Thursday, December 30, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 30, 2010

Our Sweet Molly sleeping away.

You turned my wailing into dancing; 
   you removed my sackcloth and clothed 
me with joy,
 that my heart may sing your praises

 and not be silent.
   LORD my God, I will praise you forever.

Psalm 30:11-12

Welcome to Thankful Thursday
Sweet Friends,

Hope all is going well in your
neck of the woods!!

We have had a fun day trying to
keep our kitty from going potty,
so the vet. could get a good urine
specimen.  She was showing symptoms
of a bladder infection which she gets
 every so often, so we had to take her 
to the vet this afternoon, and they
did their thing to the tune of 152 $$,
some of that is for special food for 
cats with this problem, plus she
 needed antibiotics
I am thankful
that Publix gives free Amoxicillin,
so at least we didn't have to pay
for that too!!

I am thankful
she didn't have a blockage or was
in worse shape than she is, it could
have been an intestinal blockage or
something as well, by the way she
was acting.

I am thankful
we got our Christmas tree taken
down today.  I usually leave it up
till after New Years, but the top
lights went out, and it didn't look
so hot, so decided just to go ahead
and pack her away, Just means
 less work next week.

I am thankful 
for all the neat and Wonderful
christmas movies there are to
watch.  We had a triple header
Tuesday night,  we watched
"The Christmas Memory,  a very
sweet story but sad at the end.
It was in the depression era.
So if  you decide to watch it keep 
your kleenex handy.  Loved the
movie but not crazy about the
ending,  I love a happy ending.

Then we watch "The Christmas
Cottage"  a wonderful movie
about the life of Thomas Kincaide
the painter of light.  We saw it
for the first time last Christmas,
it is a lovely movie,  we highly
recommend it.

Then we watched a disney movie
called "G-Force",  it was not a
Christmas movie,  but it was cute,
I missed a lot tho, cause I kept
falling asleep.

We downloaded all 3 from netflix,
just in case you are interested.

We rec'd "The Christmas Card"
movie today, so will watch it soon.
I'll let you know how it is.

I am thankful
that I got the results to my test
they did on Monday and all is fine!!
Always love hearing those normal
results on medical testS!!

I am thankful
still for the wonderful Christmas
that we had,  and that I was able
to spend it with our kids, cause we
know it might not always be the case.
Course, a Mom can dream!!  lol

I am thankful
we found a new Leslie Sansonne
video to inspire us in our exercising.

I am thankful
the weather has warmed up some
and we were able to take a 45 min.
walk outside tonight.
 Perfect temp and so enjoyable.

I am thankful
we got to watch "The Christmas
card" tonight.  It was a warm,
heartfelt and just over all Wonder-
ful movie with a great ending.
It will go on our every year to
watch Christmas movie list for
sure!  It just left you wanting
more...........if you haven't seen
it.... get it even if it's after the
New Year,  you want regret it!!

The Lord never ceases to amaze us.

I am thankful
for a new devotional book my
sweet SIL gave me for Christmas
by Karen Kingsbury, it's called
Miracles and has such great stories,
I am loving every one of them
so far!!

I am thankful
for 3 new tops I got for Christmas
that will make a few new outfits
to wear!!  I really love to get clothing
when it fits and looks nice.

I am thankful
for all the gift cards we received
for Christmas as well.  We will be
able to have some fun, fun, fun!!
Plus I am thankful for every sweet
gift we received,  I loved it all!

I am thankful
that even tho we are going into
the New Year,  not knowing what
our future holds..............
we know who holds our future,
and what a comfort that is!!
Praise His Name.

I adore these snowmen....they make me smile everytime I look at them.

Well,  Sweet Peeties,
that is my bakers dozen of Thankfuls.

Hope you have a bunch yourself.
Hope you'll share them.

Have a Wonderful and safe
New Year!!

Tablescape Thursday - Christmas

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how are things with you??

If you are like me they are probably quiet
with much less activity.  Went for my test
yesterday and then did some food shopping. 
 It was a nice day out. Cold but fun!!

 We have been playing lots of cards the last
 few days,  and watching movies. I was gonna
work on making a new window dressing for
my computer room, but I need some of the
fabric to cover my computer chair as well.
Everything I thought would work hasn't so
far.......and I don't want to cut the fabric
till I know it will work for sure......maybe
I will figure something out tomorrow!! lol

Well............on with the Christmas table.

These Spode Christmas dishes belonged to my late
Mother-in-law,  and my sweet sister-in-law gave
them to us. They make for a very pretty table.

This shows the plates a lil better!
I have had to really work to get the
coloring in these right,  for some
reason the green tablecloth looked
a wierd shade of green.

This is an overview.  Found those lil package
sprinkles at the dollar store and thought
they were so cute!!

I was just thinking I should have taken some pics
of the cute lil salt and pepper shakers.
 They have holly on one side and mistletoe on the other.

and the cups are so cute they have mistletoe inside the rims.

Love these napkins with the metallic gold
stripes running thru them.

Lately a lot of my pics are not coming out as well,
don't know if something is wrong with my camera
or if it is the photographer.........that would be me!!  lol

Just stuck this in so you can compare the real pic
to the next one!!

This has a fresco affect.  Only thing I have
ever liked that affect on!!  lol

 Here's the lil bear buddies posterized!!

This was taken from the other side of the table.

Bear buddies say
Belated Merry Christmas!!
make sure you go by and visit Susan over at
between naps on the porch to see more pretty
tablescapes.  Click Here!!

And We say Hope you have a
Happy  and Blessed New year!!!

Hugs and Blessings Galore,

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hope you had a Very Merry Christmas

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a Wonderful
Christmas and are looking forward
 to a Exciting New Year!!

We really did have a  Wonderful Christmas.
It was very enjoyable, relaxing and fun.
 Every year we think it can't get any better, 
 yet it does!!  lol  It is always a treasure to
 spend time with family and/or friends.
 We had brunch and dinner too! Played a 
game,  yakked and yakked, and ate and ate,
 watched one segment of the new Life Series
 by the Discovery chanel that Dee  gave hubby
 for Christmas,  They are so good and
 so interesting!  
  Scott and Megan left shortly after 2 to be with
 her family,  but Dee and her sweetie and my
 SIL were here till late.
Altho, we hated Scott and Megan had to go
 so early, it was a great opportunity to spend
time with Dee and Jerry one on one, cause 
many  times he is working and can't come
when she does.  So that was a blesssing!!

We were very tired by the end of the day,
but it is the Best Tired there is!! A Happy
Heart Full of Love and contentment.
Think we all felt it was a Wonderful Day!!

  We did  get to watch a few more Christmas
 movies, one on christmas eve and another late 
Christmas evening as we ate Red Velvet  Cheese-
cake.  Let me say, that is one decadent dessert, 
 soooooo yummy!!  

Have you ever seen "The Christmas miracle
of Jonathan Toomey"??,  got it from netflix, it
 was a very neat  and sweet story,  and we had
 never seen it before but highly recommend it,
 then we watched "The Ghost of Dickens past",
 it is another movie we already had, that we
got from feature family films. It is surperb as
well,  love those movies from than time era.

Yesterday,  we went to church came home
had a repeat of Christmas brunch, took
a longgggggg nap,  and then watched some 
of our favorite Pastors give great Christmas
sermons.  Very relaxing and enjoyable day!
Much Needed!!  lol

Last night it went to 25 degrees,  so it is pretty
cold here today,  course, I know if you live up
North you are probably thinking I would take
25 degrees and no snow anyday!!

It will be in the 20's the next few nights then
it will got to 37 and on up from there,  so we
will get a break by the end of the week.

Well,  Jim and I have found a way to keep
warm and not run the heat a lot.  We found
if we exercise for 15 mins. we are pretty
hot and it takes a while for it to wear off,
so we were saying guess we need to give
that a try,  could save us a lot in heating
bills and keep us from gaining those
winter pounds, and maybe help us take
off a few Christmas pounds!!  lol

Well, Sweet Peas.........................
hope you are resting and relaxing after
all the preparation for the big day,  and
just enjoying the rest of the Season.
It feels so good not to have to do any
thing today...................!!!
Anybody else feel like that???

Tomorrow I have to go for a routine test but 
for today.........I am just enjoying being  lazy,
and not having to accomplish....Just Being!!
 .  Am gonna go make some Chicken soup tho.....
it keeps you warm from the inside out!!
Actually I am not making chicken soup
for tonight,  we got a papa johns email
and their large any kind of pizza is only
$ that sounded good to us!!
and yes..................
It was!!!

( Had a hard time getting a really good
 shot of the tree for some  reason)

Just wanted to say Hi,  and that I have
missed you coming by and missed 
visiting with you at your blog.

Love,  Hugs and Christmas Blessings,

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 23, 2010

Christmas Greetings
Sweet Friends,

So how are you???  Getting close
to being done???  I hope so!!

Know I have been absent this week.....
decided everyone was probably busy like me
and didn't have much time for visiting each
others blogs anyway,  so why stress myself
out, cause it is suppose to be fun right??? lol

Thought I would do my Thankful Thursday
post cause I need it.....I am tired tonight
and not feeling very grateful!!  Just the
time when you need to practice your
gratefulness!!  lol

We are getting there tho.... finished with 
our family cards, just about finished with
something I made, just got to get it all put
together, have most of the wrapping done, 
actually hubby did most of it, got a
 lil more to go not much tho, and have
 every thing from the store for Brunch 
and dinner on Christmas day, and have the
  tables planned with centerpcs.

Tomorrow is Christmas eve,
 can you believe it??? I really can't,
  it just sort of sneaks up on you!! lol
 Will be cooking all day probably,  then we
will go to the candlelight service at church,
and come home.  The kids will both be at
their respective in laws,  then come here
by 9 a.m. Christmas morning!!
and hopefully.........
Christmas Day want entail much work!!
Just the way I planned it!!  lol

We had a few exciting things happen
this week,  so I have been wanting to tell

So nows my chance......
I am thankful
is that a dear Sweet friend of 40 years
was healed by the Lord of breast cancer!!  
It could not have happened to a more
Wonderful person,  and we are so thrilled
and are rejoicing with her.  

I am thankful
that hubby was contacted by a Company in
Calif. to do some consulting work.  He
was referred by my hubbies old boss.
They are still working out the details,
but it sounds exciting and will hopefully
come to pass in January.
Came back to add a note,  cause some-
one thought it was a permanent job!!
It is only a temporary job but could
lead to more temp. projects which
would be great to keep him working
as he builds his business.

I am thankful
for my hubbies old boss.  What a friend
he has been. I just have to say it again.  He really
has been such a blessing!!
He also gave hubby some work this week as well.

I am thankful
that things are going along so well with
 our Christmas preparations,  and I haven't been 
stressed at all until today, cause I have been able
to pace myself.  I am feeling less stressed now
tho........since we got so much accomplished
today,  yeah!!

I am thankful
the whole family could be together for
sort of a pre Christmas dinner last Saturday
evening.....since Scott and Megan can't be
here Christmas evening.  We had a lovely
dinner, and watched a movie called
"Borrowed Hearts".  We bought it years
ago from Feature Family films.  It is a
Christmas movie with Roma Downey.
Sweet Time -Sweet Movie.

I am thankful
we have had Rosie since Saturday,  we
are having fun with her as always.
She is such a sweet lil dog!!

I am thankful
that the Lord has everything under
control.  Some friends of ours had a
rather difficult thing happen to them
this week, but I feel they are gonna be
just fine once they get adjusted to the
changes.  It is hard to watch people
you love go thru hard things!!

I am thankful
for gift bags.....they are just the best
invention.  I know a harried Mom had
to be the one to come up with that
great idea!  and they have so many
pretty ones.  I like to use them for
other things as well.  

I am thankful
my hubby has just about gotten my
SIL's computer fixed.  she has been having
lots of problems with it lately.  It freezes
up,  and then she had all these virus alert
things pop up with scary messages.  Rather
frustrating and stressful for her as it would
be for me too!!  If it weren't for my hubby
I probably wouldn't have a computer cause
I am just not all that computer savvy.
If I get stuck I can always call on him.

I am thankful
for those Rolo candy treats I told you
about last week.  Everyone loves them
including us...........Scott and Megan
were asking for them when they came
last Sat., so we all quickly made some,
and enjoyed every lil bite!!  lol
They remind me of Chocolate Turtles.
My Mom would have loved them, 
cause she loved Turtles.
Only wish they had dark chocolate
rolo's,  that would be perfect for us.

I am thankful
for a precious email I got from a blog
friend today that just blessed my socks
off,  and surely made my day!!

I am thankful
that I grew up in a time era that taught
the true meaning of Christmas and that
everyone could say Merry Christmas
without fear!!  I feel so sorry for some
of these sales people in the stores, if
you say Merry Christmas to them,  they
act like they are terrified to say it back
to you,  and say You too!!
In the old days everyone said hope you
have a Merry Christmas!!
That's why we have to teach our children
and grandchildren.

I have been so thrilled to see some of
the utube videos where people went
to the Malls or to Macys and sang the
Halleleujah chorus,  and the response
from the crowd.  It is like taking back
I say Merry Christmas to as many people
as I come across to say it too!!

Well,  Sweet Peas,
I feel better,  How bout you???

I do so appreciate you stopping in,
and for your sweet comments.
I do wish each one of you the most
glorious of Christmas's.  May His presence
be so real to you!!

Happy Birthday Jesus
Merry Christmas 
to each of you, dear folks!!

Love, Hugs and Christmas Blessings,

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...