Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This Simple Woman's Day Book

Morning Sweetie Peeties,

And how are you today???
Finer that frog hair I hope!!
That is one of my hubbies 
sayings!! lol

Outside my window......My black and white cat Molly,
a beautiful clear azure blue sky and lots of wonderful new
green vegatation.  Be still my heart!!  

I am thankful ...... to say goodbye to all my Winter
decorations and that they have been  taken down and packed
away for another year.  

From the learning room.....I am learning contentment,
and patience,  and awe and wonder for my Lord.

I am reading..... or still reading i should say: Karen
 Kingsbury's, "Miracles" devotional, and Bonnie's gift to me
 "1,000 Gifts" by Ann Voskamp.
They are really both delightful and edifying books.
Full of truth!!

From the kitchen.....I am trying to figure out what 
would like for breakfast.  I also have been wanting to make
some peanut butter cookies,  they have been calling to me!!
lately!!  lol  Wound up having everything bagel thins with
laughing cow cream cheese, chives and ham.  Very good,
especially since hubby made it,  while I was talking with
Jessica from over at Jewels for the Journey.  She is doing
well, a lil lonely but just getting settled in still.

I am wondering.....why my sweet kitty has turned into a
mass murderer the last 3 days.  On Saturday we found the 
bottom half of a sweet baby bunny on our porch, and on 
Sunday we came home and found a beautiful red cardinal,
he was just dead, at least she didn't eat him, and then 
yesterday I saw her on the porch and she had something
in her mouth and I said oh No, she is at it again,  and then
she laid it down and it was another sweet lil bunny,  and
he appeared to still be alive,  so we hurried out to rescue
him, but hubby picked him up and he had already stopped
breathing,  he was so cute it made me cry!!  There did
not seem to be a mark on him or any blood either, so we
were wondering how he died.  Maybe when she was carry-
ing him she smothered him,  don't know but it made me
sad!!  We have not had lil brown bunnies around here in
such a long time, and I have missed them.
She has done this before but with rats and snakes,  hard
 to be too sad about that!!  lol
Altho, we did rescue a baby mouse from her once.
We have heard from several sources that cats bring gifts
to their owners to show their love.  I am hoping she is
done showing us her love...........as I hope she has gotten
that we are not real thrilled.  
Told hubby this is more information about my sweet
Molly than I  really want to know!!  lol

I am hearing......pretty much complete silence other
than the clicking of the keys as I type,  and once in a while
movement of hubby on the couch with his laptop as he

Today if I could change one thing.......it would be 
that Weddings didn't have to be so stressful for the brides.
Since this should be one of the happiest days of their life.

I am quoting....."Worry is the facade of taking action,
When prayer really is",  by Ann Voskamp

No wonder the Lord tells us in Philipians 4:6-8

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all under-
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, 
whatever is admirable-- if anything is excellent or
praiseworthy--think about such things.

Now I have to tell you...........that is my life verse, and the verse
that helped me to quit being such a worrier.  Not that it still 
doesn't happen ocassionally but I catch it a lot quicker than I
used to,  that is for sure!!

I am going.....to be Spring decorating my lil heart out
trying to be finished before the weekend since everyone
is coming over to celebrate my birthday.

I am missing.....nothing that I can think of.
Oh yes I am,  lil brown bunnies!!

One of my guilty pleasures.....a product called
"Simply Lemonade",  if you haven't tried it you must,
but I warn you.........you will probably be hooked!  It
is a wonderfully delightful for Spring and Summer.
It is usually in the cooler area near the produce or dairy.
Depends on the store.

Pet Peeves.....doing things half way, I believe in doing
things with excellence.

One of my favorite things......is decorating,  I really 
do love it,  it is almost like theraphy for me!!  Decorating
is like my form of painting like an artist.

An enjoyable movie I have watched lately.....
Is "Rango",  we went to see it at the movies last thursday
evening.  It is an animated movie,  and pretty cute.
Not a side splitter, but cute,  I would recommend waiting
until it comes out on DVD rather than spending the money 
to go to the movies.  It was good but not that good!

I am curious about.....what I am going to wind up
wearing to Scott and Megans Wedding.  Have looked
some but not coming up with much, and there aren't
a lot of places to look.  I however, did remember a neat
dress shop in a town near by where I have purchased
a few dresses in the past, so am hoping it is still there.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....to finish
my decorating,  hopefully spend some time  with Becky
from over at Holiday in the Sun, go to the chiropracter, 
church and time with the family on Sunday.  That is
all I can think of right now.

Here is a photos and some thoughts I am
sharing with you.....

this picture is compliments of Better Homes and Garden Magazine,
I think!
one of my fav flowers is hydrangeas,
 any color will do!!

You have a Totally Great Tuesday!

Thanks for stopping by,

Love, Hugs and Hydrangea Blessings


  1. Oh, we have one kitty that has been doing the same! Love my kitty, but hate this! We were able to save one bunny, a fella at our church takes them in. I think things are going well with "nurturing" it back so far!

  2. The only "gifts" Sarah brought to me were lizards, and one mouse she let go in the house and I had to catch it. She didn't care that it ran off! Reggie (my boxer) one time came running up my back road with what looked like a football. To my horror, it was a rabbit he had shaken so badly, it looked like an deflated ball! I really yelled and screamed at him and he never did it again!!

    I got my new garage door opener. Lowes will be installing it for me. I got the 3/4 horse power belt driven rather than the chain drive. I talked with several that recommended the belt driven over the chain. The cost were in the same range.

    So that's been my day after school. ha!
    I love you all,

  3. Hydrangeas are a fave of mine, too!! Love your daybook! Sooo looking forward to finally spending some time with you!!! It seems like it's been forever!! It'll be good!!

    How wonderful that it is your birthday weekend coming up! May God shower you with His best!!! :o)

    Love ya,

  4. Nellie, I enjoyed this post. Have a wonderful birthday! Today is mine - I'm 56 - I qualify for a senior discount some places. Now the secret is out! lol
    Blessings, Beth


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: