Thursday, November 19, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 19, 2009

Good Afternoon Dear Ones,
Welcome to Thankful Thursday!
"Be thankful unto him, and bless his name."
Psalm 100:4
Today I am thankful for a sweet husband who
has lugged around a ton of dishes, taking them
back and forth to the store,  and with a great
attitude I might add.  Don't know what I would
do without you honey!
I am also thankful Target called back and said
they had another set of the square dishes,  not
that it means they are the one yet,  but it did make
me have to go looking to see if I could find accessories
to match them,  and in the process found 2 other
nice sets of white dinnerware.  They are still in the
box yet,  cause I haven't had time to deal with them yet.
Hopefully Tomorrow!

I am thankful for this truthful, lovely and whimsical book
I rec'd last week from my Sweet Friend Becky over
at Holiday in the Sun.  I truly enjoyed reading it,  and
enjoyed it so much I ordered 2 more to give away to
friends as well.  If you are looking for a nice
Christmas present you might check out the writers
website.  She has some other books as well, and she
draws all her own pictures. It truly is a sweet and fun
book to read and enjoy, and it also looks great on my
coffee table,  I might add. 
Also, she personally autographs each book.
How neat that she takes the time to do that!
I am of course, more thankful for my friendship with
Becky than the book,  because she is truly a delightful
and encouraging person.  She was also my inspiration
for blogging as well.  Hubby had mentioned it to me
but when Becky started telling me about it,  that just
sealed the deal. She is not just a bloggy friend, she has been
a real life friend for years now,  I am not even sure for
 how long actually.  I am still trying to figure it out!  lol
I am thankful that I got more Christmas shopping
done yesterday,  and I would say I am 3/4 or more
done.  Yea!!
I am thankful for all the $10.00 off coupons I got
online and in the mail,  They sure came in handy!
I am thankful a good friend is coming over to
spend the evening with me while hubby is going
to an elders meeting.  We haven't gotten a chance
to get together for awhile.  So I will be truly
happy to see her,  she is another sweetie!
I am thankful I have leftovers in the fridge
for din din,  cause I had a lot of catching
up to do today since I was gone all day
I am thankful for my Oreck vacuum cleaner,
without which I would not be able to vacuum at all. 
My old one was so heavy every time I vacuumed
 I would mess up my neck or back,  so this is so light,
 it is wonderful.  Hubby had to do all the vaccuming before
 and he still vacuums for me a lot of times, which is so
sweet and helpful,   but there are times when I need to
 be able to do it when he isn't around, in fact, that is
when we bought it......when he had bypass surgery
4 yrs. ago and had a long recovery.
And I am just reminded of God's faithfulness to
protect as I was telling you about the Oreck.
Four years ago when Jim was just out of the
hospital the floor needed vacuuming,  so I got
out the cleaner and thought I'll just have to do
this and be as careful as possible by going slower.
I got the vacuum out and took one stroke with
it and it died,  and there was no reviving it,  and
I really believe the Lord just protected me cause
he knew I was gonna hurt myself and then we
would be in a real mess!
So I thank God for His protection!
I am thankful for all the nice people I ran into
yesterday,  whether store clerks or shoppers,
that just makes your shopping experience
so nice and warm.  I love when people take
the time to converse with one another, and
be kind to each other.  Another one of those
isn't this how life should be all the time!
Well,  Sweet folks,  gotta run get dinner
on the table,  so make sure you leave me
some comments and tell me what you
are thankful for,  let us spur one another
on to praise our Great Heavenly Father!
Have a Great Evening and thanks for
coming by,


  1. You always have a way of uplifting me! Love your list. I love how you're thankful for the simple things in life. I didn't know you actually knew Becky! How great is that? The book looks beautiful. And your hubby sure sounds sweet taking back all the dishes! Enjoy your day tomorrow!!!

  2. Wow, Nellie the dishes thing is unbelievable! I hope you have picked the ones you are most in love with by now. How nice to have choices!

    I just love that you and Becky live near each other. That is really cool.

    I had a busy day of blogging and doing things online for banking stuff, church meetings and I am putting together a little Christmas lesson for the 6th of December for our Women's Organization, called Relief Society. And then there is the remodel. Just got our light fixtures for over the sink..I love them. Ordered the three windows today and the tub and toilet and sink have arrived at the bath store. So now all we need is the walls and floor and we could be in business one of these days.

    Tomorrow is the foundation, and plumbing inspection. Hopefully everything will pass. Not passing just causes more delays and we are trying to get it closed in before the rainy weather sets in. Our heater is not being installed until Dec 1,2, & 3. I am glad we are going to be in Utah for several of the days between now and then.

    Why we waited all this time to do it is beyond me. I guess we didn't realize the old one was cracked and we needed to replace it. We thought we were just refurbishing it. So right now long story short...Baby it's COLD in here as well as outside!

    Have a good day tomorrow and enjoy the winning dishes! Go check out my GQ boy on the blog!

    Love, B

  3. Sister Susie's reply to Nellie's Thankful Thursday Blog via email

    #1 Carrying dishes makes a good substitute for the daily exercise routine!

    #2 Gotcha! THey have their ways to entice us to buy more! Ha!

    #3 I envy people who can do a lot of reading. It has been one of my downfalls. I think the most reading I have ever done was when the "Left Behind" series was put out. It sadden me when the movie series was discontinued after the third novel.

    #4 Nellie, you have got me the closest to blogging. Of course you are the one who posts it on your site!

    #5 You keep reminding me!!! I still need to get out and get some done!! I have a short attention to it.

    #6 THe coupons I get in the mail are generally for stores I don't get to, or the time line to use them are not in my time of availability.

    #7 I will be checking to see if my friend Sylvia and I can get together sometime this four day Thanksgiving weekend. I promise her it won't be to talk about school, ha!

    #8 Isn't it always a good idea to cook more than you need? If it isn't kept in the fridge, it can be kept in the freezer!

    #9 I switched from the house vac to pulling my old Kenmore. The house vac keeps throwing the circuit breaker. I'm really ready to get rid of all of the carpet due to the dogs. Especially since I got Dolly. I have never had a dog that sheds as badly as she does. I guess it's her shepard/chow mix.

    #10 God's protection is miraculous! I can't thank Him enough for what He has done for me over the years. Hindsight being 20/20! I have the confidence in prayer for the Holy Spirit's leading and the protection He gives me everyday. I always pray every day as I pull the shade for the sunshine to come into the bird's room, for Him to protect the house from intruders, protect the house from any wiring that may be aging now that the house is 25 years old. Protect the property line with His Holy Angels that no one enters with malice or threat. What peace He gives!

    #11 I am thankful for those smiling faces as I walk my kindergartners from the library to classroom in the morning. You would be surprised at the parents who turn away with a scowl and no reply when "Good Morning" is spoken to them. The "little apples" don't fall far from the tree.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....