Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - Hubbies birtthday table.

Hiddy Ho Sweet Folks,
How are you this fine day?
Hope all is well with you and yours!!

Got another good nights sleep, so that makes
me a happy girl.  We worked outside last night,
such a great evening for it too.  I mowed on the
john deere while hubby did the weed eating and
edging,  we get done pretty quick when we do
that.   Raked up a jillion sycamore balls, they
were all over the front yard,  still have a few 
areas to do.  Maybe this evening!!

Well, thought it time for a fun day,  so thought
I would share hubbies birthday table with you.
I have to say I have a much harder time coming
 up with masculine tablecapes.  So was looking
around and thought,  well,  a Rooster is of the
masculine persuasion, so why not give it a try.

This will be my last table with any red at least
until Memorial day!!  lol
Thought the brown and rusty red were great
tho, for a masculine table,  plus our home is
still dressed in red,  but that is changing very
soon.  Thank Goodness,  I have to say the
red is starting to get to me now!!  lol 

Sorry this is a lil bit blurry. There are better pics coming,
Made some napkin rings in printmaster with Roosters on them, 
and tied them on with raffia.

Same pic with a posterized affect!

Had to find a way to tie this Rooster in,
What else???  A Happy Birthday Rooster!!

and of course, candles.....
had the perfect color of blue ones leftover
from Dee's beach themed table.

This is the other side of " Beaurequard.,
my fav pet Rooster!

Being used as the Centerpiece has really given
him a BIG head!!  lol

Got this cute Rooster picture from Sonny
over at 155 dream lane.  If you have never
visited her click here for a visit. 

This is another head shot of Beaureguard,
but from his other side,  and I put a
cut out photoshop affect on him.

Did you notice I mixed the silverware for a lil
change of pace!

Same pic as above only larger and with a filmgrain
photoshop affect!!

like using the candle cups as 
candleholders which sort of seem
to go with the whole Rooster theme!
Have to say I really enjoy doing themed
anything!!  lol

I have really loved using these lil salt and pepper
shaker in at least 4 places on the table cause 
it really cuts down on a lot of passing of things,
so thing it makes our dining experience more
pleasant.  Got them at Homegoods for about
$5.00 for 5 sets I think it was.
A great investment!!

Here is Beaureguard again thinking He is the
star of the show When really it is......

This great guy!!
Here he is with his old hen!!  lol
(Can you tell this was taken at christmas time???)
Hence the cute lil snowman in the background.

and here was the card I made him!!
I was looking for a different font to use
and happened to come across one called
"Beaureguard" !
I thought that quite funny!!  lol

Thanks for stopping in to our Hen House!!

I'm linking up to Susan over at between
naps on the porch.  If you want to view
other creative tablescapes
click Here

See ya tomorrow........Lord Willing!!

Love, Blessings and Rooster Hugs,
whatever they look


  1. What fun, Nellie! A very original and attractive theme. I like it!

  2. Looks like you all had a great time. Happy Birthday to the hubs and I think you make a really cute couple in your hen house.

  3. What a beautiful couple you and your husband are. You can see love on your faces.

    What a very nice masculine setting for your hubby. The Head rooster is sign is so adorable.

    Have a wonderful evening!
    Blessings & Love

  4. Remember I too have that same rooster! Thanks for the great idea for a tablescape! Love the photo of you and Jim! So nice. I hope his birthday was wonderful, how could it not have been? Love to you both! B

  5. Oh, I love the Birthday Rooster......such a darling and creative idea you have had here.....the rooster theme is very effective and I adore your napkin rings you made and the birthday card, too.......just a lot of fun!!

  6. Love that rooster!! But then you know that already! You always create so thoughtfully! Love how it all ties into the main theme!!
    Love and hugs,

    {can't sleep, so figured I'd visit around a bit}

  7. Great tablescape! Happy Birthday to Jim! I hope it was a great day! I hope all is well with you.


  8. I just loved the Rooster theme! I especially liked the rooster picture on your napkin ties! I have a surprise for your birthday that has to do with a "bird" of this feather!
    I love you all very much!

  9. A very Happy Birthday to your dh, Nellie, and Beaureguard almost stole the show. He is a cutie, and you did a beautiful job, with your tablescape. But you always do.
    Loved the photo of Mr Rooster with his hen. lol
    Enjoy your evening.

  10. Wonderful table! I just love the rooster. I like the way you mixed patterns. Hope hubby had a great bday!

  11. Happy Birthday to your main "Rooster"! The table is adorable!

  12. Cute table, great looking couple! I enjoyed your post and love those white dishes. Happy belated birthday to your husband!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: