Friday, March 24, 2017

Thankful Thursday - March 23, 2017, Part 4 of Golf cart home tour

 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
 since as members of one body you were 
called to peace. And be thankful. 
Colossians 3:15

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a 
productive, yet good day!

Mine was good, Did a floral arrangement
and been trying to do some Spring and
Easter decorating, so it is coming along.
Also, trying to do some calling and 
collecting of info to help my nephew
and family..........It has been a good day 
but I am bushed mainly because I only
 got 31/2 hrs. sleep last night. I was just
 wired for some strange reason, so did
 not get to sleep until after 5 am., and
 woke up at 8:40 and couldn't get back
 to sleep so just got up........and have 
actually felt pretty good all day, but
I am feeling it

Added some more pics of our Golf
 Cart Charleston Home Tour,  this will
 be Part 4, If you missed #3 and would
 like to see it.  Just click here!

Well,  on with my Thankfuls.............

I am thankful............

for lots of yard work we did in the
backyard over the weekend. Trying
to clean up some of the mess left
over from the side back yard clean
 out.  I see some new shoots coming
out of our palmettos thankfully.....
just been a week, but good to see
something happening......

for prayer and Moroccan oil that made 
my hair behave.........seriously.
I got up Sunday morning and my hair
seemed like it was having an identity
crisis....... it was turning under when
it should have been flipping up, and
 the back was normal on one side and 
sideways on the other, and was all 
static-y (if there is such a word). 
I used a new shampoo and guess that
 was what did it............I can not re-
member the last time I had such a 
bad hair
I was wishing I had a nice hat for 
church, but with a prayer for help,
I had the thought to try the Moraccan
oil a friend have given me and my
 hair took a total turnaround. Really!!
I only put the oil in my hand (the size
of a dime) and rubbed my hands together
to distribute the oil and then went lightly
over my hair.  It was hair
straightened right out, so I highly
 recommend those one word prayers.

for getting to take our friends from
up North out for her birthday, which
was on Sunday and because it was
 their last day here, so was glad to get
 to spend it with them. She turned 87.

for a really precious story about
a pilot who saved a lil 3 yr. old
girl from the flood waters after
hurricane Katrina,  and now the
girl is following in his footsteps.
He feels she saved him as much
as he saved her......
Beautiful story....well worth the
read,  just click here.
or type.


 for a lovely Spring dinner out on
 the porch for our first day of Spring
We had that shrimp salad (recipe I told
 you about last week) potato salad and
 fruit salad.  It was all delish, but have
to say I like my own Shrimp Salad
recipe better,  so doubt I will make
the other one again.....very surprised
as I loved all the ingredients.

that we got all our bushes cut back
in the front of the house. Can you
tell where our focus has been this
most of the

better view below

for a fun time with lil darling on
 Wed., she was really in a crafting
 mood, so she made 4 things: Two
 flower magnets, l bunny and also
decorated a gift bag with some cute
 Easter stick ons and did a great job 
on making all of those, plus A's.....
as she is starting to learn to write
 the alphabet. We are doing capital
 A's right now, For just being 4, she 
totally amazes me, with her ability

and creativity.  So proud of her.

That my nephew and his family 
will hopefully be able to come 
down in July from Missouri. They
 are Missionaries with New Tribes
Mission, and since our church is
 their sending church and the church
 has a house for missionaries that
 are on furlough or vacation, they
should be able to stay there 
practically for nothing, just the
utilities, which is great!

that a really neat loveseat that I
have been looking at all month
at World Market,  went on sale
40% off today with free shipping,
  so it is gonna be my birthday gift.
  It was already a reasonable price
 but this just made it all the better.
Very Excited, as I have been want-
ing to change my living room
 around for awhile now.......and
the sofa in there is pretty much
shot as great timing.

for my sweet hubby and his
 thoughtfulness in going out of his 
way to bring me flowers since he
knew I am doing my Spring decor-
ating and using pink, so he brought
me some pretty pink Alstroemerias.
(Just learned the name of them last
night on someones blog, as she had
done an arrangement with them,
sorry... if it was You, who had them
with some pink calla lilies let me
know, I tend to forget the name of 
the blog as I get reading sometimes,
well...most times, and then can't 
always find my way back there.
but thanks for the name of them)
Hubby knows how much I love
 fresh flowers................

that because of hubbies flowers that
I just made an arrangement with..... I
think they will be used for my birthday
 table now. I had bought some beautiful 
plates and napkins for Easter, but since
 I have flowers that match them now,
 thought why not....I will decide on 
something else for

This house was hard to see because
 of all the tall foilage, but it looks
 to me like a church turned into 
a house.  So thought it quite

Love the copper roof and the
 gothic windows or at least
what you can see of

for blackberries, they are one of my fav
Spring treats. As kids we used to pick
blackberries every year,  and then put
them in a bowl with sugar on top and
squish them all up and eat them with
bread and butter and a glass of milk,
that is some good eating.........Had
my first blackberries of the season,
 this morning for breakfast, didn't have
any reg. bread so I ate them with 
Asaigo cheese bagels, delicious
just the same............

Well, that's all folks.........

Thanks for stoppin in............
Hope you enjoyed your visit.

Have a Blessed Day and


Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

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Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Cindy with Dwellings

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  1. #1. I'm glad I have a big back yard! Steve puts all the cuttings way back in the corner of the woods. It can't even be seen. I did see some crept myrtles sprouting from clippings he put back there a few years ago!
    #2. When I get my hair done on Fridays' I come home and spray it heavy! It feels like straw, but it holds its set all week. If I don't spray it, the first night I sleep on it, it smashes and sicks out every which a way and I can't get it to straighten back!
    #3. I'm so glad Mr. C is feeling better! 2 Sundays ago in S. S. he wasn't feeling too well.
    #4. Such stories make joy for your soul!
    #5. ...And the birds! You know Spring is here when the birds start singing and chirping in the trees! I'm seeing more Sandhill cranes too! We soon will be seeing them bringing their "babies" with them when they come to visit! I have some feed I'm going to give to them this year.
    #6. Spring cleaning outside!! I'm so glad I have Steve to do mine!
    #7. Yea for Brooklyn! I think she will like writing! It's a shame I didn't keep some of my kindergarten things. I had really simple color/cut/paste activities as well as stick puppets that went with each letter!!!
    #8. Is that G & T? I hope I can get to see them too!
    #9. I can hardly wait to see it!
    #10. I love to see all the pretty flowers as I go past them in Publix!
    #11. I hope you take pictures to share on your blog!
    #12. I love all kinds of berries. The only problem to me is the tiny seeds that get stuck in my teeth! Out comes the floss, ha!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Yes it is Grant and Family. I am sure you will get to see them, as they will probably be coming to church since they are staying right there.

    I know I love flowers and all sorts of berries too. They are just yummy........

    Well, thanks for stopping by, and for your array of comments.
    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie