Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Short Thankful Thursday

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been super!

Just wanted to let you know this is going be a very 
short Thankful Thursday this week and not because
 we are not Thankful,  cause we are actually thrilled................ 
We are having unexpected company, and they are 2 of 
our most favorite people, so we are awaiting their arrival.
  We just found out about it 2 hrs. ago!!  Long Story!!
I'll tell you about it later.

So this is a stretch for me! I have always wanted to be 
one of those impromptu hostesses, cause I definitely
 am not,  so I am getting my big chance now!!

I should have been a girl scout, cause my motto is
 be prepared, I liked to have menus planned
and food in the house, and  every square inch
 of the house cleaned just before when we have
 stay over house guests.

Fortunately, the house was in pretty good shape, 
but we are in need of food shopping and I am
 trying to figure out what to make.  

They arrived and we are having a wonderful time, 
 so none of that matters!
I am so thankful for this  blessing!!
  and for these 2 wonderful people!!

I think this just might be one of my shortest
posts ever!!  lol

Love, Hugs and Welcome
to March Blessings!!

See you next week sometime!!


  1. I can't wait to hear more. Sounds like you've got your "head" adjusted and your heart is CLEARLY in the right place. Enjoy your blessed & be a blessing!

  2. I am sure you are always a warm, loving, gracious hostess. Your friends are as much blessed by being in your home as you are in having them there.


  3. Being willing to share at any moment takes a listening spirit! Never know what opportunities God has to show you his love if you are to busy. Both you and your husband show true servant hearts. I am so thankful for your kindness.

  4. Have lots of fun with your company. I am sure you will be the best hostess, Char

  5. Have fun that is the important part. Glad they arrived so the pressure could be lifted! Enjoy! Hugs, B

  6. I want to be more like a girl scout. Unfortunately, I belong to that organization with the motto "Be Caught Off Guard".


    Have a nice visit with your company. I have some special folks coming this week too.
    It's my wonderful daughters home from college for a week. Woooohoooooo! I will "be prepared" to mother.

  7. Nellie, I am like you I want to be prepared. Enjoy this special time with them, and am looking forward to you telling us all.
    Hugs, Sue

  8. Thanyou so much for your nice comment on my blog.
    have nice time with your company!

  9. I KNOW WHO THEY ARE!!! I'm so excited they are being able to share your home, Nellie! Give them both a hug for me! They both were so much a blessing to me when mom was going through her hard times before she passed through those Pearly Gates!

    Love to you all,

  10. Hello Nellie,
    Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for visiting my blog. Hope you enjoy your company!!!

  11. Hi Nellie

    It sounds like you we busy.

    Thanks for always coming by and saying hi!

    Hope you have a good week!

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie