Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Monday Sweet Peas

Happy Monday Sweet Peas,

Sure hope you had a Wonderful 

Ours was great......full of all the people, food and fun
that we enjoy the most!!

I had prepared all these pics for a centerpiece Wednesday
post for last week,  but never got to finish,  so just decided
to use it today as the last shades of Fall!!

(This was dinner with Dee and us)

We are very happy to have gotten our garage all
straightened up (it was in dire need, believe me)
 so we have now gotten the Christmas stuff down,
 now I am just trying to decide when to start.

For some reason I am not ready to take the Fall stuff 
down yet.  I may just wait till Thursday,  because I have
a Drs. appt. tomorrow, and think we are counseling Wed.
 nite, and then a birthday dinner for Scotts girlfriend 
on Sunday!

Well, Guess what???
She is not just a girlfriend anymore,

Saturday she became a fiancee!!

We are so excited about it............
She is such a sweetheart.....  just lovely inside
and out,  she treats him so well,  and they
are just so good together,  their is such unity
between them already, it's great!!
We feel she is the girl we have prayed for and
envisioned him with all these years!!
Looks like they will wed maybe the end of May.

(This was from an improptu  dinner with
Scott and Megan some weeks back.)

I have been working on Christmas presents,  and we
watched a movie over the weekend.  It was okay,
but nothing to write home about!!

We did not have the traditional Thanksgiving fare.
We had
Party chicken and rice pilaf
mashed potatoes and gravy
brocoli casserole
green bean casserole
spinach bites
cranberry sauce
wholegrain rolls
Iced Tea/ rootbeer

(Carb heaven!!)
Which is bad for us............
  but we only do that on very rare occasions

and for dessert
Pumpkin pie  (my 1st  fav)
and Chocolate pecan pie ( my 2nd fav)
and don't forget the coffee!!  lol

Everyone pitched in and brought something
so it made it much easier!
Many hands makes the work light as the
old saying goes!!

Have you ever heard of a game called
Well...........we played that,  it is a lot of
fun , and you do a lot of different things,
like draw, sculpt, hum or sing and answer
multiple choice questions,  usually not the
same thing twice.  Pretty fun game!!

We have been seeing some very neat
answers to prayer this week that we
are very excited about as well.

All in all it has been a very good 4-5 days,
I have not complaints at all!!

Hope this finds you well and happily decorating
your lil hearts out for Christmas!!

I have to get on the ball myself!!  lol

Well, Sweet Peas,

Have a Great Week Ahead!!

Thanks for stopping by,
and for all those nice comments you leave!!

Blessings and hugs!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010



You are each such a blessing to me,
I have learned from you, had my heart
warmed by you, been inspired by youfelt
 befriended by you,  been encouraged by 
you,  have sensed your prayers in time of 
need, and felt your heartfelt good wishes
for me and my family.

I have so appreciated your sweet
encouraging comments and wise advice. 
You bring a smile to my face, and add
 cheer to my day!!  We are like pen
pals, so to speak, and I always love
hearing from you, for it really blesses
my heart.

I also appreciate those that come by
 and follow my blog, even tho they don't
leave comments,  I still see that you have
 been by,  and that is an encouragement
 in and of itself.

I truly am grateful to you
 Thankful for each of you!!

Hope you all have a Wonderfully
Blessed Thanksgiving!!

Love, Blessings and Hugs,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Manna

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,

Did you have a nice weekend???
I sure hope so!!!

Our's was good....pretty quiet for the most part.
Worked on Thanksgiving cards, did a lil bit of
Christmas shopping, played some cards, worked
on making some simmering potpourri, went to church
 and at the present that is all I can think of!!  lol

On Friday I read a story I just have to share
with is from a book by Billy Graham's
daughter, Anne Graham Lotz.   I actually read most of it
 years back,  about 4 yrs. I'd say, but came across it a
 few weeks ago in the armoire,  and realized there were
some chapters that I hadn't finished,  so decided
to work on that,  so this excerpt is from one of 
those chapters.  It made me cry...but in a very
good way,  because it is a poignant reminder.....
  of what I am not going to say because I don't want
to take anything away from the story.

It may seem a bit long,  and will probably take
about 3 minutes to read..........but believe me
it is worth the read!!

Thanks for stopping in!

Happy Reading!!

Loves,  Blessings and Hugs, 


He was just a young boy living on the streets in the slums of
 London. But Geoffrey had heard that a fiery American
 evangelist named D. L. Moody would preaching the evening
 service of a church on the other side of the city and he wanted
 to hear him. On the day of the meeting, Geoffrey set out to find
 the church. He dodged rumbling carriage wheels, slipped through 
crowded thoroughfares, and wove his way through hordes of
 scurrying pedestrians. Along the way he helped himself to an apple
 from a grocer’s cart, narrowly escaping the irate shopkeeper’s
 angry grasp. Finally just as the sun began to set, he looked up
 and saw his destination. He halted in his tracks to gape at it in awe.

 The church was regally situated on a hill, its stained-glass
 windows reflecting the setting sun with a golden iridescent 
glow that looked like the very glory of heaven. In the stillness 
of the early evening air, he could hear hundreds of voices
 rising and falling with the thunderous swell of organ pipes
 in a stirring cadence of praise. The sight and sound seemed
 to reach out and envelope his fiercely independent, yet lonely
little heart, awakening a longing that felt like homesickness.

Geoffrey didn’t hesitate. He bounded up the long, sweeping

 stair-case that led to the massive wooden front door. ]ust as
 he was about to enter, a big hand descended out of nowhere,
 grabbed him by the shoulder, spun him around, and inquired
 sharply “]ust where do you think you’re going, laddie?”
 Geoffrey responded stiffly but truthfully
“I heard Dr. Moody was going to preach here tonight. I’ve
 walked all the way across London to hear him." The big
 doorman looked down at the little boy with uncombed hair,
 unwashed face, unclean clothes, and unshod feet, then stated
 emphatically “Not you! You’re too dirty to go inside!"
 The doorman then folded his arms across his big chest,
spread his thick legs, and stood squarely in front of the

 door, blocking the entrance.

Geoffrey lifted his little chin, squared his little shoulders, glared
back at the doorkeeper, then stalked off the front steps.
 He was confident he could find another way into the church.
But as he walked around the building, he found all the other
doors solidly locked, and the windows were too high for him
 to even attempt an entry.  He ended up back on the front steps
 where he plopped down in weariness and discouragement.
 In spite of his street-cultivated toughness, tears began to trickle
 down his grimy cheeks.

Suddenly his attention was caught by a black carriage that
 pulled up to the foot of the steps. A very distinguished-looking
 gentleman in topcoat and hat climbed out, brandishing a walking
 cane, and began to briskly climb the stairs. When he reached
Geoffrey’s step, he glanced over and noticed the curious interest
 in the young boy’s eyes and the tear stains on his cheeks.
 He stopped abruptly and inquired, “What’s wrong?"

For a moment Geoffrey started to shrug and say “Nothin’.” But
something in the man’s demeanor caused Geoffrey to blurt out,
 “I came to hear Dr. Moody preach, but he says I’m too dirty
 to go inside,” and he gestured toward the doorman.
The big man looked down at the little boy then extended his
hand. “Here, take my hand,” the man offered. Geoffrey took a
long, hard look at the man, then let his eyes focus on the man’s
extended hand. Slowly, he lifted his grimy little hand and placed
it in that of the stranger, who clasped it tightly and invited
Geoffrey to “come with me.” And Geoffrey did.

Hand in hand they walked up the long, sweeping staircase.
 When they came to the huge door, the very same doorkeeper
 who had formerly forbidden the boy to enter, now hastily
opened the door wide. With the man still gripping his hand,
 Geoffrey walked through the open door and down the center
 aisle of the church already filled with worshipers, until they
came to the very front row With every eye on them, the big man
 seated Geoffrey there in front of the entire congregation. Then the
 big man walked on up the steps to the platform, stood behind
 the pulpit, and began to preach! The man was D. L. Moody!‘
The only reason Geoffrey was allowed inside the church that
evening was because he was holding the hand of D. L. Moody. His
acceptance in that church was based solely on his identification and
relationship with the great preacher.

After the long journey of life, we are going to look up and see
heaven. We’re going to hear voices lifted in songs of praise. We’re
going to see the glory of God radiating from within, and we’re

 going to long for home. But we will be forbidden to enter. Heaven
 is closed to us because we are too dirty in our sin to enter it.

However, because ]esus found us in our hopeless, helpless state

 and offered us His hand at the Cross, we can be welcomed into
 heaven.  If we accept His offer and put our hand of faith in His, 
He will walk with us hand in hand, not only through the remainder
 of our journey but through the gates of heaven that will be
 opened wide for us.

We will be as welcomed and accepted in heaven as He is, solely
because of our relationship and identification with Him. Praise God!
]esus is the One, and the only One; Who makes heaven available

 to the sinner, not only through the cross, but also
 through His resurrection.

(Excerpt from Anne Graham Lotz book,

"Just Give Me Jesus")

Joy To You!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 18, 2010

Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks
in all circumstances for this is God's will for  you
in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So.....what kind of week have
you been having???

Hope things are going well for
you and yours.

Things are going well over here.
I am happy to say that my Thanksgiving
menu and most of the food shopping
 is done.

Have also been working on our table,
and I have that pretty much worked out
just still working on the centerpiece.
Hopefully, I can finish that today,
if my creative juices are flowing.  lol

So guess my
 thankful would be that 
I am thankful 
I have accomplished all of the above
 because it keeps the stress down, 
 and I just love that!!

I am thankful
for God's continued provision for us.
Hubby got more work from his old Co.
again.  God is always right on time,
he has been so amazingly faithful,
and we are soooooooo grateful!!

I am thankful
for some really quick answers to 
prayer this week.  Love when the Lord
does that,  it is so reassuring.

I am thankful
for my hubbies old boss and his old
Company because they are the financial
source God has chosen to provide for us.

I am thankful
for yard work we got done this week,
and for fallen leaves that we can rake
up and they become free mulch!
Love that too!!

I am thankful
for God's protection over Scott.
He was driving in the early hours of
the morning in a remote area of Fla.
when a large dog ran in front of him
and he barely had time to hit the brakes,
 so of course, he hit the dog going 50 mph. 
 and killed the poor dog,  we are sad to say,
 but so thankful, Scott is fine!

I am thankful
for an unordered shipment of Gevalia
coffee that we rec'd this week. Told
 them I didn't order it, and would just
ship it back, and they said they would 
give it to me at 50% off and I said No,
 I would just ship it back, so the girl
 said, I'll just make it a Christmas
 present!!  Believe it or not,  this
same thing happened last year!!
It was a fun surprise blessing from
the Lord then,  just as it is now!!

I am thankful
that hubby is making progress on
things towards his business.  He has
a great idea, and I think it is gonna
really go somewhere when the Lord
is ready!

I am thankful
for the internet, not just because
of blogging and email, but because
you can find all sorts of helpful
information. I was having a problem
with my had a wierd texture
all of a sudden, and was hard to do
anything with it,  sorta limp and
heavy so thought maybe I needed a
clarifying shampoo,  so typed in
"Best Clarifying shampoo"  and one
came up called "Neutregena, Anti
Residual shampoo",  it had tons of
positive reviews, so looked up a
store near me and went and bought
it.  Had to use it several times
and now,

I am thankful
that it worked, and my hair is back to it's
 bouncy behaving self....and Dee is coming 
tonight to do my hair, and to have dinner with us.

Didn't get to finish before Dee Arrived,
so will finish now.

I am thankful
for the fun time Dee and I had while
she was here,  I love talking with her
cause sometimes she just cracks me
up, and sometimes she warms her
Mother's heart.  
She did a great job on my hair as
usual,  it came out a wee bit darker
than usual,  but that was my fault.
I decided to try a different brand of 
haircolor (same shade) just in case the 
old one was what might be causing my 
earlier hair issues.
I like it tho,  and it is nice and silky
and manageable once again.  Yeah!!
we got to keep Rosie till Thanksgiving!!

I am thankful
for my fairly new oven,  it is not quite
2 years old, but has been such a blessing.
I made our entire din din in the oven
tonight and I am thankful it came out so
 good,  hubby said it was primo dinner!!
Lemon pepper panko coated Tilapia
Baked potatoes
Oven Roasted Brocoli
foccacia bread w/ dipping spices/olive oil

Have you ever tried oven roasted brocoli???

All I can say..... is you gotta try it
It is really soooooooo good!!


Well Sweet Peas,  that's my Thankful's
for this week.

How bout you???  

Thanks for stopping by and for all your
sweet and encouraging  comments.
They are always a blessings

Have a Fun Friday!!

Love, Hugs, and Thanksgiving Blessings
to You and Yours,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Monday!!

Happy Monday Sweet Peas,

So how was your weekend??
Do anything fun??
Do anything creative??

Our's was quiet and restful....we did a
little yardwork, played some cards,
watched a movie,  can't even remember
what it was called now, and exercised.
Exciting stuff!!  lol

.  Hubby did some work towards his business
 and I worked on Thanksgiving cards.
That was our creative work!!  

Today I have just been making out my
Thanksgiving menu and making my
shopping list so we can get most of it
out of the way before next week when
the stores get crazy.
sending out some ecards to folks who
aren't feeling well.
Can't believe it is already 4:20,  amazing
how quickly these days goes anymore!!

Thought I would stick in a few pics of our Fall
decorations since they will be changing very

Wanted to show you another fun surprise
we recieved from some dear friends,  it was
 actually  late birthday presents for both of us,
  but I think they were right on time!!

Aren't these adorable mugs,
and with gift certificates for our favorite
smoothies!!  What a sweet surprise
and blessing!!

God is so good to give us family,  and
also good to give us good friends!!

Some stick closer than a brother or a sister!!  
as Proverbs says.

Also wanted to show you something cute
we found at Michaels crafts!!

Actually hubby found them,  we tried to find some for 
Deeanna and Jerry too, but these were the only 2
we could find!!  They are only about 1/1/2" tall.
We already gave them to them,  cause we thought
they were such adorable ornaments, course, mainly
cause they have their names on them.

Hope you have a Marvelous Monday,

Thanks for taking the time to drop by
Love hearing from you,

Luvs and Hugs,

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie