Thursday, March 29, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - March 29, 2012 Happy Birthday to me!!

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you have a had a wonderful week!!

I have to say mine has been great!! Today is my birthday
but we have sort of been celebrating all week,  and this
will pretty much be what my post is all about.  Some of
you love hearing the details...........  so here are some.
I wrote most of this on Wednesday cause my heart 
was so full of joy I could hardly contain it............
 so I wrote about it, which leads to my......

I am thankful 
for a lovely lovely birthday celebration at  Dee and Jerry's 
on Tuesday night.  We all had such a great time,  it actually
 felt like it was my birthday,  and they had to remind me I 
wasn't quite 60 yet, and that I had a few days left still.
Being with my family is the best treat you can give me.
Took the camera,  but once we all get gabbing and
having fun I never think to use it!!

I am thankful
that Dee and I had some one on one time together
as she was doing my hair.  My love language is
quality time, so spending time one on one with a
loved one or friend really rings my chimes. and
my hair looks great to boot!!  lol

I am thankful
for a delicious dinner of grilled shrimp and scallops,
 baked potatoes with the works,  a lovely salad and rolls.
A birthday cake made by my sweet girl, with yummy yellow
 funfetti cake with chocolate frosting, along with moose
 tracks frozen yogurt.   Um Um!

I am thankful
for the precious and lovely cards they gave me, and
for the Wii system all the kids gave to me and hubby, a
 few weeks ago for both our birthdays,and we are really
 having fun with it. I told them we can't wait till they come
over on Easter so we can challenge them to a game of
 bowling!  lol  We will be really practiced up by then!! lol
  I also rec'd 2 pretty cotton nightgowns, some adorable
 blue earrings and a new book called "Captivating", a 
Kohl's gift card, and some plants, one of which looks
great on my porch.  

I am thankful
for 4 birthday cards I rec'd from ladies in my bible study 
group, so unexpected, 1 card from a friend, and 2 lovely
 ecards from friends, and1 facebook wish,  and gees,  it isn't
 even my birthday I am beyond blessed!

I am thankful
for my sweet hubby and all the sweet things he has done for
 me and given to me this week. He has really put on his thinking
 cap,  and done an amazing job I have to say.

I am thankful
for my wonderful children and their wonderful spouses,
 and am blessed to be their Mom,  they truly are all such
sweeties and such a blessing to us as parents.

I am thankful
I am turning the big "60",  as I am rather in awe of it.
Can't believe I made it here so quickly, yet,  am so
grateful for all the Lord has taught me, and all I can still 
do at this age.  God is good!

I am thankful
that I still have a birthday dinner date to look forward to
 with a dear friend in April   It will be a wonderful time to 
catch up as we haven't seen each other for over a month.

I am thankful
for all the healing that is taking place in my body thru doing
 these breathing exercises,  I could never have imagine this in 
all my wildest dreams.

I am thankful
for a wonderful movie we saw last night called "Octoberbaby". 
Wow, it is quite a movie,  and has such a very interesting and
 unique story line and is very moving and powerful. 
 We highly recommend it....don't miss it if you have the 
opportunity to see it. Bring your hanky tho!
But it has a great ending................
it just came out in Florida theatres last Friday.
We would give it 5 stars or more for sure!!

I am thankful
for what a terrific morning I am having, cause this is my actual
 birthday, so far, hubby gave me another sweet card,  J'lo perfume,
that smells wonderful, and some drinking glasses (that I requested),
 and this was on top of his gifts from Tuesday. I have had an email
 from Dee,  and about 13 facebook wishes,  from old friends and 
church family.  I am feeling  like a celebrity and the day has hardly
 begun.  Tonight we are getting take out from Carrabbas and hubby
 is picking up Rosie our grandaughter dog,  she is coming to stay
 with us for the weekend since her Mommy is in an out of town
wedding................So I'm happy!  Rosie always puts a smile
on my face too!
 It is now afternoon and I just got off the phone. My sweet
SIL Susan who I am very thankful for as well, and our friend
 Becky (from over at Junk to Joy) called to wish me a Happy
Birthday.  Was great to get a chance to talk with Becky as I
haven't seen her much cause of all the wedding adieu, naturally!
It is coming very soon!!  She is gonna run by in awhile so
 looking forward to seeing her, as she like all my friends are
a tremendous blessing to me,  as are you my bloggy friends.

Sometimes the Lord's blessings are simply overwhelming!!
I got 5 more phone calls,  and 19 more facebook messages,
two more cards and another gift, and another ecard, and 7
 wishes from my bloggy friends.  What a day,
 someone pinch me,  I am just undone by all this!!  lol

Thank You to Everyone who has just made my birthday
the warmest and most loving birthday ever.....................
Yall are the just the greatest!!

and last but definitely not the least........

I am so thankful
for my relationship with the Lord because I have no
idea where I would be without Him, but I definitely
know it would be NO PLACE GOOD!

Well, there you have it!!
Hope this in no way comes across as being bragadocious,
because that is sincerely not my heart at is just so
 hard not to share joy with your friends,  and so many of you
have truly become just that,  and I would indeed want to
hear your happy moments as well.  What good is joy
or sorrow if we can't freely share it with others..........

Thanks so very much for coming by, 
 I always love hearing from you.

Am hoping you have a Fabulous Friday
 and a Wonderful Weekend,

See ya next week!

Love,  Hugs, and
Joyful Blessings, Nellie

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Warm Fuzzy Tuesday #6

Good Morning to you,

Hope your day is starting well, so far!

Mine is.........have a lot of get accomplished early today 
since I have to leave by 3,  going to Dee's early so we
can do my hair,  and then the rest of the family is 
coming later for my Birthday celebration.  No, today
is not the day,  it isn't until Thursday,  but Dee is in
an out of town wedding next weekend so this worked
out best of her,  and for everyone really,  just makes
my celebration last longer.  Our family is into that,
we make it a week long celebration.  Hey,  it only
happens once a year,  so we think lets make the
best of it....right!!  lol  Just adds more fun to life,
and anything we can do to add more fun to life
 works great for
Plus I get to see most all of my fav people in one
place at the same time,  doesn't get any better
than that for me!!

Finally, my creative abilities kicked in last
Friday,  so finally finished my Spring decorating.
  The thing that was giving me trouble is that I like
 my new white livingroom,  but a lot of the things 
used in that room, I typically use in the Family room
in the spring and summer, so...............since I didn't
 want to dismantle the livingroom yet, I had to come
 up with plan fortunately,  I finally did
 and am quite happy with the results.  Will probably
show you some next Tuesday.

Well,  guess I had best share what my Warm Fuzzy 
is for today

"It is having fresh flowers"

as yall know if you have been to my blog very much,
I love love love flowers, so whether they are a gift, or
 I buy them, or they come out of my yard or someone
elses , they just plain make me  happy........
 and give me the warm fuzzies.

So..........tell me what gives you
"The Warm Fuzzies"

Thanks for coming by, 
truly love hearing from you!

Have a lovely day,

Love, Hugs,and 
Warm Fuzzy blessings,

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - March 22, 2012

Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous deeds, among all peoples.
For great is the Lord and most worthy
of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.
Psalm 96:3-4

Hello Spring  Sweet Peas......

What cha' been up to??  Wow, haven't 
used that terminology since High School!! 
 At least I can still remember

Been decorating for Spring??enjoying the 
weather?? or just maybe having a dose of 
Spring Fever??  Hope not on the last one!

I just came in from off our porch, been sitting out there
reading my bible and journaling and listening to the many
birds singing, the trees rustling and watching some Sand
Hill cranes flying over making there unusual sounds, and
a swarm of birds flying every which direction like they
were in a bug eating frenzy, never seen that up close
and personal before, so very interesting!
It was truly delightful I have to say and think it is
my first thankful for the day,  sitting on the back
porch it is a good thing as Martha would say!! lol

I am thankful
for the wonderful time we all had at
Dee and Jerry's celebrating my honey's
birthday.  We left saying wee, wee,
wee all the way home!!  lol
You'll see why on my next thankful!!

I am thankful
for the Wii system the kids gave to both
of us for our birthdays,  as it has some new
exercise routines we can do,  but is also a
fun thing for all of us to do when we get
together.  So far, we have bowled together,
and hubby and I have done a 20 and 30 minute
exercise routine on the wii from the biggest
 loser show.  It's a workout I tell you, but 
one we can do............
Last night hubby and I bowled a game,
and played baseball.  I always loved base-
ball when I was a kid,  and I love going
bowling but since my pinched nerve and
neck problem virtual bowling is the only
bowling for this that has
been a hoot I have to say!!

Oh I missedspelled it,  we said wii, wii, wii,
all the way home!!  lol
Hope your laughing that was suppose to
be funny!!  lol

I am thankful 
that my Dr. told me about these breathing exercises
 I can do.  I do just a few deep breaths about every
 10 mins. over the waking day, and I am amazed, 
 my lower back pain has gone away within 2 hours
of starting it.  I am amazed!  and certainly
plan to continue.  I started doing this on Monday
and now it is Thursday and my back has been
great all week!  PTL
Will keep you posted as I see how it goes....

I am thankful
for this new salad mix I found at Publix quite by
 accident this week.  I thought I was just buying brocoli
 slaw cause that is what it looked like and when I got it
home,  it came with the dressing,  and bacon, cranberries and 
sunflower seeds. You just mix it all togehter and it is really
delicious.  The dressing has a very faint taste of orange,  but
 it is really delightful.

Just in case you are interested I saved the bag so I
 could tell you about it.

It is made by Taylor Farms,  and comes in a 
cellophane bag over in the produce dept.of Publix. 
 It is called "Garden vegetable chopped salad". 
 and like I said it looks like Brocoli slaw.  Try it,
 I think you will really like it,  and it's so easy
 and so good!!

I am thankful
for an early birthday ecard I got today from
a dear friend.  She is always so thoughtful,
and she has a March birthday as well.
Actually,  her's is before mine,  She is a
week early.............that's fine with me just
starts my celebrating early!!  lol

I am thankful
that all my Winter stuff is down,  and I am
working on putting up Spring decor now.
Not getting anywhere fast I might add. lol

I am thankful
for a nice pants outfit I found on Monday
evening and rather quickly too, and if you have been
to my blog much you know how I really do not like
 clothes shopping, stuff for my home yea, but not clothes
 shopping. Hubby must have been praying hard!!  lol
 I had gift cards leftover from Christmas that I saved for
 spring shopping, since I didn't feel I really needed anymore
 Winter things since it was so warm this year. The top is 
orange/red tunic style top. I hear orange is in this year, 
 so might just be fashionable for once,  not that I really
 care! I just want to look was very happy
with my find,, course, it wound up being partially a
birthday present too cause the cashier had an issue
with one of the gift cards and didn't speak english
very ya know how that goes.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry loved their steam mop,  and she
says their floors look great.  She has quite a bit of 
white tile, and a friend of mine had that same situation
and she had a steam mop and loved it,  so figured
it would be put to good use, for sure.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry have offered to have my birthday
celebration at their house as well.  So really looking
forward to it,  and she is really enjoying being a 
hostess,  and we are so enjoying being hosted!! lol
So we are a good match!!

I am thankful
for a lot of really neat things the Lord has been
showing me lately,  I would share some but they
are rather hard to articulate really.

I am thankful
that a younger friend of mine who just went
thru a breakup is getting some counseling 
and help, as she just seems to keep picking
the wrong type of guys.  She has a major
break thru today,  so am so happy for her.

Well,  that's my thankfuls for the week,
 and I hope you have a few of your own 
to share with us.

Thanks for stopping by, love hearing
from you.................

Love, Hugs, and 
Beautiful Spring Bouquet
 Blessings to you,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tablescape Thursday - Playing.....First Spring lunch and breakfast table

Happy Spring Sweet Friends,

Finally,  it has arrived, how wonderful,
hope you are as happy about it as I am!

So how ya been???  Celebrating???
Decorating??? or just plain enjoying
the weather and season???

I am gonna start decorating today!  Was gonna start
 yesterday but just never got around to it for some reason.
Guess I am just know it is just the
getting started thing............I am still thinking in my mind
about things,  but once I get the stuff out it comes together,
I should know that by now.........right!!  lol

However, a few weeks ago when hubby gave me the
roses I thought I should make the best of it and do a
tablescape with them as a centerpiece,  so was feeling
creative and  decided to do a lil playing and
 here is the results.

This tablecloth was on the table and I was gonna
just use it,  then I thought NO,  I am ready for some
spring colors,  so..............

 I broke out the green and white check one, and did a lunch
or dinner table first.

Love the peach with the green and white.

peachy pink glasses with pale green napkins compliment the
 rosebud plates.

Roses from hubby, wire basket from my SIL turned
 upside down to set the flowers on to give them
 a bit of height.

Little green pots I found at Target and used as candle
holders on my porch before our redo this year!

 A Colored pencil affect.  I love these pics.

An overhead shot,  with the candles blazing...............

watercolor/posterized affect

 Always love some candlelight day or night.
With lights out.................

put the lil white dishes inside the pots with a candle.

Then I decided to play some more, and change it
up a lil and make a breakfast table.

Added my favorite mugs

some candlelight too,

posterized affect!

Added some yummy looking faux food!!   lol

got to have some cream and sugar
for your coffee, of course!

Same pic with Gradient map affect

breakfast is you see the smoke rising
from the freshly blown out candle.
This was an accidental photo

Hope you enjoyed my play ground!!

Have a lovely spring day,
Look forward to hearing from you!

Am linking up to Susan over at
 between naps on the porch,
 so just click here to see more
 fun tablescapes.

Hugs, and
Lovely Spring Blessings 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Manna - Delight yourself in the Lord

Happy Monday to you!
Hope you had a lovely and restful
 weekend, and are all ready for
 a brand new week.

We had a very lovely weekend and restful week-
end ourselves,  and are ready for the new week.
We had a very nice time over at Dee and Jerry's
celebrating hubbies birthday on Friday evening,
Sat. we just did some things around the house
that needed doing,  and Sunday was our usual
day,  and a really good one at that!

Happened to come across this lil blurb I wrote 
awhile back on one of my favorite verses this morning
 and decided I should post it, as it might encourage
someone today.  I have found that verse to be true 
when I do what it says............and that is the key!!

So hope this spurs you on......

Delight yourself in the Lord and
 He will give you the desires of you heart.
Psalm 37:4

I don't know about you,  but I really like what that Psalm says, 
 God will give me the desires of my heart,  if I delight in Him. 
 Wow,  that is an amazing thought!

 What exactly does it mean " to delight yourself in the Lord?

The Merriam Webster Dictionary says "delight"  means a high
 degree of gratification, joy, also extreme satisfaction, or something
that gives great pleasure.

The Cambridge Dictionary says it means (something or
some one that gives) great pleasure, satisfaction or happiness.

The Message Bible says, "Keep company with God, get in on the best.

My favorite is The Good News Translation and it says, seek your
 happiness in the Lord,  and he will give you your heart's desire.  

 I think that really describes it well........Seek your happiness in the Lord.
  We sometimes tend to try to seek our happiness anywhere and every-
where and in everything other than the Lord.  That is surely a problem
that would need to be rectified if we are to experience His "giving us
the desires of our heart."  But note that as a good Father he is only
going to give his children the desires He knows are good for them.

Of Course,  that should not be our reason for seeking after the Lord
with all our heart.  Would we want our children to seek us out and
 spend time with us just for what we can give them?? Of course not,
 we want them to want to be with us,  just because we are their
 Mom or Dad and they Love us! 

 Should  the God of the whole universe expect
 any less from us??

Something to think about!!

Have a Marvelous Monday!

See ya tomorrow!

Delighting Blessings to you!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie