Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bedroom Re-arrange with 0 $$$'s spent - part 2

Before picture

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,

How is life today???  
Hope you are having a fun day
where ever you are and what ever
you are doing?

We are having fun, and I will tell you about it soon.........
but want to finish up part 2 of the bedroom re-arrange.

This is a continuation............

so if you'd like to see part 1,  just click here!

This is our comfy cozy reading,  talking and
praying area, and ocassionally sleeping area
 (if we are having trouble sleeping.  lol   
 Notice the pics over the
 love seat, they used to be over the bed before.
  This is now sitting where the dresser was, 
which is the first thing you see as you come
in the door of our bedroom.

Actually this tea cart is the first thing you see.
Decided to put a small lamp on their and use it 
as a table.

Top of our armoire - still trying to decide about the white may redo this yet. 

 Recently I decided to clean out my jewelry box  and take
 out things I rarely wear,  so put them all in the pretty blue box,
 that way if I do want them they are easily accessible,  and 
my jewelry box lid now closes again,  lol,  and it is so 
easy to find things.  

Tip:  Anytime you have a lot of things that you use,
 just not all that often,  but you don't really want to get
 rid of....  take them all and put them in a pretty storage
 box or one of those plastic shoe boxes and store
 them somewhere else.
I did that with my some of my kitchen utensils, and 
stored them in the garage on an easily accessible 
shelf right outside the entry door to our kitchen. 
 It has worked out really great, so that is what made
 me think of the jewelry box issue, and it was a
 great clutter eliminator there as well.....

The gray box stores my everyday earrings, in fact, I am
thinking I should switch that to put my everyday earrings
in the regular jewelry box and my dressier ones in the
gray box.....makes more sense cause I use the every
day one, well,  everyday.  lol     and the dressier ones
 once or maybe twice a week.   hmmm.........
guess I will work on that.

Didn't have anything over my bed until after Mother's Day.......
This was the lovely statement piece from Dee and Jerry.
It looks black,  but it is a bronze color,  I really love it,
but am still not sure if it is too much brown,  course,
I can always paint it white too.

So what do you think???

With the Pure Tommy Bahama look....
Should have turned the spread to the
other side for the total Tommy Bahama
look, cause it is all tropical looking
I will just have to post it again, when
I switch it

Gradient map affect......
Doesn't this make you happy for

With overhead light on...............

With natural light with blinds open

and  with lamps at night time!

We like it any time!!  lol

I tried a number of times to get a good shot of the wall
 arrangement on the right side of the bed but they just
kept coming out so blurry for some reason, so just 
didn't have time to retake them again.

Thanks for sharing in our fun..... 
bedroom re-arrange with me.
 Glad you could stop by,  and 
look forward to hearing from you.

I am linking up to Marty over
at a stroll thru life,  so if you
want to see more decorating
inspiration,  just click here!


I am also linking up to Cindy
at Dwellings,  so to check out
more amazing ideas,
just click here.

Also decided to link up to Elaine
over at Sunny Simple Life, so
go check it out,  just click here!

May the Lord Bless you
and Keep You, until 
we meet again in blogland.

Love and Hugs,


  1. Your bedroom turned out so pretty, I think the re-arrangement works beautifully. Such a pretty room and I really do like the new bedding. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  2. Hi Nellie, Thanks for visiting my blog! Your bedroom redo looks so nice. That's something I need to do myself--hopefully over the long weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Laura from

  3. Hi Nellie, thanks for visiting me yesterday! I really like the metal scroll above your bed. I like the color it is, I think if you paint it white it wouldn't show up as well. I like the bold statement it makes. Don't you love it when you can re-do a room for free?! Great job! Take care, Dawn

  4. Isn't it amazing how just changing things around a bit makes a room seem so fresh and new. How lovely to use gifted bedding, so pretty. I love the piece over the bed. I had to bedding is Tommy Bahama (thanks to HomeGoods).

    I hope you have a fun weekend planned. We will be moving the piled up garage sale things to the garage and pricing things for a sale next weekend. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I hope that we just work ourselves crazy tomorrow and don't drag it out all weekend. I'm selling a couch and loveseat that live in the basement, so I need to take pictures and get those on Craigslist. By Monday we may be too tired to move, but cleaning out things make me very happy when it is over. We will donate all that doesn't sell, but my husband says we have too much at this point to donate! Where does all this stuff come from?

  5. Great tips for the storage of things not used all the time but still wanting to keep! LOVE your retreat Nellie and the scroll work above the bed looks amazing!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday...

  6. Yea, the "glitch" is gone. I can comment! You oak armoire is so shiny! I like your little house.

    I like the color décor of the couch, walls, and floor! It looks so bright!

    The cart looks really nice there!

    I need to rearrange my earrings. I just have them all dumped together!

    I like the color of your accent piece over your bed. It brings out the darker colors in your headboard. It shows well in your black and white picture of it! HA!

    I enjoyed seeing your new arrangement! Love to you all, Susan

  7. Hello!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    Love your bedroom re-do!!

    Very pretty!!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie