call back the next day
wanting more info, so then he
had to go back last Friday and
it was still up in the air as to
if they were gonna approve it
or not.  So they called first thing
Monday morning and said he
was approved, and that it had
been changed in the computer.
Even tho, we feel led to persue
legal documentation to prove
his citizenship just in case.
Which is totally ridiculous...
but you do what you gotta do.

for all those who prayed for us
about a resolution to this situation.
They are greatly appreciated.

that I got to see an old neighbor
yesterday who moved away, but not
 too far away and who happened 
to be driving by, as I went to the 
mail box. We had a nice long chat,
and we plan to get together soon.
She is a it is always
fun to talk with her.

that a friend from church who 
had knee surgery about a month
ago is doing better. Saw her the
Sunday before last and she was
so down (so unlike her) and she 
was not doing well with theraphy, 
but there was a marked difference
this Sunday....So happy to see
that as she is a delightful lady,
and always so bubbly and
encouraging!  Course, we can
all have those times in our life.

Same house, just a closer look in
the 2nd picture.  For some reason
I just really liked this house, liked
the the brick and the way it sat
on the corner so nicely.  Just
very stately looking.

for Land of Lakes spreadable
butter with olive oil and Sea is delicious.  Love
it on toast or bagels.  It is
heart healthy and really was
not sure I would like it, 
thinking it would taste like
Olive oil,  but it has a great
taste, and only had three
ingredients, sweet cream,
olive oil and sea salt.

Just so you know I get NO
kickbacks or money for saying
that,  it is just a great product
that we really like....

for many Good Nights of sleep lately
and that I woke up this morning!!  

Last but definitely not least.....
that I am a child of God, and that He
takes good care of me, and that He
is always with me no matter what
is happening or where I go..........
What a wonderful things to know!!

Well, there you have it......
another week at Cozy Place....

Thanks for checking in....
and hope you enjoyed yourself.

Would love to hear from you,

Love, Hugs and
Cozy House Blessings,


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Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne


  1. #1. It was delicious. It is one of my favorite dishes too (beside the lasagna you make!)
    #2. It was a very enjoyable time! I praise the LORD for our family! Thank You, Jesus!
    #3. I surely enjoyed it too (what I took home with me! I ate it the next day after adding some of the fresh tomatoes Alice brought over to me!)
    #4. It was so much fun to watch Brooklyn having so much fun with them too!!
    #5. They did! It's always enjoyable to see all the joy!
    #6. I've been praying the LORD will lead them to place that needed document in with his replacement S.S. card knowing its importance.
    #7. "The prayers of righteous people are powerful and effective." James 5:16 The LORD is great
    #8. I think the LORD blesses us in theses precise moments!
    #9. Yes, one of the ladies in my Bible study on Wednesdays is doing much better now too! B. W. says she has good days and then some sore days!
    #10. Another item I will put on my list for healthy food!
    #11. Yes, my neck and shoulder (collar bone) has been bothering me lately. But Dr. said this will happen in our older years with our dominant arm/hand.
    #12. Amen! He says, "I will never leave you nor forsake you!" (Hebrews 13:5) What a promise from our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD!!!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,

    Could you hear the Halleleujah chorus coming from our house around noon today. Jim's actual
    Social Security card arrived, we were ecstatic and can't believe it got here so quickly,
    so we are overjoyed to say the least.

    Glad to hear the thing with your collar bone was nothing to worry about.....and glad you
    enjoyed Sunday and the leftovers as well.

    Have a great weekend,
    Love and Blessings,

  3. Yahoo! Hallelujah to our LORD GOD! I had been praying all week to our LORD he would receive it this week! The LORD answers our prayers! Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a lovely Sunday, Hugs and Blessings, Nellie