Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - Father's Day with a Mexican Flair

Hello Sweet Friends,

How is your Wednesday going,  so far???

Mine has been great,  will tell you about
it tomorrow for Thankful Thursday,
since I am posting my Tablescape 
Thursday Post today!

Had seen some mexican recipes on another friends blog, 
weeks back, so decided Mexican food might be a 
refreshing change of pace for Father's Day Dinner.
So asked,  hubby and he loved the idea.

So, recruited the kiddos...........since I heard Scott
could make killer quesadillas on their new wedding
 gift, a panini maker,  he and Megan looked cute 
in the kitchen together making quesadillas. 
 Then Dee make a 7 layer mexican dip, along  with 
Jerry's help. She even went by chili's and  picked up
 some of her Daddy's fav salsa.
  I made sour cream beef enchiladas and a new chile
 relleno casserole recipe I found on line.
  (Bonnie tried to use yours but couldn't get to it!!)

Meanwhile,  I had decided since we were eating
Mexican food,  we should also have a Mexican
tablescape to go with it.  

Have to say everything turned out to be very 
delicioso, and not only was hubby very happy,
but so was the rest of us, as well.

Stuffed would be appropriate here!!  lol

This is a tablecloth that I have for our porch,  but it was bright
and cheery enough.  So started with it.

Then just recently came across this biscotti jar a neighbor gave
us a few years ago,  the top got broken and It really doesn't go
 with anything I have,  and was thinking about painting it white, 
 but thought hey, it looks like Mexican pottery, so it will work.
Then I can paint it............... 

 Brought the green candleholders off the porch as well. Had the
 basket and the raffia, and had used some other things I found
 around that worked okay,  but then my SIL asked if I wanted
 to borrow her  parrots and  moroccos.

I was still working on it,  as you can tell in the background.

This is the opposite side of the table.

From the other end of the table.

Made these cute lil Mexican cactus men for each place setting
on Print Master.  then cut them out,  and tied them on.

At First I was gonna just put them on top of the plate
cause I thought it looked cute, but the table looked
to empty  so .........................

moved them to the normal spot,  just left them all 
 bundled together.

Had to figure out something to put in the pottery looking jar,
cause with no lid it was just a white rim and didn't look so
hot,  so decided to stick a few napkins in there for color,
and at first,  if you look at the 3 pic from the top,  I had
put one of the lil mexican cactus people in there,  but
wasn't too crazy about it,  then happened to see this
faux cabbage plant,  and thought this might do it.

Goes with the colors at least.

Since I had pink and green plastic glasses and wanted a casual
table,  thought they fit the bill,  pink for the girls, green for the
guys,  and pink and green napkins,  but didn't like the plates
so bare,  needs candy...........................

Unfortunately I had made these lil cactus people
before I decided to use the parrots or they
probably would have been parrot people!!  lol

Lil look down the table

Only problem with the biscotti jar was that it said
Biscotti on it.  Not to Mexican looking!!

Same pic but with my favorite posterized affect on it!

Now see that Red Pepper
 I found in some of my craft stuff, It made a great camaflouge
 for that Biscotti that was emblazoned on the pottery!!  
Just tied some raffia around that baby and
stuck the pepper in it,  and no biscotti!

Now Mexican Potter..................Right!!  lol

Same pic as above just with the posterized affect,
Love this picture...................

Adds a lil more color and tastes sooo good!
I was actually looking for Jolly Ranchers but the store we
went to after church, only had a huge bag of them,  and it
was $11.00 and I didn't want to pay that...... or eat
 Jolly Ranchers
for the rest of my life!! 

Forgot to take a pic of the whole table with the candy!
You get the idea!!!

So Starburst fruit chews fit the bill nicely
It had all the colors I wanted!!
and think everyone really enjoyed them too!

Same picture,  just posterized!  Of Course!!  lol

We later had my version of Mexican Fried Ice Cream,
I use Blue Bunny vanilla frozen yogurt,  sprinkle the
yogurt with cinnamon,  then drizzle with honey,
and chopped pecans.  Taste very close to the
flavor of the real thing,  only way less calories
and fat............and best of all tastes wonderful!

Well, since I was in a Mexican mood thought
I might as well wrap the part as well!

Hasta La Vista.

Thanks for coming by,


Make sure to go over to Susan's
at between naps on the porch to
see all the neat tablescapes.

Amor, Abrazos, y
Espanol  Bendiciones


That would be.........
 Love, Hugs and
Spanish Blessings!!  


  1. What fun, Nellie! You are so versatile. The menu sounds delicious & the table was bright and colorful!

  2. OH, Nellie, this looks fantastic!! And the menu sounds positively lip-smacking. As far as I'm concerned, Mexican food is ALWAYS welcome.

    Oh, and I will take Starburst ANY day over Jolly Rancher. I LOVE Starburst...Skittles too. They are my absolute favorite candies.

    I am using Gary's laptop...that's why I am able to see the photos.

    Hope you are well and that Jim loves his job. I'll try to email you tomorrow. We need to talk on the phone again soon.


  3. You are versatile! Loved your space...nice wallpaper. Beautiful post too.
    Hope to you on my blog:)

  4. Hi Nellie

    I have been have problems posting again so I am finally able to get it to work. I just hate when I can only look and not comment.

    Anyway I love all the bright colors and the food sounded yummy. You are so creative and can make anything. You are very talented.

    Starbursts were a good choice too. At least with them you have a lesser chance of pulling out a cavity or a crown. I have done that before with a jolly rancher.

    The Fried ice cream sounds like a very yummy dessert.

    Blessing & Love

  5. Cute table gal! I know they all enjoyed it! You definitely make things sooo welcoming!

    Love you, and had such a fun time yesterday! Thanks so much!!

  6. Hi Nellie!
    I'm a little behind on my blogs! I've had doctor, dental, and any other appointment you can think of before my insurance changes. Also I've been doing the sound system for VBS everynight, so I've been snoozing during the day between appointments, ha!

    Your pictures really turned out great! I do love those little cactus men! They are really cute!

    The "kids" did a great job on their Mexican food too! It was all really tasty!

    I enjoyed Jim's Father's Day!
    Love to you,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...