Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy 32nd Birthday, Scott

Hello Sweet Friends,
How are you today???
Having a bit of trouble with my back still,
but it is definitely better than on Monday
and Tuesday but not quite as good as yesterday!
But I am definitely thankful it is better than on
Monday and Tuesday!!  lol
The pic of that sweet 5 month old above
is our Sweet Son Scott
who turned 32 yesterday!
So since I couldn't get my pics done in time due to
my back problems I decided to dedicate my
Thankful Thursday Post to Scott.
He is definitely on my Thankful list every day.
We are so grateful to God for giving to us,
 and allowing us to raise this sweet young  man as
our Son.  He will always be a young man to us,
 I guess,  since we are so much older!!  lol
Here are a few pictures in more recent years.
He was about 26 yrs. old here,
cleans up pretty good!
He reminds me so much of my dad
when I see him in a tux, because of
a pic I have of my dad in a tux.

Here he is with his sister last Dec. 09
at her Graduation.


and here he is back in August when he started
his new job,  at the Pest Control Company.
I thought he looked so cute in his new uniform.
It was early in the morning and he was
humoring Mom when I took this shot! lol
We love and appreciate you honey,
and pray that the coming year will
be a much better year for you and that
it will be full of all the desires of your heart!
We are looking forward to your Birthday
Celebration on Saturday.  The Lasagna's ready!

We love you Sweet guy!
Mom and Dad


  1. Nellie, I hope you are completely better by now! Your son is so handsome, I hope Scott had a wonderful birthday! Aren't sons great? Our Christopher will be 35 in March. I love this age they are so gown up and accomplished and fun to be around. No matter how old they get though they will always be our boys, right?

    Scott is closest in age to our daughter, Laura. She will be 32 at the end of January. So see we even shared a time to be pregnant those many years ago. Parallel lives in so many ways.

    I was just looking at a close up of the photo in the kitchen of Scott. I am amazed that you even have fruit on the wallpaper. Not unlike the one we just took off at our remodel. Ours was 12 years old and it was time for a change. I haven't known many that had that fruity pattern and I loved that it was different and not just flowers like you see everywhere.

    It is too interesting that the more I get to know you the more I see the similarities in our lives.

    Take care, Nell!

    Love, B

  2. Sweet Nellie, Belated birthday wishes to Scott. What a wonderful man he is and I know you are very proud. As for your back my friend, well I've had sciatica and herniated discs so I'm praying for you girl. Just ice regularly and baby it so that you don't injure it more.
    Love and hugs my friend.

  3. Happy birthday to your son! the big 32- he's catching up to me, only a couple years to go! LOL.
    Glad your back is doing a little better.

  4. From Sister Susie via email:
    Every day is a thankful day for our beloved! I want to wish Scott a most happy birthday as well. I can hardly wait for our celebration. We can't leave out that your Wedding Anniversary is today as well! Happy 39 years!!! If it were Thankful Thursday, I would say my most thankful thoughts to our LORD is our loving family! Thank you Jesus for Jim, Nellie, Scott, and DeeAnna! I love you with all of my heart!

    Sister Susie

  5. Happy Birthday to your son! Love all the pictures! He is very handsome and you seem very proud of him!! I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating his special day!! Enjoy your weekend!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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