Sunday, November 8, 2009

Have a Sweet Sabbath Rest

Wild Irises from the Appalachian Trail in Maine
A Good  Sunday Morning to you!!
Hope you have been having a lovely and restful
weekend,  with family and/ or friends.
Our weekend has been very delightful,  will
tell you more about it on Tuesday, as
hubby will be home until then.
I will leave you with these verses I read, and
was struck by this week in Hebrews 3:12-13
"See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful,
unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is
called today, so that none of you may be hardened
by sin's deceitfulness."
I say wow,  an unbelieving heart,  when we don't
believe God about something it is an unbelieving
heart, and that is sin!  I was reading in the commentary
about this and it was saying that first comes the doubting
heart, and the mistrust, which can lead us to departing
from our relationship with the Lord,  and that is why
it says it verse 13 that we need to encourage each
other daily.  I think that is so true because each of
us goes thru things almost daily, but then there are
big things that happen in our lives that the enemy
tries to use to make us believe that God doesn't
really care about us,  He is not for us or why
would He let this happen?  We really have to
get it in our head and our heart that God loves
us more than we could ever imagine,  and that
He is for us,  He is on our side,  and even when
bad things happen He has a good plan in store
for us.  Romans 8:28, says,  that God works all
things together for the good of those who are called
according to His purposes.  Sometimes we
just have to hang on, and keep watching
and waiting  before we can see it, but it is
always there.  The Lord is more interested
in perfecting us in to His image that He is
about our happiness and comfort.
He may hurt us,  but He will never harm us!
Much like the Dr. who has to set a broken
leg,  in order for us to walk properly again,  he
may have to hurt us to accomplish that,  but his
intention is not to harm us, it is for our good,
to help us, so that you will not walk with a limp
 the rest of your life.
That is truly the heart of God!
Take courage dear one,  if you are going
thru a tough time right now,  know that God loves
you with an infinite and All knowing love.
Claim the truth of Romans 8:28 and be
watching and looking and asking for God
to show you the good He wants to bring
out of your situation.
If you would ever like me to pray for you,  go
up to the top of my blog on the right hand
side where it says contact me,  and click
on that and send me an email,  I would
be honored to pray for you.
I have been encouraged by many of
you this week by your sweet words, and your prayers
 for my back,  I have been doing great since Friday
and I truly attribute it to God answering
your prayers.  Thank you so very much!
Have a Sweet Sabbath Rest,
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,


  1. Hi my sweet friend, Monday blessings to you. Such a profound post from yesterday-thank you for making me stop and chew on His word.
    You asked about hubby's photo being on the news-the photo of the sunset because they show photos nightly of scenery, wildlife, sunrise&set and so I sent it in for him and they choose it.
    Have a blessed week and special times with good friends.
    Love and hugs, Noreen

  2. Hope your weekend was restful!!! And I hope you're feeling better and your back is feeling better as well!!

  3. Just checking in to say hello! Hope all is going well - and that your back is much better. I really enjoyed your pictures of Scott (a favorite name of mine) and hope he had a great birthday!! Such a proud mama:)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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