Sunday, October 21, 2012

Everyone needs to see this! Touching wordless story

Morning Sweet Friends,

Happy Monday to You,
Hope you had a swell weekend.

Mine was swell...., watched a movie,
called "Family that preys" twice, because
the dvd kept skipping, so we found out
how to clean it with pledge, so we got
to see all of the movie the 2nd time or
at least we think

It was a really good Tyler Perry movie,
his movies always leave you thinking!!

Went to the baby shower of a dear friends 
daughter, worked in the yard some, and 
 today was church,then Dee and Jerry came 
over for an easy din din....................
So it was a full and fun weekend.

Only disappointment was that the kids
 brought their camera so we could see
 their pics from Hawaii,  and all of 
sudden the camera wouldn't work, so
 hopefully, we can see them next time.

A friend sent this wordless story 
to me last Friday, and it was so touching
 and amazing I just knew everyone that 
could, needs to see it.  A Wordless yet,
sad but absolutely beautiful story........
Precious!  Be sure to go all the way
to the bottom.....well, worth your time.

For those who don’t recognize the badge above his ribbons, he is Navy EOD.
 Which stand for Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal.

Amazing Story, huh!

Are your eyes dry??

I didn't think so........................ 

Thanks for your visit,  come again
soon.  Always fun to hear from you.

Hugs and True Love Blessings to you!


  1. Cheering for this amazing Hero.
    blessings to him and his family.

  2. There are so many of our guys and their families we need to thank for their sacrifices for America! I praise GOD Almighty for those who have placed their trust in Christ's salvation. They will be made whole again with New Eternal Bodies as well as be rewarded in Heaven a special Crown by our Awesome GOD for their sacrifice on this side of Heaven! Thank you, LORD Jesus for these people you have chosen to be our defenders of America! Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie