Thursday, May 9, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 9, 2013, and Happy Mother's Day!

And why do you worry about clothes? 
See how the lilies of the field grow.
 They do not labor or spin.
 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his
 splendor was dressed like one of these. 
Matthew 6:28-29

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a really great

week,  and that you have experienced
the glorious weather at your house that
we are having here.  I know some of
you are, as you have left comments
to say hope the 
the rest of you are too!

I am gonna let the post speak for itself, as I am

 anxious to get outside and sit on the porch and 
do my devotional reading............

but before that.......

just want to say 
Happy Mother's Day to all you dear sweet
giving and loving Mom's.  Hope you just have
the Sweetest Day,  and that your families
spoil you really good!  lol

May the Lord continue to Bless you in your

endeavors to be the best Mom you can be,
 and May your husband and children praise
 you and  rise up and call you Blessed
 as in Proverbs 31:28.
Again have a lovely Mother's Day!

Flowers for you!

With that said........ 

now on with Thankful Thursday

I am thankful
today is my blogging anniversary of 4 
years, and I have really enjoyed doing
posts, and reading your posts, and 
meeting so many of you sweet friends.
You are all such a wonderful group of
ladies, I have learned oddles of stuff
from you, been encouraged, inspired,
prayed for, blessed and just so happy
to know you all.............
So thanks to all of you who have 
helped make my blogging experience
so wonderful............

Posterized affect.

I am thankful
that we found out some interesting news
this week.  Remember our car died back
the end of February, I think it was......and 
since having it fixed with no guarantees,
 and that we had already sunk over $1,000
 into it just 6 months before,we decided it
 would be more cost affective to buy more
 dependable car that would be cheaper on gas,
 since my hubby has a  bit of a commute to
 work. so our mechanic was going to dispose 
of it, then somehow he found a wrecked car 
that had a fairly new engine with no damage
 to it, so he decided to fix it, so we found 
out that one the kids in our church had been
 saving his money and bought it, and we are 
so happy about that cause he is a great kid. 
We thought this was such a neat story of 
how God works all things together for good
 for those who love the Lord.  We wound up 
getting a newer more reliable car with much
 better gas mileage plus a raise to pay 2/3 
of it, plus what we save on gas completely
covers the car payment, our mechanic did 
the work on the car and was able to sell it to
 this sweet young man,  so the Lord blessed 
about 7 or more people with one situation 
with one car.  amazing!  and we all go to 
the same church. 
 I thought that was very cool.......


I am thankful
and overjoyed to hear the news about
those 3 girls, Amanda Berry,michele Knight, 
and Gina DeJesus and who had been missing
for 10 years have been found. So good to hear 
they have been returned to their loved ones. 
Such great news!


I am thankful
that heaven changes everything.  I saw a
 book by that title last night, written by the 
Burpo's, who also wrote "Heaven is for real". 
 A great book by the way.  Anyway, Got to
 thinking about that title and just how true
that really is..........because when we have
a relationship with Jesus and know that our 
final destination is heaven when we leave
this earth, there is nothing you can miss out 
on, or do... that can ever top heaven.
So no need for a bucket list!  lol
It also means that those who have gone onto
 heaven before you, that you maybe did not 
have great relationships with here, well,those 
relationships will be perfect in heaven. Isn't
that a comforting thought, and then there 
are the ones you love and miss so much,
what a great reunion to look forward to...
Best of all, It means we don't have to worry
 or fear death cause our spirit will never die,
because Jesus died to give us eternal life, as
 the Bible say "to be absent from the body, is
 to be present with the Lord,(2 Corinthians 5:8)
bet I could come up with way more things to
 say if I think more about it, but I want.........
for now anyway.  lol

I am thankful
that our neighbors had a garage sale last
weekend.  They are a very sweet young
couple who have small children.  He came
over to tell us they were having a garage
sale and that they had lots of baby stuff,
just in case we might be interested,since
 they know we have a new grandbaby.

 So went over to check it out and we got a 
very nice carseat that was practically new,
 a boppee pillow, about 15 outfits that are
 in mint condition, 2 pr. of adorable shoes,
 some bibs,hats, leotards, and baby toys,a 
washable fabric book for baby, and a Jesus
 calling book (that is worth $14 at walmart)
 all for $50.00.  
So we were happy campers!! I meant to take
 a few pics before I gave them to Megan, so
 you could see all that cuteness, but forgot!
 story of my life these days!!   lol

I am thankful
for these pretty calla lilies you see
pictured here....hubby saw them at
Sam's and brought them to me, just
to be sweet.............
I think calla lilies are just so neat,
they are sort of a sophisticated
looking flowers, don't you think??


I am thankful
for the new Mother in our family
this year.....and that would be Megan.
She is a wonderful Mom and doing such
a great job with our sweet new lil grand-
daughter who just turned 9 weeks old
on Monday.  We are very proud of her,
and pray the Lord blesses each and
every sacrifice she makes, and every
blessing that she gives to Brooklyn 
and Scott.  Love you honey!


I am thankful
for a lovely night out with my hubby
last night.  We went shopping and out
to dinner at Olive Garden.  I have been
craving chicken marsala, and have left-
overs so get to have it for dinner again
tonight.  works for me!!  lol

Paint daubs affect


I am thankful
for my back porch and yard, as it 
has really been a joy sitting out there
this week.........and really anytime the
weather is nice.  Just adds so much
joy and fun to my life.  It is a great
place of contemplation for me.


I am thankful
for "To Do" lists, cause they keep me
on track and I accomplish so much more
when I have one, otherwise, I can sort
of wonder around aimlessly thinking I
know there is something I should be 
doing but what???  lol


I am thankful
for all the decorations that I have to make
my home look warm, cozy and inviting.
I think they are just one thing that helps

 to tranform a house into a home..........
I sort of consider them the jewels of the
home, like jewelry you would wear to 
enhance an outfit................and I just
love playing with them, and making 
things pretty!! 

For me, the other things are putting God
first place in our lives, then love and grate-
fulness for each family member, and then 
good positive attitudes towards life and
 others, being good stewards of what God 
has given us, by cleaning and taking care
of it, and being careful what we put into
our lives via television, computer, books
and magazines.  Garbage in....Garbage
out............and if I continued to think
about it,  I am sure I could come up with
 some more........but since I want to post
 this soon, I will refrain. lol

I am thankful
I found a fairly new pair of shorts in my
drawer that I had completely forgotten when that happens,
a little like finding buried treasure.  lol

Well, there it is for another week....

Thanks so must for your visit today,
it is always good to hear from you.

Hope you have a Spring Glorious
Mother's Day Weekend!

Love, Hugs,and 
Mother's Day Blessings Galore,


P.S. If you happened to miss yesterdays post,
please scroll down,  as I am introducing you
to a bloggy friend that I think you will
enjoy very much.


  1. Happy Blog-i-versary, Nellie! Where has the time gone?!? Rejoicing in all the goodness of God to you and your family while I enjoy the fragrance of some freshly picked lilacs.....aaaaaaaaaaah!

  2. #1. Doesn't it make you think, "Where do the years go!" You made me realize, I have been blogging for 3 years and you were the one who got me started! Thank you, Nellie. It has been enjoyable!
    #2. It shows the LORD can use anyone and anything for his blessed purposes! It makes me think of the old saying, "What's one man's junk, is another man's treasure!"
    #3. Yes, and I pray for the one in particular who is having difficulty adjusting to "the outside."
    #4. Yes, praise our LORD GOD! To think we will no longer be surrounded by any wickedness or evilness that is of this world; only the glorious presence of our Savior, Holy Father GOD, which we now can't truly even imagine. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered the heart of man what GOD has for us in Heaven!" (I Cor. 2:9)
    #5. What joy when we can get goodies as well as help others in the process!
    #6. They are beautiful, Nellie. It reminds me of your posts of your "White Wednesday."
    #7. "Children are a blessing from GOD!" (Ps. 127:3) Praise GOD for you and Megan!
    #8. The Ladies of my Bible study and I went there this week! It is surely nice to have a meal for the next day too!
    #9. I love listening to the birds! They are so chipper on these springs mornings!
    #10. The only thing with my "to do list" is I no sooner get to the end of it and have to start back at the beginning again, lol!
    #11. It appears the LORD also has much for our "to do lists" as well!
    #12. I've got to get myself some more of the "knit" shorts, if they make that kind now. I have had these two pair for years and they are just about worn out! They are so comfortable and stretchy!
    Live to you all, Susan

  3. Congratulations on your 4th blogging anniversary! How wonderful to have spent four years documenting the things that have meant something in your life! At some point, I want to have a book made (just for my pleasure) of all my posts. Wouldn't that be fun to go over those years again remembering the details that I perhaps have forgotten? Love all the blessings in your life that you are grateful for. I was thinking about the young couple making the point to tell you about their garage sale. Yes.. fabulous finds for you and your grandchild but also I know how grateful they must have been to have sold those items. It works both way!
    Happy Mother's Day, Nellie!!

  4. ...greetings and merry new kindred meet! ~ may thine new week ahead be an awesome one! blessed be!...(O:
    ...(popped in for a visit on request ~ from cinderella moments!)...

  5. Hi Nellie,

    Congrats on your 4 years of blogging! I don't know where the time goes, but it is fun to look back on our blogs and see what we have accomplished or look at how the gardens have evolved. We have so much to be thankful for.

  6. Has it been four years??? That is just crazy!! It seems like just yesterday we were talking about you starting a blog! Love your thankful heart...such a blessing to me.


  7. Happy Blog-versary!

    I love your grateful post!

    It's always wonderful to count blessings!

    And look at lovely flowers!

    Those lilies are scrumptious.

    PS. I like your blog background!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie